Venezuela coup attempt
by ilmdge
469 |
95762 |
March 29, 2021 17:29:25
by MarxUltor
Book Knowledge Contest(?)
by swampman
71 |
12581 |
March 26, 2021 20:02:42
by jyt7rsusd8769w850yjn708stzhbau
The Iraq War Turns 18 Today, And We Couldn't Be Prouder
by filler
21 |
2461 |
March 21, 2021 18:59:40
by cars
bernie sanders was a democrat party advertising campaign
by tears
47 |
6015 |
March 13, 2021 08:54:25
by sovnarkoman
U.S.-funded Hong Kong fascists’ “HK19” “manual” of “tactics” [LINK IN OP] [EARLY ACCESS] [EPIC DEPARTMENT]
by cars
4 |
1340 |
Feb. 28, 2021 06:15:32
by jyt7rsusd8769w850yjn708stzhbau
🥶🥶it’s cold in the great nation Republic of sovereign states. The grand old republiKKK is cold and the power’s out
by cars
32 |
3684 |
Feb. 25, 2021 11:26:44
by cars
The Toronto Housing Action Plan 2020-2030: Dying From Exposure Isn't THAT Bad
by wheatdevil
6 |
2805 |
Feb. 25, 2021 11:24:44
by cars
rhizzone trainchat
by littlegreenpills
176 |
23343 |
Feb. 24, 2021 09:15:46
by Flying_horse_in_saudi_arabia
new user
by helius
18 |
2074 |
Feb. 23, 2021 23:41:12
by pogfan1996
Let's try to make bread
by dipshit420
1 |
755 |
Feb. 9, 2021 13:29:43
by pogfan1996
by jyt7rsusd8769w850yjn708stzhbau
1 |
908 |
Feb. 1, 2021 15:56:22
by jyt7rsusd8769w850yjn708stzhbau
Video gam thread for 2020 **POST ON VIDEO GAME HERE NOW**
by Flying_horse_in_saudi_arabia
675 |
89315 |
Jan. 31, 2021 00:32:44
by tears
Operating systems thread
by parabolart
319 |
48527 |
Jan. 26, 2021 13:54:13
by Mobzy
department of $tate determine$ trump'$ term end$ tonight
by jyt7rsusd8769w850yjn708stzhbau
5 |
1237 |
Jan. 12, 2021 00:44:29
by karphead
[oh shit] torkil lauesen's "principal contradiction"
by stegosaurus
13 |
3833 |
Jan. 11, 2021 18:52:42
by Constantignoble
American Maoism and Surviving Chinese Foreign Policy
by babyhueypnewton
56 |
11930 |
Jan. 5, 2021 17:30:19
by mediumpig
Teachers and Antiteachers
by g7DKVpkTyXaZvn65
8 |
1691 |
Dec. 30, 2020 05:51:07
by colddays
One Divides Into One Thousand
by cars
7 |
1356 |
Dec. 30, 2020 00:58:19
by cars
How to produce cheap, but quality pamphlets and books (asking advice)
by mediumpig
3 |
1278 |
Dec. 29, 2020 03:33:28
by nearlyoctober
what is really sexy in radical/gender politics?
by tears
6 |
1203 |
Dec. 24, 2020 23:18:45
by aerdil
cooking for community
by g7DKVpkTyXaZvn65
31 |
4299 |
Dec. 11, 2020 14:35:33
by tears
Mutual Aid: Too Small to Fail
by pogfan1996
6 |
1297 |
Dec. 4, 2020 19:41:25
by cars
2020 election pre-mortem
by g7DKVpkTyXaZvn65
88 |
10354 |
Nov. 28, 2020 02:22:41
by cars
Twin Cities Uprising: The Whole Damn System is Guilty As Hell
by pogfan1996
527 |
77556 |
Nov. 24, 2020 11:37:36
by tears
The Left Case for Trump 2: The "Legend" of "the "Left "Case"" ""For Trump"""
by swampman
209 |
30968 |
Nov. 22, 2020 09:58:08
by shriekingviolet
What are the rhizzone wearing?
by g7DKVpkTyXaZvn65
38 |
5238 |
Nov. 8, 2020 17:40:01
by tears
Theses on animal liberation
by g7DKVpkTyXaZvn65
8 |
1642 |
Oct. 30, 2020 17:03:50
by Flappo
Monroe Doctrine MMMegathread
by c_man
64 |
14403 |
Oct. 26, 2020 23:04:25
by trakfactri
Killing the policeman inside our head: or, The internet makes you stupified
by Flying_horse_in_saudi_arabia
101 |
10585 |
Oct. 21, 2020 01:43:55
by second_axiom
Totally Not a Coup Thread
by RedMaistre
20 |
3887 |
Oct. 19, 2020 18:24:09
by Acdtrux