Laissez's Faire [RSS Feed]
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so what’s up with this latest UFO op by the gangs of Washington by cars 70 9267 Aug. 22, 2023 05:26:58 by lo
"FULL AND CONSCIOUS SUBJECTION": INSIDE A MAOIST CULT IN AMERICA by Kiyomonster 1 963 Aug. 18, 2023 19:36:15 by shapes
tears education thread for authoritarian communists who believe that low standards are racist and anti-proletariat and setting a detention for dropping a pen is normal and actually good by tears 77 9228 July 3, 2023 01:07:17 by lo
Warsaw rumored to propose or not propose Battle of Megiddo tomorrow (Visegrád Battlegroup) (V4 EU Battlegroup) [POLAND] [SIZZLE] by cars 18 3731 June 10, 2023 06:55:35 by tears
i have some problems with techno-fetishist solutions to entrenched social problems by le_nelson_mandela_face 706 134094 May 29, 2023 19:13:41 by tears
trucks by cars 13 2804 May 29, 2023 02:03:28 by gay_swimmer
Finland’s social democrats join NATO; immediately rewarded with election loss to further-right, more pro-NATO party by cars 3 968 April 5, 2023 20:17:04 by Populares
Take my wife... by force! by swampman 34 7749 April 4, 2023 17:43:09 by str_el_boi
cop shoot man MEGATHREAD by le_nelson_mandela_face 606 125280 April 1, 2023 21:24:23 by cars
math thread by g7DKVpkTyXaZvn65 417 70536 March 28, 2023 07:51:36 by zhaoyao
newest mass lines by Plants 2 725 March 1, 2023 08:03:43 by gay_swimmer
United $naKKKe$ is doing "Wuhan lab leak" hoax again but this time it's the Good Democrat CIA kind so it's a reset and different. by cars 49 5974 Feb. 27, 2023 16:59:47 by tears
what are some good reasons to think that Russia is capitalist? by Plants 48 2471 Feb. 27, 2023 16:57:38 by tears
i am not mustang by Plants 5 735 Feb. 27, 2023 04:20:00 by Plants
attention . . . please delete all my posts by Acdtrux 10 942 Feb. 25, 2023 22:42:54 by cars
International Women's Day 2023 by Acdtrux 0 412 Feb. 23, 2023 08:17:58 by Acdtrux
"War Declared on China" Threadholder Place by cars 2 981 Feb. 14, 2023 07:36:22 by cars
Let's read: Capital by proceduraldialectics 31 5064 Jan. 27, 2023 16:34:38 by tears
if you're just visiting by swampman 10 1328 Jan. 25, 2023 09:11:53 by zhaoyao
The Left and the UC Strike by babyhueypnewton 10 2243 Jan. 7, 2023 12:45:34 by swampman
drugs (a.k.a drugs) run the globe (conspiracy thread spin off) by tears 131 53002 Dec. 29, 2022 18:41:49 by c_man
Happy holidays by swampman 5 1009 Dec. 26, 2022 07:30:02 by Populares
Rest in peace Jose Maria Sisson by lo 0 649 Dec. 17, 2022 21:56:57 by lo
Countdown to the Death of the Fake Amerikkkan Ekkkonomy by wheatdevil 31 4981 Nov. 30, 2022 19:34:40 by tears
Pol Pot's posting palace by lo 7 1338 Nov. 26, 2022 06:05:55 by lo
The Left Case for Kanye West by thirdplace 11 2262 Nov. 25, 2022 22:30:39 by tears
how effective is jacobin as a dsa front by Urbandale 153 27782 Nov. 19, 2022 20:13:54 by zhaoyao
tHh tears inst itute of deep-state MK-ULTRA research pproudly presents some original researchTM by tears 121 28781 Nov. 19, 2022 20:13:33 by cars
is there something particularly "wrong" with the usa medical system? by swampman 112 21110 Nov. 19, 2022 14:19:11 by realsubtle
Memory lane by sunny 8 873 Nov. 17, 2022 05:12:09 by kinch