So called the bereaved widow (who wasn't there) of the guy who killed himself by tasering his balls, even before the static electricity had a chance to dissipate and his hair stopped standing on end with sparks running up it, to ask her if her dead husband tasered himself to death (via balls) to which she could only reply in defense of his honour that no, he was just a big fat loser who flopped over on the sidewalk before even getting inside.
RIP taser balls, the most comprehensively owned person of 2021 (week 2)

This is beautiful, please share.
— Kevin (@doug_person5) January 13, 2021

karphead posted:still laughing at kops and troops killing kops and troops

Edited by cars ()
cars posted:best part of the “insurrection” thing is that Trump’s only able to be charged with insurrection because this was about as much an insurrection as a college town riot on the night of the big championship. It didn’t challenge the government’s stability, it barely even delayed the event it was meant to interrupt, everyone involved just walked right back out. Even violent conflict is empty pageantry for the theater kids of the bourgeois “”””Republic“”””
The cops seemed to wait for them to get bored once they were inside, just delaying them for a little bit before walking them back out. I think the people involved have also been expecting somebody else in the federal bureaucracy to intervene on their behalf all along. It's a whole thing with the QAnon types who believe that once The Storm begins, the shadow army within the military and 10th Mountain Division will spring into action and resolve the impasse, lock up their enemies, and solve their problems. It doesn't work out that way, but I think it's pretty much the same thing the Democrats believe. There are 20,000 soldiers in D.C. right now and liberals are furiously saluting the tr00ps.

*plunges knife into nancy pelosi's stomach"
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dizastar posted:i know this might sound wrong and short sighted but maybe our tasks as communists who oppose white nation neofascism isnt to help with police work by identifying those people
No offense but who are you even talking to when you post that on this forum.

cars posted:“an abundance of caution” has identified 12 of 25,000 national guard deployed to Washington as potential assassins who will be assigned to other duties during the inauguration
I'm surprised they found 12 national guard that liked a Black Lives Matter facebook page
Edited by solidar ()
peepaw posted:the rally itself was primarily bankrolled by the daughter of the founder of publix supermarkets
Yeah. the “post left” types rushed to push a line about the rioters as “working class” and Rhizzone poster swampman said Oh just you wait until we have numbers on who they really were. And when those data were gathered the most represented jobs turned out to be like, “small business owner”, real estate person, commissioned-officer Troop and police chief. Lol
cars posted:peepaw posted:the rally itself was primarily bankrolled by the daughter of the founder of publix supermarkets
Yeah. the “post left” types rushed to push a line about the rioters as “working class” and Rhizzone poster swampman said Oh just you wait until we have numbers on who they really were. And when those data were gathered the most represented jobs turned out to be like, “small business owner”, real estate person, commissioned-officer Troop and police chief. Lol
also, "the iced earth guy"
lol remember when their singer left after 9/11 to go become a cop
Constantignoble posted:"the iced earth guy"
there was this kid at school who was really super into like night of the stormrider and when the 9/11 memorial album dropped it was like they'd been shot in the gut
lo posted:im starting to think the 'post left' should stop posting!!
they remind me of the online Stirnerite meme kids, where both groups have accidentally recreated the cutting edge of political clown makeup circa 1999, striving to be as impotent & useless as the self-perceived nadir of the Western left, when the big conversation was what word everyone had to use instead of "socialist" from now on. the main difference is the "post-left" in 1999 went out and shot autofire back-conversions with doomed KKK militiamen while the new ones just smash that Like button
Maybe the undead rapist will stay where he is (the White House), maybe the cop/spook-influenced Small Business Moaners of AmeriKKKa will stay home too this time, maybe we will get to see some new directed-energy weapon blowback that makes stockbrokers vomit, who knows what will happen, like my maman used to say, nothing new under the Sun (US).