Settlers Chapter 12
The maquilas do not constitute any economic development for Mexico. They are just labor-intensive intrusions of U.S. manufacturing. It isn't just the profits that go to the U.S. oppressor nation. The U.S. receives both the super-profits and the consumer products themselves, while retaining all the white-collar managerial, professional, clerical, technical and distributive jobs made possible by the production. Even in this form - of giving Mexican women employment at wages five times the usual rate in the rural areas - the imperialist looting has a destructive effect on the social fabric. The border maquilas gather women from all over the unoccupied zone, while helping to force jobless men north across the artificial border.
my economic knowledge is poor but i thought in the most exploited countries the native merchants/companies were bought/driven out by foreign multinationals so the local population had no choice but to accept the lower wages and working conditions. this passage seems to suggest the opposite unless i'm misunderstanding something here or it's an isolated case
Synergy posted:i'm getting close to the end now, but i had a question about this paragraph:
Settlers Chapter 12
The maquilas do not constitute any economic development for Mexico. They are just labor-intensive intrusions of U.S. manufacturing. It isn't just the profits that go to the U.S. oppressor nation. The U.S. receives both the super-profits and the consumer products themselves, while retaining all the white-collar managerial, professional, clerical, technical and distributive jobs made possible by the production. Even in this form - of giving Mexican women employment at wages five times the usual rate in the rural areas - the imperialist looting has a destructive effect on the social fabric. The border maquilas gather women from all over the unoccupied zone, while helping to force jobless men north across the artificial border.
my economic knowledge is poor but i thought in the most exploited countries the native merchants/companies were bought/driven out by foreign multinationals so the local population had no choice but to accept the lower wages and working conditions. this passage seems to suggest the opposite unless i'm misunderstanding something here or it's an isolated case
I think (but could be wrong--I read that passage a while ago and also have a less developed economic knowledge) in this case and many others where statistics show that the wages working in multinational factories are higher than what people in developing nations would normally get, they are comparing urban manufacturing with rural farming. The expansion of manufacturing in developing countries comes at the expense of small scale farming that would normally make up the economy. So rather than subsisting off local agriculture, the rural population goes off to be wage slaves in dangerous and repressive factories, and then spends the money on imported foods and goods from other multinationals--but the "wage" is technically higher, though the day-to-day lives of the people are arguably worse.
rolaids posted:I think (but could be wrong--I read that passage a while ago and also have a less developed economic knowledge) in this case and many others where statistics show that the wages working in multinational factories are higher than what people in developing nations would normally get, they are comparing urban manufacturing with rural farming. The expansion of manufacturing in developing countries comes at the expense of small scale farming that would normally make up the economy. So rather than subsisting off local agriculture, the rural population goes off to be wage slaves in dangerous and repressive factories, and then spends the money on imported foods and goods from other multinationals--but the "wage" is technically higher, though the day-to-day lives of the people are arguably worse.
does anyone have some in-depth articles about this? i keep finding stuff about low wages and working conditions but not much about widespread effects
some minor things to get out of the way:
- a couple of chapters were really long vs others, not sure why he didn't just split them up
- i think it would have helped to explain the "k" spelling style and basic communist ideology to reach a wider audience
- i was excitedly waiting for a chapter on the black panthers that never came
- the last chapter felt a little rushed and unbalanced, i get what he was trying to say but i felt he could have tied the whole thing together a lot better
- there didn't really seem to be much of a solution but maybe that's discussed in his new book?
my thoughts and reactions to real life now:
- this book has forever changed how i view settler society and it's sad to me that 99.9% of people will never read it
- i can't walk into a retail store without feeling uncomfortable now, so much unnecessary garbage everywhere brought into existence through sheer misery
- whenever i turn the radio on and hear DJs chatting about completely trivial things i daydream about all the words that could have been said instead
- my middle class co-workers are preoccupied with sports talk and team clothing and every other mundane discussion with complete disregard for anything else going on in the world
- and i know despite all this, eventually the book will fade from my mind and the full crushing wave of settler propaganda will "settle" me back into my old ways until i'm reminded of it again here or elsewhere
4.5/5 angry settlers
on a positive note, i asked a relative of mine if they would be interested in reading a book about oppression in america and they said "yeah, i guess" so i bought a copy of settlers. they know some of my political views and have read some brief articles i've sent them about imperialism but i'm probably going to include a page with a few quick definitions to some words like "bourgeoisie" or "proletariat". so i was wondering if any of you have suggestions for a quick starter for someone that probably gets all their news from tv or magazines?
i'm having trouble understanding the below passages:
In the Black Hills of South Dakota, a sacred Sioux religious and cultural area that U.S. corporations want to rip up for uranium and other minerals, the U.S. congress has voted the Lakota Nation $1.5 billion as a final settlement. But the struggle goes on, because the Lakota have officially refused the money — they want their land and sovereignty, instead. Did you ever think you’d see the day when white people were trying to force an indigenous nation to take $1.5 billion?
This is why the U.S. ruling class didn’t blink an eyelash at the $3–4 billion that Japanese-American reparations will eventually cost.
what does the U.S. ruling class have to gain from giving Japanese-Americans reparations? the Lakota Nation example makes sense since the empire is trying to take the land and resources but the Japanese-Americans don't have that so what's the drive?
Until 1988, committing genocide wasn’t a felony, not even a misdemeanor, in the U.S. It’s no coincidence that after stalling for 40 years, the U.S. Senate finally completed ratifying the international genocide treaty at the same session that approved Pribilof Aleut and Japanese-American reparations.
he mentions this as a reason i guess but it seems like kind of a stretch that the U.S. Senate would care that much about public perceptions of previous genocides. i feel like there has to be a deeper reason for elite settlers to care
But what the U.S. Empire is doing now is more about preparations than reparations, i.e., preparing their Empire to do New Afrikan genocide
is he talking about the massively increased prison population here or something else? what more damage could be done?
Synergy posted:on a positive note, i asked a relative of mine if they would be interested in reading a book about oppression in america and they said "yeah, i guess" so i bought a copy of settlers. they know some of my political views and have read some brief articles i've sent them about imperialism but i'm probably going to include a page with a few quick definitions to some words like "bourgeoisie" or "proletariat". so i was wondering if any of you have suggestions for a quick starter for someone that probably gets all their news from tv or magazines?
What is Marxism all About? is published by WWP and is basically a solid 1-3 page explanation of a bunch of different socialist terms. ive found it pretty helpful to quickly explain things for a while.
e: it was mentioned as the FIST guide above.
Edited by JohnBeige ()!RDRVBAQb!LX5dNNPJd2AHNbxS9VqxwswosV1btiWQaAbsaW4rtvo
done to the best of my abilities, missing a few sources that will probably require book buying,
available here:!FaYgSaJD!7lkQg_pBCN8hKhIfaUdRGMftqkqQTZq2g8dDuDWdWtI
There are some really interesting things in Sakai's references for this chapter like harold M. Baron's "the demand for black labor" in March-April 1971 "Radical America" magazine
well worth having a flick through these references during your next annual reading of settlers
Reference Notes
"14. ibid.; AMADO GUERRERO, Philippine Society and Revolution, Oakland 1979, p. 16-19" should be updated to say "14. ibid.; AMADO GUERRERO, Philippine Society and Revolution, Oakland 1979, p. 16-19 (p.11-13 in this version)"
"19. CARL SCHURZ, "American Imperialism," convocation address at the University of Chicago, January 4 1899 p. 6" should be ammended to say "19. CARL SCHURZ, "American Imperialism," convocation address at the University of Chicago, January 4 1899 p. 6 (should read p. 6-8)"
"21. C. VANN WOODWARD, Tom Watson: Agrarian Rebel, N.Y., 1963 p. 370-380" should be ammeneded to say "21. C. VANN WOODWARD, Tom Watson: Agrarian Rebel, N.Y., 1963 p. 370-380 (believed to be referencing 320-321 & 370-380)"
"27. ibid., p. 85" should be ammended to say "27. ibid., p. 85 (should read p. 82)"
"28. ibid., p. 80-81" should be ammended to say "28. ibid., p. 80-81 (should read p. 74, 80-81)
Errors spotted in chapter 5 text
the link on the picture caption: "A chain gang in Fulton County, Georgia in the 1890s. (source)" returns an error for me
"But at the turn of the century the development oftenrailroad systems,"
should read
"But at the turn of the century the development of railroad systems,"
11. HON. JOHN F. SHAFROTH, "The Army Bill and Philippine Policy." Waashington,
should read
11. HON. JOHN F. SHAFROTH, "The Army Bill and Philippine Policy." Washington,
The settler anti-imperialist movement that arose in opposition to these conquests focussed on the Philippines
should read
The settler anti-imperialist movement that arose in opposition to these conquests focused on the Philippines
It was also closely tiedto the reform wing of the Democratic Party,
should read
It was also closely tied to the reform wing of the Democratic Party,
the Populist Party got almost one - third of the vote
should read
the Populist Party got almost one-third of the vote
There 1s no longer, in any meaningful terms, any working class struggle within settler society there.
should read
There is no longer, in any meaningful terms, any working class struggle within settler society there.
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="settlers.css">
<div id = "content">
<h4><< <a href = "ch6.html">VI</a> | <a href = "text-index.html">CONTENTS</a> | <a href="ch8.html">VIII</a> >></h4>
tears posted:chapter 6 is a complete mess, sakai gets references mixed up all over the place, do not worry i will fix this for you
that was purposely to throw off the Feds'. The Art of War, it's in there somewhere.
America is not a nation “built by immigrants.” It is a nation built by settlers that subsequently attracted millions of immigrants
— Dinesh D'Souza (@DineshDSouza) April 6, 2018
Caesura109 posted:However I noticed that western society maintains a "work ethic" culture, unlike the spoilt neo-feudalistic culture in the Gulf where expensive gadgets and monthly oversees vacations are not seen as hard work paying off, but a boon from heaven itself in the form of natural gas wealth.
the narrative around oil wealth in canada sure sounds a lot more like "boon from heaven" (our god-given natural resources!!! Alberta is rich and this is ours!!!) than "hard work paying off"
Edited by drwhat ()
Synergy posted:i noticed the new version has the article "Cash & Genocide: The True Story of Japanese-American Reparations"
i'm having trouble understanding the below passages:
In the Black Hills of South Dakota, a sacred Sioux religious and cultural area that U.S. corporations want to rip up for uranium and other minerals, the U.S. congress has voted the Lakota Nation $1.5 billion as a final settlement. But the struggle goes on, because the Lakota have officially refused the money — they want their land and sovereignty, instead. Did you ever think you’d see the day when white people were trying to force an indigenous nation to take $1.5 billion?
This is why the U.S. ruling class didn’t blink an eyelash at the $3–4 billion that Japanese-American reparations will eventually cost.
what does the U.S. ruling class have to gain from giving Japanese-Americans reparations? the Lakota Nation example makes sense since the empire is trying to take the land and resources but the Japanese-Americans don't have that so what's the drive?
Until 1988, committing genocide wasn’t a felony, not even a misdemeanor, in the U.S. It’s no coincidence that after stalling for 40 years, the U.S. Senate finally completed ratifying the international genocide treaty at the same session that approved Pribilof Aleut and Japanese-American reparations.
he mentions this as a reason i guess but it seems like kind of a stretch that the U.S. Senate would care that much about public perceptions of previous genocides. i feel like there has to be a deeper reason for elite settlers to care
But what the U.S. Empire is doing now is more about preparations than reparations, i.e., preparing their Empire to do New Afrikan genocide
is he talking about the massively increased prison population here or something else? what more damage could be done?
i don't got answers i just read this. i gotta say i been a marxist for 20 years and i still learn fucked up shit like this on the regular. damn
About a little guy that lives in a white world
And all day and all night and everything he sees is just white
Like him inside and outside
Believing that the wartime labor shortage had permitted "too many" Chicano-Mexicanos to live inside the occupied territories, the Empire started a gigantic military campaign to partially depopulate and terrorize the Southwest. Under the cover of the 1952 McCarran-Walter Immigration and Nationality Act, a reign of armed terror descended upon the Chicano-Mexicano communities. This was CIA population regroupment strategy in textbook form.
Command of the campaign was held by INS Commissioner Lt. General Joseph Swing (an open racist and a veteran of Gen. Pershing's U.S. expedition into Mexico in 1916). Swing organized a series of barrio sweeps, with pedestrians stopped and homes broken into; often without hearing or any bourgeois legal formalities, the selected Mexicanos would be taken at gunpoint to trains and deported. Homes were broken up and communities terrorized. Some with valid residency papers and U.S. "citizenship" were deported. Others, suspected of being revolutionaries, were arrested for "immigration" offenses. Virtually all the militant Chicano-Mexicano labor activists were victims of this campaign.
The overall numbers are staggering. In 1953 Swing's paramilitary units deported 875,000 Mexicanos. In 1954 the number seized and deported was 1,035,282 - more than were deported throughout the 1930s. Even in 1955 and 1956, after the main job was done, 256,000 and 90,000 Mexicanos respectively were deported. How massive this was can be seen from the fact that in 1941 an estimated 2.7 million Chicano-Mexicanos lived in the U.S.-occupied territories, while the 1953-56 population regroupment drive uprooted and deported 2.2 million Chicano-Mexicanos. This was the fruit of "The War for Democracy."
also night vision was a bit of a letdown. the content is solid but the presentation is, as furr put it about settlers, 'not marxist' enough. more than half of the book is long quotes so it feels more like an effortpost idk
A team comprised of geological and environmental science researchers from Stanford University has been studying the impact that early European exploration had on the New World and have found evidence that they say suggests the European cold period from 1500 to 1750, commonly known as the Little Ice Age, was due to the rapid decline in native human populations shortly after early explorers arrived... The researchers say that the population decrease, which came about due to the introduction of previously unknown diseases, led to the rapid reforestation of the Americas. This led to a sudden increase in the amount of carbon dioxide being pulled from the air, which meant the atmosphere wasn’t able to hold as much heat, which led to colder air covering Europe.
The team, led by visiting scholar Richard Nevle, came to this conclusion after analyzing charcoal remnants in soil and lake sediments left behind by early American inhabitants as they burned forests to make room for farmland. They found that starting approximately 500 years ago, the charcoal accumulations came to a virtual standstill, coinciding with the death of native peoples.
Nevle et al then got out their calculators and crunched the numbers. They estimate that for a population of some 40 to 80 million indigenous people, the total amount of deforested land would likely have amounted to something the size of California. And since most estimates suggest that close to 90 percent of the native peoples died or were killed after the Europeans arrived, that meant most of that land returned to forest. That many trees, they say, all of a sudden appearing, almost as if out of nowhere, could have resulted in a loss of some 2 to 17 billion tons of carbon dioxide from the air. To further bolster their argument, they say that core samples taken from the ice in Antarctica have air bubbles in them that show a reduction of carbon dioxide by 6 to 10 parts per million between 1525 and the early 1600s.
death to amerika
slipdisco posted:on an optimistic note, here's the ecological case for repeating settler history but this time as white genocide,
A team comprised of geological and environmental science researchers from Stanford University has been studying the impact that early European exploration had on the New World and have found evidence that they say suggests the European cold period from 1500 to 1750, commonly known as the Little Ice Age, was due to the rapid decline in native human populations shortly after early explorers arrived... The researchers say that the population decrease, which came about due to the introduction of previously unknown diseases, led to the rapid reforestation of the Americas. This led to a sudden increase in the amount of carbon dioxide being pulled from the air, which meant the atmosphere wasn’t able to hold as much heat, which led to colder air covering Europe.
The team, led by visiting scholar Richard Nevle, came to this conclusion after analyzing charcoal remnants in soil and lake sediments left behind by early American inhabitants as they burned forests to make room for farmland. They found that starting approximately 500 years ago, the charcoal accumulations came to a virtual standstill, coinciding with the death of native peoples.
Nevle et al then got out their calculators and crunched the numbers. They estimate that for a population of some 40 to 80 million indigenous people, the total amount of deforested land would likely have amounted to something the size of California. And since most estimates suggest that close to 90 percent of the native peoples died or were killed after the Europeans arrived, that meant most of that land returned to forest. That many trees, they say, all of a sudden appearing, almost as if out of nowhere, could have resulted in a loss of some 2 to 17 billion tons of carbon dioxide from the air. To further bolster their argument, they say that core samples taken from the ice in Antarctica have air bubbles in them that show a reduction of carbon dioxide by 6 to 10 parts per million between 1525 and the early 1600s.
death to amerika
that's a very cool idea although i believe the actual amount of land clearance versus forest management by native americans is still something that's fairly hotly debated.