swampman posted:Steg how about you assign chapters out to people, they can edit the OCRed out text and PM it to you..? I'll take a chapter
and you have my bow
you guys can do a quicker version just to get it up sooner if you want to.
cars posted:if you are reading settlers why not also read Basic Politics of Movement Security by the same author.
Sure. I'll put it on the list.
Have any Sanders liberals read Settlers yet?
ilmdge posted:Have any Sanders liberals read Settlers yet?
fape posted:
these people are so deep in the trenches of their war vs hillary that they think im a hillary supporter for some reason lmao
fape posted:And you guys say it's the rednecks that aren't worth recruiting.
anyone is worth recruiting, really. you just shouldn't have to compromise your own views to meet them half-way.
like i remember certain ppl in ye olde LF encouraging de-emphasizing LGBT rights and abortion in order to "win over" NASCAR dads or whatever. i guess it is similar to certain lefties (such as myself at times, admittedly) glossing over Sanders' pro-imperialist stances.

fape posted:The Berniecrat movement has been a real seat-of-the-pants affair - thrown together almost at the last minute, full of missteps and fumbles, etc. And they've already accomplished more in a single year than decades of far-left parties bickering among themselves about who is the True Marxist. Somehow after over a century and a half the majority of these people have still not figured out that Marx's approach - assess what's wrong with capitalism, then encourage a populist uprising - was not a want ad for thinkpieces. It was a call to action, for each of us to go out into our communities and start organizing. It took me a long time to figure this out, so I'm not trying to look down my nose at anyone when I say this. But it would be nice if people would stop clinging to a failed strategy. Because ultimately the failure of the left to actually organize is a not insignificant part of the reason why this country is sliding into the abyss, since we weren't around to put up a united front against the kind of people who spend all day trying to figure out an excuse for why sweatshops, ecological collapse, and mass death are actually A Good Thing.
jesus christ
2. encourage a populist uprising
3. ??
4. profit
ill do the marketing???

1. PDF copy available of A Message to the Black Movement which you can find here: http://www.crepusculum.org:3711/domus/lf/BLA_AMessageToTheBlackMovement.pdf
Note that the page number is 16, not 18 as referenced in the footnote guide
2. (FOOTNOTE NUMBER MISSING) Purchased "The Negro and the American Labor Movement", essay collection, edited by Julius Jacobson. Will scan the relevant pages as needed.
3. (FOOTNOTE NUMBER MISSING - Chapter XIV, Paragraph 10) - PDF copy available of ""Black Coal Miners in the United States" here: http://www.crepusculum.org:3711/domus/lf/NYDEN_BlackCoalMinersInTheUnitedStates.pdf
Purchased "The Negro Almanac" by Ploski & Marr, will scan the relevant pages as needed.
4. see 2
6. Took image of page 20 from "The American Coal Miner", whole report is available here (https://catalog.hathitrust.org/Record/000042217) for someone with a partnered university account. Here's the image of the relevant page: http://www.crepusculum.org:3711/domus/lf/PRESIDENTSCOMMISIONONCOAL_TheAmericanCoalMiner_Pg20.png
Could not locate an online copy "Liberation for the Oppressed Nations and Peoples of Southern Africa" which appears to be a presentation at the Organizing Conference to Stop Southern African Coal in Atlanta, GA on Feb 1-2, 1975...HOWEVER, I did find a pdf of Radical America, Vol.9, No.3 in which an edited version appears: http://www.crepusculum.org:3711/domus/lf/RadicalAmerica_Vol9No3.pdf
7. see 2
8. see 6
9. Could not locate this pamphlet online
10. Purchased "Organized Labor and the Black Worker" by Froner, will scan relevant pages as needed.
11. see 10
12. Not sure what interview Sakai is referencing, but I found an article on Jordan Sims here in the Workers Vanguard (page 3): http://www.crepusculum.org:3711/domus/lf/WORKERSVANGUARD_No.83_Oct311975.pdf
If more of this needs to be done I'll pick another chapter...
Duke Library has a scan of All Africa is Standing Up. I suppose one way to get it would be to ask via north carolina craigslist. How does a normal get jstor access again?>
swampman posted:you bought those books to corroborate Settlers?
that and they seemed like they'd be worth reading. i bought them all used for less than $30 bucks - they might also be referenced in the other chapters but I didn't check, so they might come in handy on other chapter footnotes.
also, there's a dude that has a pretty wicked collection of archival leftist material here: http://radicalarchive.tumblr.com/post/67960754400/all-africa-is-standing-up-african-liberation but I didn't follow up to see if he had the volume of "All Africa Is Standing Up" that I was looking for.
swampman posted:Duke Library has a scan of All Africa is Standing Up. I suppose one way to get it would be to ask via north carolina craigslist. How does a normal get jstor access again?>
imo just start emailing grad students at http://literature.duke.edu & tell them what you want and why, it's the comstock lode of bourgeois marxians & there's bound to be someone cool in there somewhere
fape posted:readsettlers.org still doesn't work BTW
it works.
icecrystal posted:so i'm sure a lot of us are white. did any of you have a hard time reading this?
Um, you know that non-white people are perfectly capable of writing legibly and intelligibly, right? No I didn't have to decipher any bizarre grammar or crude pictograms..