tears posted:the bit that made me especially laugh is the idea that "j sakai" is a collaborative project of multiple authors - of all the contemporary marxist authors out there this is the one you think is a group effort - like buddy, have you even read any of his prose? give me a mechanism, give me anything, throw me a frickin bone here
maybe it's the inevitable result of how the term "agency" has been extended unquestioningly from fictional characters to real-life human beings. The belief that no one could possibly have an idiosyncratic writing style if that quirk hadn't been cooked up by a writers' room to make them more believable

filler posted:https://skeptomai.substack.com/p/the-origin-of-settlers-part-ii-jhttps://skeptomai.substack.com/p/origin-of-settlers-part-iii-the-precursor
"Sakai is an anarchist fake-Maoist revisionist, if he's even real"
*does the most basic research into the New Left and the black liberation movement*
"My God...the conspiracy goes even deeper than I imagined"
this was by far the funniest development from this skeptomai guy. "Woah... Weatherman?? Black Liberation Army???"

chickeon posted:maybe if you tell us what it is someone else can do so
guessing they meant The Antifada, I think the full episodes are only on their Patreon feed.
karphead posted:i will be taking readmarxeveryday down over the weekend. it's hosted on google cloud and i want to get off. it will be back up in some other capacity afterwards. if anyone wants anything from it after it's down send me a pm.
do no evil my ass
ok just noticed this. i guess this has been intermittent
bydo posted:chickeon posted:maybe if you tell us what it is someone else can do so
guessing they meant The Antifada, I think the full episodes are only on their Patreon feed.
https://www.slsknet.org "Yarrrr"