
Peelzebub posted:

he said "i don't like the pants" and i just started laughing lol..

i.. feel you brother

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I don't get drunk off of that. It's like the equivalent of drinking 5 beers in 4 hours. Which is babby's first DYTD
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2 glasses of wine is enough for me. i havent had alcohol in weeks. my only caffeine comes from chocolate milk. i think i accidentally became straightedge

discipline posted:

is it normal or weird to drink a whole bottle of wine in 4 hours? I feel like 4 hours is spacing it out

four hours is definitely spacin it out. i typically finish it off in a couple of hours then pour a whiskey,.

if i feel like i want a rush i just do a bunch of pushups
Or contemplate the virtue of chastity

discipline posted:

is it normal or weird to drink a whole bottle of wine in 4 hours? I feel like 4 hours is spacing it out

if you ever feel like DYTD in public you can uncork the bottle and drink it all in one pull. it's a great party trick and might help inspire other people to DTTD. if i can do it, you can.

drinking non-alcoholic vodka during night shift atm
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Peelzebub posted:

drinking non-alcoholic vodka during night shift atm

its time for an intervention guac

i meant water by that btw
I'll be drinking margaritas shortly. Busy selling people booze right now, doing my part DYTD
I was really looking forward to a bottle of wine like all day and then I got home and saw something online which reminded me of the existence of cinco de mayo so i was obligated to make a margarita.

offered one to my alcoholic roommate who immediately bitched that it "burned" and took a few minutes to make the connection that once i told him my formula, experimentally derived using the finest of Marxist/Leninist/DYTDist thought (juice of one lemon, one lime, two shots orange liqueur, three shots tequila. shake with 2 ice cubes) meant there was 5 shots in his glass. Ehh. i'm not the one that has to go to work in 6 hrs.
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gwap please don't drink diet liquor.
there was a tabloid in the supermarket aisle this evening advertising a miracle bloody mary diet, with an appropriate vodka ratio and everything. it was a very life affirming DYTD moment
risking the probation: don't drink gwap. you're not very good at it. find something else.

wasted posted:

risking the probation: don't drink gwap. you're not very good at it. find something else.

the only way to get good at something is to practice

i've lost a lot of the interest in doing so having back to back work days with school. guess i just drank because i was bored.
its the primary reason i drink. that and crushing despair and loneliness.
oh yeah, that...
i live with a roommate and still experience barely shielded crushing despair and loneliness
yea, gwap leave this forum and don't look back. also sober up. tia
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im dreaming of rusty nails and will probably be drinking them shortly
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tpaine posted:

i should have been a pair of ragged claws scuttling across the floors of silent seas

i literally only browse this forum when falling down drunk and i have to say that these five second films are really fucking slaying me
this morning I had unexpected work to do while deathly hungover, so I fixed up a classic cure: the Amber Moon. everyone has their own idiosyncratic version, so here's mine:

crack one egg into a lowball glass. don't allow your shaking hands to break the yolk. add one shot olive oil, one shot cheap scotch, a generous amount of worcestershire and a dash of tobasco. throw in a pinch of salt and some fresh cracked black pepper. stir gently. trying not to think about the hideous thing in your glass, guzzle it all back in one go. you'll be feeling remarkably better in no time!

shriekingviolet posted: