I'm a utopian socialist and I Vote
To be sure, he who never liveth at the right time, how could he ever die at the right time? Would that he might never be born!--Thus do I advise the superfluous ones.

But even the superfluous ones make much ado about their death, and even the hollowest nut wanteth to be cracked.

Every one regardeth dying as a great matter: but as yet death is not a festival. Not yet have people learned to inaugurate the finest festivals.

The consummating death I show unto you, which becometh a stimulus and promise to the living.

His death, dieth the consummating one triumphantly, surrounded by hoping and promising ones.

Thus should one learn to die; and there should be no festival at which such a dying one doth not consecrate the oaths of the living!

Thus to die is best; the next best, however, is to die in battle, and sacrifice a great soul.
im a utopian in the tradition of bloch and derrida..... but utopia without death would be agony, it would be hell. a world without pain would have no poetry. cyclone kid has the robot utilitarianism of a consummate autist. shoot him, shoot him, shoot the fucker

deadken posted:
To be sure, he who never liveth at the right time, how could he ever die at the right time? Would that he might never be born!--Thus do I advise the superfluous ones.

But even the superfluous ones make much ado about their death, and even the hollowest nut wanteth to be cracked.

Every one regardeth dying as a great matter: but as yet death is not a festival. Not yet have people learned to inaugurate the finest festivals.

The consummating death I show unto you, which becometh a stimulus and promise to the living.

His death, dieth the consummating one triumphantly, surrounded by hoping and promising ones.

Thus should one learn to die; and there should be no festival at which such a dying one doth not consecrate the oaths of the living!

Thus to die is best; the next best, however, is to die in battle, and sacrifice a great soul.


derrida deriders: despisers of derring-do?

Crow posted:
humanity spread across the world not because they feared death, but because they actively sought it in order to attain victory, you dont leave your tribe and all you know to build a new life because youre afraid of death. you dont conquer half of the known world because you fear death


i'm kinda wary of people that say progress doesnt exist, it may be a problematic term btu i LOVE doing problems
there is progress but not towards any particular telos. the benjaminian catastrophe is the best model of history. the revolutionary act is not a continuation + consummation of the forces of history but a moment of rupture, a chasm, a reprieve

Crow posted:
the reason why transhumanism is pathetic, is that it rests on that obsessive and weak fear, which drives most cowardly and 'evil' actions.

*spits out coffee on the monitor of my laptop running Second Life in disbelief*

Fuckin g weaome. I just split on my monitor why Lolling
lets kill cyclonebaby and not because he deserves it or because he is afraid to die but simply because god told someone to. who He told we don't know and it certainly wasn't any of us but we are assuming the message was lost in the mail but ultimately the will of the Creator must be carried through by his righteous servants. perhaps that will redeem him in the eyes of God
no you're in the right fer sure, you can make a useful distinction between pioneer of virgin soil and bloke in laboratory striving for 3.7% Efficiency Gain In Viagra Synthesis

Cycloneboy posted:

futurewidow posted:

EmanuelaOrlandi posted:

can we go back to the part where goldsmith said he raped some chicks or something and he felt bad about it so now no one should have sex w/ someone they don't love?

i missed this entirely

i would like to know more about this.

Would you like to learn more? You would like to learn more.

Gender Thread -> Talk About Rapes You've Done Megathread
it's like i'm really at wddp

Skylark posted:
Gender Thread -> Talk About Rapes You've Done Megathread

at 0 ive made less rapes than at least two rhizzone posters.

i dont think youre a rapist goatsmith

Groulxsmith posted:
it's like i'm really at wddp

can take the groulsmith out the wddp but you can't take the wddp out the groulsmith


Goethestein posted:

Skylark posted:
Gender Thread -> Talk About Rapes You've Done Megathread

at 0 ive made less rapes than at least two rhizzone posters.

being a virgin isnt an accomplishment goatstein


aerdil posted:
being a virgin isnt an accomplishment goatstein

actually in this sin cursed world for a man to resist temptation is a great achievement! i pray every night that god continues to preserve my manhymen from the she-demons that stalk this fallen land with their sinful enticing fleshnubbins

I haved raped over 5000000... childhoods that is!! I'm George Lucas
[account deactivated]
It is only the Bible's account of a perfect world marred by sin that explains why this world is the way it is. Therefore, Christians shouldn't tell non-Christians that this is a beautiful world God made. We can tell them that there is a 'remnant' of beauty in this fallen creation. The venomous animals, stinging plants, disease-causing bacteria, etc. were not this way before sin. Everything has changed because man rebelled against God.
everything changed when god shattered the world and cursed all life with death and pain forever because two less-than-retards were tricked by the greatest liar in the universe
well how do you explain Why This World Is The Way It Is jort stain

deadken posted:
It is only the Bible's account of a perfect world marred by sin that explains why this world is the way it is. Therefore, Christians shouldn't tell non-Christians that this is a beautiful world God made. We can tell them that there is a 'remnant' of beauty in this fallen creation. The venomous animals, stinging plants, disease-causing bacteria, etc. were not this way before sin. Everything has changed because man rebelled against God.

"O you, who are blaming the world, who have been allured and enticed by it, and have been tempted by its false pretenses. You allowed yourself to be enamored of, to be captivated by it and then you accuse and blame it. Have you any reason or right to accuse it and to call it a sinner and seducer? Or is the world not justified in calling you a wicked knave and a sinning hypocrite? When did it make you lose your intelligence and reasoning? And how did it cheat you or snake false pretenses to you? Did it conceal from you the fact of the ultimate end of everything that it holds, the fact of the sway of death, decay and destruction in its domain? Did it keep you in the dark about the fate of your forefathers and their final abode under the earth? Did it keep the resting-place of your mothers a secret from you? Do you not know that they have returned to dust? Many a time you must have attended the sick persons and many of them you must have seen beyond the scope of medicine. Neither the science of healing nor could your nursing and attendance nor your prayers and weeping prolonged the span of their lives, and they died. You were anxious for them, you procured the best medical aid, you gathered famous physicians and provided best medicines for them. Death could not be held back and life could not be prolonged. In this drama and in this tragedy did the world not present you with a lesson and a moral?

Certainly, this world is a house of truth for those who look into it carefully, an abode of peace and rest for those who understand its ways and moods and it is the best working ground for those who want to procure rewards for life in the Hereafter. It is a place of acquiring knowledge and wisdom for those who want to acquire them, a place of worship for the friends of God and for Angels. It is the place where prophets received revelations of God. It is the place for virtuous people and saints to do good deeds and to be assigned with rewards for the same. Only in this world they could trade with God's Favors and Blessings and only while living here they could barter their good deeds with His Blessings and Rewards. Where else could all this be done? Who are you to abuse the world when it has openly declared its mortality and mortality of everything connected with it, when it has given everyone of its inhabitants to understand that all of them are to face death, when through its ways it has given them all an idea of calamities they have to face here, and through the sight of its temporary and fading pleasures it has given them glimpses of eternal pleasures of Paradise and suggested them to wish and work for the same. If you study it properly you will find that simply to warn and frighten you of the consequences of evil deeds and to persuade you towards good actions, every night it raises new hopes of peace and prosperity in you and every morning it places new anxieties and new worries before you. Those who passed such lives are ashamed of and repent the time so passed abuse this world. But there are people who will praise this world on the Day of Judgment that it reminded them of the Hereafter and they took advantage of these reminders. It informed them of the effects of good deeds and they made correct use of the information it advised them and they were benefited by its advice".

theistically speaking, god is an inept vindictive tyrant
telos schmelos
it is a dastardly and pervasive conspiracy of socio-economic interactions and geo-atmospheric phenomena
[account deactivated]
thats an awesome roommate
fucking with my roommate. They were together, fucking with, each other. He was fucking with her, and she was also fucking with, with him.
I walked in on my best friend fucking with my roommate. My roommate was asleep and she was very carefully placing his hand in a glass of lukewarm water on his bedside table.
Someday she broke up with her boyfriend because he had cheated her. He told her he would only charge her $30/hr in labor for putting a new catalytic converter in her 4Runner but actually charged the regular rate of $75/hr, and denied it even when confronted with incontovertible evidence.
When I was in a market in peking I saw a package of green diapers and the label said GENDER like that was the brand name
youll find that the diapers in canton are superior to those in peking
[account deactivated]