the best part about trying to be genuinely non-threatening and understanding is that it makes me automatically suspect. it's like "there must be a catch here." and there totally is even if it's not what i'm doing at all.

i'm not even talking about anyone who would be reading this forum. that's how amazing it is.
what do you mean?
i don't want to talk about it

aerdil posted:
girls dont exist

ive certainly never seen one


dm posted:
i don't want to talk about it

actually it's fine because i literally have a long thread about all of the shit that's difficult to talk about atm. like i'm kinda disturbed by how much sense this makes:

Myfanwy posted:
I was trying to explain how, when your'e a very conventionally attractive girl, ,the united states both opens and closes for you. When you are a fashion model girl with impeccable personal style, people pay attention to you. People care about things you do that they may hand wave from a fat man or a girl with really bad acne. But, they want you to be a few specific things, and if you aren't those, you basically are ignored until you conform to expectations.

And there is nothing more socially coercive than exclusion. Being ignored hurts.

only instead of appearance it's The Conquest and all of that. the pressure isn't just from other guys either! it's like "no, seriously, i really don't want to treat you like that" and when i don't it's like there might be something wrong with me because The Conquest is always supposed to be about repetition.


dm posted:
i don't want to talk about it

I just didn't know if specifically in this thread, over all on this forum or another forum, or actually in real life. Sorry if I'm being too inquisitive here


dm posted:
the best part about trying to be genuinely non-threatening and understanding is that it makes me automatically suspect. it's like "there must be a catch here." and there totally is even if it's not what i'm doing at all.

i'm not even talking about anyone who would be reading this forum. that's how amazing it is.

if you radiate love you must also radiate a certain.. confidence. sometimes you can make it up with looks, certain people just 'look' more trustable, attractive people frequently have that quality (like patrick bate-men). but i know plenty of males that have this sort of universalized 'love' down, they just have to back it up with some sort of strength of conviction and confidence. just keep your head up, people's insecurities aren't your faults, that's the key to remember.

yeah and also with that kind of internal hermeneutics of suspicion machine i think its more than capable automatically suspecting anyone; once it gets past a couple of iterations youre in a vizzini's poison paradox (to coin a phrase) and nothing external can stop it. not that its even an unreasonable machine to be running with things such as they are. there was an old terence mckenna thing i saw where he was talking about living as far into the future as you can, in the context of course of virtualizing the attractor at the end of history. its stuck with me but for my own lived intelligibility i go with a sci-fi representation, which i am acknowledging as stupid enough for me to perform the gesture of hiding it behind a spoiler,
of course you gotta think this in contexts of oppression. all of this i consider to fall out of any sort of ethical way of being towards your thrownness. im not sure this constitutes a coherent train of thought but the place i wanted to end up at is that basically its the point where a generic encounter (in which you must act according to universality--how else!) becomes a particular, contingent, existential encounter, which you may just have to let go. trust the other, comrade mitsein; stick with it without getting stuck as the saying goes. incidentally, im not sure this is strictly germane but the other day it occurred to me that that one bit in the 1844 manuscripts that hardt is fond of quoting ("Private property has made us so stupid and one-sided that an object is only ours when we have it") is as strong a condemnation of the metaphysics of presence as youll find anywhere else.

i know very well that you know this, as its just sort of a longer way of saying what you said at the top of the page. i felt like pontificating, postesis

Crow posted:

dm posted:
the best part about trying to be genuinely non-threatening and understanding is that it makes me automatically suspect. it's like "there must be a catch here." and there totally is even if it's not what i'm doing at all.

i'm not even talking about anyone who would be reading this forum. that's how amazing it is.

if you radiate love you must also radiate a certain.. confidence. sometimes you can make it up with looks, certain people just 'look' more trustable, attractive people frequently have that quality (like patrick bate-men). but i know plenty of males that have this sort of universalized 'love' down, they just have to back it up with some sort of strength of conviction and confidence. just keep your head up, people's insecurities aren't your faults, that's the key to remember.

thanks, that gets pretty much right to the heart of it. also notice that you didn't have to ask that question. you know the one. that's good because it's really awkward when i give people the answer that would have made asking it pointless anyways. pretty awkward, but not on our part. it's like you're supposed to wear a belt with notches in it for all of the "kills" you've collected and i'm supposed to feel naked if i don't bring it along with me

i'm just coming out of a pretty bad depression and it's like waking back up to all sorts of weird shit about the world again. friends are trying to set me up, which is fine, but i'm remembering all of the dumb shit too and it's actually kinda funny. i may have to go along but i don't have to do it quietly!

e: here is a picture of me for rhizzone btw because everyone is always curious anyways


Edited by dm ()

its much better to ruthlessly exploit everyone you meet imo. an ethics of aesthetics
there are a few genuinely good and kind people. i know a couple. in my weaker moments i even envy them. but i can never become them, and there's a strange solace in that fact
it's ok, i'm sure you're close enough
the Conquest is always a phyrric victory; in the long run it produces nothing but misery. this is what nobody wants to admit, because the conquest is our master-signifier, we have succeeded in reducing everything down to the libidinal. the thing is that it's true. the rock of our church is suspended in a void. we need a new lie
eat shit Conquest-havers

deadken posted:
the Conquest is always a phyrric victory; in the long run it produces nothing but misery. this is what nobody wants to admit, because the conquest is our master-signifier, we have succeeded in reducing everything down to the libidinal. the thing is that it's true. the rock of our church is suspended in a void. we need a new lie

that reminds me of a phrase that C. Wright Mills coined after reading The Second Sex when it was originally published:

In so far as an economy is so arranged that slumps occur, the problem of unemployment becomes incapable of personal solution. In so far as war is inherent in the nation-state system and in the uneven industrialization of the world, the ordinary individual in her restricted milieu will be powerless - with or without psychiatric aid - to solve the troubles this system or lack of system imposes upon him. In so far as the family as an institution turns women into darling little slaves and men into their chief providers and unweaned dependents, the problem of a satisfactory marriage remains incapable of purely private solution. In so far as the overdeveloped megalopolis and the overdeveloped automobile are built-in features of the overdeveloped society, the issues of urban living will not be solved by personal ingenuity and private wealth.

yeah thats true, gender relations are Beyond Fucked, the satisfactory marriage is impossible, & thats because patriarchy hurts men too... i get yelled at occasionally for saying it but its still true, to a lesser degree maybe but i don't really think you can quantify mass psychological distortion. i support womens struggle but i do so from across an insuperable chasm... every time i commit Conquest it's further impressed on me how alienated we all are from each other, how intimacy has become a function of alienation...
deep shit br0
yah like totally dude. lets go to thailand for spring break innit.
i think im going to mexico actually, where i plan to fuck a third world prostitute for marxism
Hilarious! Ironically...
my pet name for my dick is Mr. Praxis

deadken posted:
my pet name for my dick is Mr. Praxis

my pet name for my diarhea shits is deadken the gay child

please dont post pornography, thanks. mods?

babyfinland posted:

deadken posted:
my pet name for my dick is Mr. Praxis

my pet name for my diarhea shits is deadken the gay child

thats rly creepy

cum to san francisco instead so we can COnquest each other

Some Aussie sexuality for y'all/
[account deactivated]
real talk t money i have a tattoo on my body that includes the word 'fuck' i will leave it up to you to figure out the rest
ok it says "fuck the world"
[account deactivated]
wtf is a conquest haver?

aerdil posted:
cum to san francisco instead so we can COnquest each other

so that's why you want to buy me a drink then, is it? and i thought you cared about my personality

I always make the effort to wine, dine and seduce myself before I masturbate. AutoConQuest is so much more fulfilling

deadken posted:
yeah thats true, gender relations are Beyond Fucked, the satisfactory marriage is impossible, & thats because patriarchy hurts men too... i get yelled at occasionally for saying it but its still true, to a lesser degree maybe but i don't really think you can quantify mass psychological distortion. i support womens struggle but i do so from across an insuperable chasm... every time i commit Conquest it's further impressed on me how alienated we all are from each other, how intimacy has become a function of alienation...

nah, you just dont wanna believe that your 'suffering' is a juvenile personal problem. love is possible, but it's never what kids think it is. love isnt possible for those that talk in terms of "conquest" or w/e. you've let stupid kid thinking infect you, and it's gonna take years to shake it off. believe me, ive been there too

"the" human condition? hah!

eat shit lovehavers
eat shit baby boy

animedad posted:

deadken posted:
yeah thats true, gender relations are Beyond Fucked, the satisfactory marriage is impossible, & thats because patriarchy hurts men too... i get yelled at occasionally for saying it but its still true, to a lesser degree maybe but i don't really think you can quantify mass psychological distortion. i support womens struggle but i do so from across an insuperable chasm... every time i commit Conquest it's further impressed on me how alienated we all are from each other, how intimacy has become a function of alienation...

nah, you just dont wanna believe that your 'suffering' is a juvenile personal problem. love is possible, but it's never what kids think it is. love isnt possible for those that talk in terms of "conquest" or w/e. you've let stupid kid thinking infect you, and it's gonna take years to shake it off. believe me, ive been there too

"the" human condition? hah!

idk man, maybe what he's saying is juvenile (i don't read his posts) but i'm pretty sure his feelings are genuine and can't be solved by 'dispelling illusions' or whatever