lol a c-section is significantly more dangerous than the natural method.
plus she'll have a huge scar that will probably make goatstein stop loving her

Goethestein posted:
lmao good luck with that hilarious abdominal scarring. maybe you can leverage your fatally diminished value as a woman and a human being on a porno set or at a truck stop. sorry I'm not enough of a delusional manchild to keep up my sham marriage to a broken human being! hey wait what do you mean i can't see my daughter


littlegreenpills posted:

Goethestein posted:
lmao good luck with that hilarious abdominal scarring. maybe you can leverage your fatally diminished value as a woman and a human being on a porno set or at a truck stop. sorry I'm not enough of a delusional manchild to keep up my sham marriage to a broken human being! hey wait what do you mean i can't see my daughter

That's very mean.
The c section was her choice and I believe that women have the right to choose , unlike some people
[account deactivated]
have you ever wondered why you're so easy to parody

Cycloneboy posted:
what is the function of the stomach? is it to digest food? obviously. is that why the stomach exists? in a meaningful sense, yes. why not call it purpose?

"function" and "purpose" don't mean the same thing even in regular speech, much less in evolutionary theory

in any case it's invalid to point to a trait's function and say "that's why x trait exists", traits arise prior to their adaptive value being expressed, are normally multifunctional, and most traits of interest are governed by genetic regulatory networks that are not independent of those governing other traits. unless you've worked out stomach or ballsack genetics and done selective pressure experiments on the governing alleles you can't even say a trait was selected for a particular function with any certainty

My function is as a smarmy child punching-bag. This will be my purpose..

littlegreenpills posted:
have you ever wondered why you're so easy to parody

i assume its because i like to post things that are outrageous because they make you mad.


shennong posted:

Cycloneboy posted:
what is the function of the stomach? is it to digest food? obviously. is that why the stomach exists? in a meaningful sense, yes. why not call it purpose?

"function" and "purpose" don't mean the same thing even in regular speech, much less in evolutionary theory

in any case it's invalid to point to a trait's function and say "that's why x trait exists", traits arise prior to their adaptive value being expressed, are normally multifunctional, and most traits of interest are governed by genetic regulatory networks that are not independent of those governing other traits. unless you've worked out stomach or ballsack genetics and done selective pressure experiments on the governing alleles you can't even say a trait was selected for a particular function with any certainty

a things function is its purpose. hope that helps *flies away on a cloud of nanites*

[account deactivated]
i am an ethical vegetarian irl, and unironically it makes me a better person than you

Goethestein posted:
The c section was her choice and I believe that women have the right to choose , unlike some people

going to "choose" an unnecessary surgery on the recommendation of my doctor, who just wants me to get out of the OB/GYN as fast as possible.


Cycloneboy posted:

Goethestein posted:
The c section was her choice and I believe that women have the right to choose , unlike some people

going to "choose" an unnecessary surgery on the recommendation of my doctor, who just wants me to get out of the OB/GYN as fast as possible.

my wife really wanted to be surprised and spend 30 hours in labor beginning at 1 am on a tuesday but that bitch of a doctor just browbeat her into submission

this is a perfect opportunity for a giant head/tiny vagina joke. possibly with some sideways flair. you guys are slipping
yeah, 30 hours doing the normal WHO-prescribed method of giving birth, way better than fucking dying because you had a date the next night.

Goethestein posted:

shennong posted:

Cycloneboy posted:
what is the function of the stomach? is it to digest food? obviously. is that why the stomach exists? in a meaningful sense, yes. why not call it purpose?

"function" and "purpose" don't mean the same thing even in regular speech, much less in evolutionary theory

in any case it's invalid to point to a trait's function and say "that's why x trait exists", traits arise prior to their adaptive value being expressed, are normally multifunctional, and most traits of interest are governed by genetic regulatory networks that are not independent of those governing other traits. unless you've worked out stomach or ballsack genetics and done selective pressure experiments on the governing alleles you can't even say a trait was selected for a particular function with any certainty

a things function is its purpose. hope that helps *flies away on a cloud of nanites*

so you + rich richey over there, both of yalls purpose is to get beat up. excellent

just 15 more minutes till we get to kingwood. cycloneboy what is your address??

Cycloneboy posted:
yeah, 30 hours doing the normal WHO-prescribed method of giving birth, way better than fucking dying because you had a date the next night.

cycloneman you have about as much business telling people how to give birth as i have telling barry bonds how to play baseball

yes, dr. fisher's office? hi laura, john goatstein. fine, thanks. so i think we're gonna go ahead and do it the natural way. well, an autistic teen virgin said that it doesnt make a lot of sense. on the internet. yes. stop laughing!!
so did the World Health Organization.
im sure the natural birthing method is generally superior infection- and bleeding-wise when giving birth in the yurt, but in the portions of the world where we have a surplus of sutures and a deficiency of wild dogs to steal the afterbirth its not so bad

Goethestein posted:
im sure the natural birthing method is generally superior infection- and bleeding-wise when giving birth in the yurt, but in the portions of the world where we have a surplus of sutures and a deficiency of wild dogs to steal the afterbirth its not so bad

no, it goes for developed countries like Japan too.

see: http://blogs.scientificamerican.com/observations/2010/01/11/elective-cesarean-sections-are-too-risky-who-study-says/

cycloneman do you sincerely believe that any combination of words you could arrange from the library of babel could possibly cause me to take life advice from you seriously
[account deactivated]

Goethestein posted:
cycloneman do you sincerely believe that any combination of words you could arrange from the library of babel could possibly cause me to take life advice from you seriously

it's cool that your wife is is more likely to literally die from complications due to her c-section and you're obsessed with winning points on the internet.

what a sociopath.

if my wife dies i will buy you a coke. toxx
[account deactivated]
why are you even having a baby anyway. why ruin your vagina or live with horrible abdominal scars when you can outsource giving birth to some poor woman in the boonies. these days you can even check the baby beforehand for FAS and get one that's white enough to be worth loving.
goatstein and goatwife don't "make" "decisions", they are the mere tool of their selfish genes
[account deactivated]

futurewidow posted:
why are you even having a baby anyway. why ruin your vagina or live with horrible abdominal scars when you can outsource giving birth to some poor woman in the boonies. these days you can even check the baby beforehand for FAS and get one that's white enough to be worth loving.

thats racist. mods?

its weird that patriarchy hasn't figured out how to eliminate c-section scars yet, i will be raising this issue at the next meeting
[account deactivated]
[account deactivated]

futurewidow posted:
why are you even having a baby anyway. why ruin your vagina or live with horrible abdominal scars when you can outsource giving birth to some poor woman in the boonies. these days you can even check the baby beforehand for FAS and get one that's white enough to be worth loving.

Uh, poor people's genes are all fucked up and defective much? Nice troll attempt though.

can we go back to the part where goldsmith said he raped some chicks or something and he felt bad about it so now no one should have sex w/ someone they don't love?