
EmanuelaOrlandi posted:
can we go back to the part where goldsmith said he raped some chicks or something and he felt bad about it so now no one should have sex w/ someone they don't love?

i missed this entirely


futurewidow posted:

EmanuelaOrlandi posted:
can we go back to the part where goldsmith said he raped some chicks or something and he felt bad about it so now no one should have sex w/ someone they don't love?

i missed this entirely

i would like to know more about this.

[account deactivated]
i have money that i'm investing like a Responsible Adult. i'd explain the mathematics to you, but i doubt you'd understanding them.
Explain the mathematics to me, that's my area of expertise. Also, discipline is studying financialization, so I imagine she probably knows more about the effect your blood money has on humanity than you can begin to suspect.

Cycloneboy posted:
i doubt you'd understanding them.

lmao yes i doubt youd understanding something that i pay people to do for me

you know i don't really mind being called out for that post especially in a forum with people who know better but post a lot of postmodern garbage (or even nonsense about free will) that justifies doing whatever they want in the sexual realm

Groulxsmith was probated until (March 28, 2012 05:36:58) for this post!


Groulxsmith posted:
you know i don't really mind being called out for that post especially in a forum with people who know better but post a lot of postmodern garbage (or even nonsense about free will) that justifies doing whatever they want in the sexual realm

what is the nonsense about free will

cycloneman i bet you use a spreadsheet with lagrange multipliers to maximize your expected portfolio return

Crow posted:

Groulxsmith posted:
you know i don't really mind being called out for that post especially in a forum with people who know better but post a lot of postmodern garbage (or even nonsense about free will) that justifies doing whatever they want in the sexual realm

what is the nonsense about free will

i don''t remember if it was this thread or the prostitution one but it was a pretty strong implicit endorsement of the idea that if two people ~want~ sex that's good enough


Groulxsmith posted:
a lot of postmodern garbage (or even nonsense about free will) that justifies doing whatever they want in the sexual realm

beautiful little strawman


Crow posted:
Explain the mathematics to me, that's my area of expertise. Also, discipline is studying financialization, so I imagine she probably knows more about the effect your blood money has on humanity than you can begin to suspect.

80k at 9% post-inflation AAR w/ additions of 11.5k (45k*.7-20k) every year will produce an account with ~1M after 20 years. 1M w/ a perpetuity of 2% grants 20k per year, every year, until the stars burn out.

[account deactivated]
if there's a revolution my stacks of gold bullion won't be much good either.
[account deactivated]
cycloneboy, for a marxist you're one hell of a positivist

Groulxsmith posted:
cycloneboy, for a marxist you're one hell of a positivist

uh, it's called SCIENTIFIC socialism for a reason.

[account deactivated]
or alternatively post a .xls detailing it
use mathematics the language of nature

discipline posted:
Cyclonebaby please describe in 250 words your ideal world

everyone lives forever and pain is nonexistent.


Cycloneboy posted:

Crow posted:
Explain the mathematics to me, that's my area of expertise. Also, discipline is studying financialization, so I imagine she probably knows more about the effect your blood money has on humanity than you can begin to suspect.

80k at 9% post-inflation AAR w/ additions of 11.5k (45k*.7-20k) every year will produce an account with ~1M after 20 years. 1M w/ a perpetuity of 2% grants 20k per year, every year, until the stars burn out.

Now here's what you're gonna do. You're gonna calculate the monotonic series that converges on the point (∞) at which you become a worthless counterrevolutionary and revisionist in every sense of the word, completely rejecting even the label 'communist'. k=80,000 btw, and you can only show your work dialectically (which i suspect you are not capable of)


Cycloneboy posted:

discipline posted:
Cyclonebaby please describe in 250 words your ideal world

everyone lives forever and pain is nonexistent.

There you have it folks.

Lin Biao: "in the end, the essence of revisionism is the fear of death."


Cycloneboy posted:

discipline posted:
Cyclonebaby please describe in 250 words your ideal world

everyone lives forever and pain is nonexistent.

socialism- an indefinite status quo with no consequences

lol if your ideal world doesn't abolish death.
lmao yes i too believe socialism is the desire to return to the womb. is that why you are so upset about c sections cycloneboy? they won't let you use one to go back?

Cycloneboy posted:
lol if your ideal world doesn't abolish death.

i have been asking for three years now and no one has been able to competently explain why the workers paradise is superior to transhumanism.
hmm maybe i get the full value for my labor farming potatos on a collective farm. or maybe i become an immortal cloud of matter-rearranging nanites. tough call
haha ya ima jiust trust an electrical engineer, guy whose credo is "if it doesn't work, find another group to blame", to design a nanoscale machine to house my immortal soul
ima become a really big punchcard machine probably, its easier to repair

Goethestein posted:
i have been asking for three years now and no one has been able to competently explain why the workers paradise is superior to transhumanism.

pretty much almost everyone here is above your level of competence

transhumanism, in its fantasy manifestation, is fear of death, and thus will end in a much greater disaster than a conception of 'workers' paradise'

the reason why transhumanism is pathetic, is that it rests on that obsessive and weak fear, which drives most cowardly and 'evil' actions. if you mean transhumanism in the sense of aiming at realizing the truth of humanity's potential, and not a baying and baahing of frightened sheep, then there's nothing wrong with it. if you mean it in the popular expression, it is pathetic and will be wiped out by stronger, more truthful people and ideas.

why do you think loser nerds are so obsessed with it? you can't build any strong foundation on fear, i don't care if you personally share that fear. youre hands will be to shakey.

[account deactivated]
you spit at those who wish to transcend death, to ascend, for your will has been inverted by the perversion of collectivism and you hunger for death and mediocrity. read some ayn rand ftw
luminous beings are we....not this crude matter! - john galt
hahaha but seriously, you wont be able to accomplish any great or lasting things, not to mention immortality, if you dont actually welcome death in your pursuit of it, if you dont even seek it. humanity spread across the world not because they feared death, but because they actively sought it in order to attain victory, you dont leave your tribe and all you know to build a new life because youre afraid of death. you dont conquer half of the known world because you fear death, and definitely not if you want to go colonize other planets or 'transfer your consciousness to a nano-machine' or whatever.

but many people do fear death, and they dream up these ideas to try to defy death, to live forever, but they're weak because of it. nerd "transhumanism" easily fits that. its not just a utopia, but a utopia that opens the possibility of no redemption whatsoever, of eternal laziness.

of course, in the West there's also Nietzsche's overman, and Plato's philosopher king, and Machiavelli's Prince, and endless other variations, so i know a positive, fearless ideal of it is possible. just not the stupid futurist nerd fantasy, that is so far beyond the horizon in a technological sense, not to mention a political, social, and personal sense, that we may as well strive for concrete universal liberation, with the eventual goal of determining our path in such a radical way as to become some sort of 'transhuman'. like, we cant even collectively decide on which retard should run the country into the ground, how are we gonna decide on Immortality? duUHHH
haha cycloneboy doesn't even have a hedge fund. I bet they don't even let him on the platinum member level golf courses either
much like cycloneboy who is shut out from here (until he Pays his Dues), what do you think will happen if immortality is found? you think your lowly ass would get any of it? or would the Immortal few keep you around as disposable flesh, like they've been doing since time immemorial? you think you will be a billionaire anytime soon? you may as well fight for universal human liberation, you definitely wont ever be a transhuman with the way things are going
uh yeah I'm more of an ideas guy for the revolution. you can do the shooting and stuff.
[account deactivated]