[account deactivated]
i dunno if i posted this alrdy but i'm reading Fanshen and it's a great book and prty inspiring

AmericanNazbro posted:

are you a subscriber henry



HenryKrinkle posted:

AmericanNazbro posted:

are you a subscriber henry


is your name really henry henry? i guess youre just a taxi driver fan

[account deactivated]

Hitler posted:

i dunno if i posted this alrdy but i'm reading Fanshen and it's a great book and prty inspiring

Shenfan is really good too, if you wanna read about incomprehensible cultural revolution stuff

hey y'all whats a good major
in College.
[account deactivated]
My undergraduate education in the science of history made me the man I am todya.
[account deactivated]
rhetoric, dialectic and grammar

tentativelurkeraccount posted:

in College.

electrical engineering

Try attending the school of hard knocks like yours truly instead and majoring in cashing checks or breaking necks & I'd recommend Cornell for graduate education in getting made, getting paid, and getting laid. If you want to see if its something that might interest u check my thesis "Ass, grass or cash: nobody rides for free"
STEM or bust. sociology, theology, economics or marketing.

tentativelurkeraccount posted:

hey y'all whats a good major

ask yourself: am i already a billionaire. if the answer is no, major in geology

if you dont want to be an oilman then just drop out and go to air conditioner repair school

HenryKrinkle posted:


takin' paypal donations for this, i will attend, espousing the philosophy of my mentor, libertarian blogger for the CATO institute glenn greenwald, and report back here

holy fuck that nsfw dinner party sponsored by topix? haha every small town in the country has its own forum to out gays, blame niggers, and talk shit about everybody, hahaha topix
i start university on monday, i think i'll start a White Student Union

m. krull vs. the kliman
Holy Shit.
My God, mccaine just got dusted. It's like I'm in a Marxist version of Friday, and I'm right there, sitting on the porch watching the fight unfold in real time, yelling "Damn!!" as mccaine gets uppercut 10 feet into the air. rip mccaine.org; a lone tear trickles down my cheek as I drag the bookmark into the recycle bin.

AmericanNazbro posted:

My God, mccaine just got dusted. It's like I'm in a Marxist version of Friday, and I'm right there, sitting on the porch watching the fight unfold in real time, yelling "Damn!!" as mccaine gets uppercut 10 feet into the air. rip mccaine.org; a lone tear trickles down my cheek as I drag the bookmark into the recycle bin.

i know you dont smoke weed...i know this, but im gonna get you high today. cuz its friday, you aint got no job, and you aint got shit to do!

this fight is ON. the response is gonna be some krull and unusual punishment
hahahhaha he refers to him by his first name

Ironicwarcriminal posted:

i start university on monday, i think i'll start a White Student Union

as if any respectable australian school doesnt already have one

petition to change Australia to "Aidsfailure"
i read a pdf file of an internet argument today
sorry,an internet MARXIST argument, which means it was worth it

idk mark. i already know libertarianism is shit but i think i can link to libertarian research on police brutality once and a while w/o becoming a libertarian, imho.
do you
what I really want to read for the rest of my life is yasha levine making pun after pun about the koch brothers

stegosaurus posted:

what I really want to read for the rest of my life is yasha levine making pun after pun about the koch brothers

yeah do you

[account deactivated]
5'd if only for that dudes resume, he included at the bottom

"Avid sports fan, music buff and political junkie. Completed first marathon in 2001, will run my second in October 2002. I have a beautiful Sharpei/Lab named Harper"