the best place to get ebooks is this thread on amazing chinese language maoist forum wengewang. all the ifile.it links are dead unfortunately but if you look them up on libgen.info most of them have been reuploaded there. Good luck and god bless
Self-Steeling is the name of my upcoming mixtape

where our nightmare began

slumlord posted:

i use my ereader so much less than i did in the halcyon days of library.nu

libgen dot org. LIBGEN DOT ORG!!!

just finished caliban and the witch (ownage imo) and now reading capital which is pretty cool but also wrong all the time. like why does it have to start off with the labor theory of value instead of all the good stuff?
im reading I'm Not Stiller. predictable, i can already tell the big twist at the end is that he is stiller. will not see the movie when it comes out

jools posted:

slumlord posted:

i use my ereader so much less than i did in the halcyon days of library.nu

libgen dot org. LIBGEN DOT ORG!!!


NoFreeWill posted:

just finished caliban and the witch (ownage imo) and now reading capital which is pretty cool but also wrong all the time. like why does it have to start off with the labor theory of value instead of all the good stuff?

because in part marx is taking the piss out of the style of actual political economy works of the time

well, NoFreeWill, Communism is good in theory but in practice, well, we all know what happened there.

HenryKrinkle posted:


Trotsky Dies at the End


corey posted:

hi there sorry to interrupt but does anyone know where a fella could get some free books around her.

pdf of Farm to Factory by Robert C. Allen . . .


and um lol the grover furr book about khrushchev


both ridiculously large files because im incompetent w/ computers idk
i'm reading lies. language is a lie
what's Grover Furr's deal? he seems unhinged
[account deactivated]

Makeshift_Swahili posted:

what's Grover Furr's deal? he seems unhinged

he debated mccaine

domenico losurdo's defence of stalin is apparently much better but is also only in italian

Makeshift_Swahili posted:

what's Grover Furr's deal? he seems unhinged

http://msuweb.montclair.edu/~furrg/ someone one-upped anti-dialectics.co.uk


NoFreeWill posted:

just finished caliban and the witch (ownage imo) and now reading capital which is pretty cool but also wrong all the time. like why does it have to start off with the labor theory of value instead of all the good stuff?

i have no clue what you mean or are trying to say. cheers

i met Grover a couple of weeks ago at a conference. he always looks like he's just been fishing. Nice guy though
is this any good http://www.goodreads.com/book/show/2295605.Another_View_of_Stalin

stegosaurus posted:

my kindle self destructed and I just lost an ebay auction for a replacement so I'm done with that garbage for now

my ex got me one 3 years ago and 3 times i've broken it through my own incompetence or inebriation and each time i've called amazon and blamed the product for passively 'breaking' and some lovely irish call centre person has sounded sympathetic and sent me a new one.

this is standard convict morality but i don't know if your conscience would let such fraud pass

also Yolo


Hitler posted:

is this any good http://www.goodreads.com/book/show/2295605.Another_View_of_Stalin


Sounds epic...

[account deactivated]
how big does a tablet need to be before it's any good for reading pdfs
i read fuck and destroy on my iphone
our circus presents... it is really funny

HenryKrinkle posted:


"As my father lay dying and his private nurses washed him, made him comfortable and gave him his medication, they also lingered gently over his private parts as they sponged him. These were mountain girls from the state of North Carolina to whom death and sex were integral with life."

[account deactivated]
[account deactivated]
[account deactivated]
[account deactivated]

MadMedico posted:

HenryKrinkle posted:


"As my father lay dying and his private nurses washed him, made him comfortable and gave him his medication, they also lingered gently over his private parts as they sponged him. These were mountain girls from the state of North Carolina to whom death and sex were integral with life."

lol jesus christ

Intimacy in an Iron Lung
by John Christie
Author of Fuck and Destroy
im really bloody minded so i used www.cutepdf-editor.com/‎ to crop the enormous margins from extant pdf files and make them far more readable on kobo/kindle, it isn't as irksome as one would expect
lgp i use a program called Bris for that lol