
bourgeois morality

Makeshift_Swahili posted:

http://akliman.squarespace.com/storage/A%20Defense%20of%20Pluralism%207.24.13.pdf m. krull vs. the kliman

What is missing from this formulation, and from his blog
post as a whole, is the fact that our paper is a political intervention,
part of a struggle for pluralism. His dichotomy between philology, on the one hand, and theoretical and empirical analysis, on the other, omits the political dimension and makes no room for it.

Kliman may have the same problem but at least in words he acknowledges that Marxism is the philosophy of praxis and not a bunch of wealthy homosexual academics.

Still not as good as the old Grover Furr smackdown on McCain.

babyhueypnewton posted:

Still not as good as the old Grover Furr smackdown on McCain.

what was this?

grover furr defended stalins honor against liberal trot mccaine
i started reading the shanghai economic textbook
someone post the furr smackdown

Makeshift_Swahili posted:

http://www.nytimes.com/2013/07/27/opinion/the-charitable-industrial-complex.html?ref=opinion&_r=2&bourgeois morality

that guy is on the right track

cacographic bookshitters

Lysenko posted:

cacographic bookshitters

ehh, i'm not that into dominique laporte

-- By Nicanor Parra

If you want to get to the heaven
Of the little bourgeois, you must go
By the road of Art for Art's sake
And swallow a lot of saliva:
The apprenticeship is almost interminable.

A list of what you must learn how to do:

Tie your necktie artistically
Slip your card to the right people
Polish shoes that are already shined
Consult the Venetian mirror
(Head-on and in profile)
Toss down a shot of brandy
Tell a viola from a violin
Receive guests in your pajamas
Keep your hair from falling
And swallow a lot of saliva.

Best to have everything in your kit.
If the wife falls for somebody else
We recommend the following:
Shave with razor blades
Admire the Beauties of Nature
Crumple a sheet of paper
Have a long talk on the phone
Shoot darts with a popgun
Clean your nails with your teeth
And swallow a lot of saliva.

If he wants to shine at social gatherings
The little bourgeois
Must know how to walk on all fours
How to smile and sneeze at the same time
Waltz on the edge of the abyss
Deify the organs of sex
Undress in front of a mirror
Rape a rose with a pencil
And swallow tons of saliva.

And after all that we might well ask:
Was Jesus Christ a little bourgeois?

As we have seen, if you want to reach
The heaven of the little bourgeois,
You must be an accomplished acrobat:
To be able to get to heaven,
You must be a wonderful acrobat.

And how right the authentic artist is
To amuse himself killing bedbugs!

To escape from the vicious circle
We suggest the acte gratuite:

Appear and disappear
Walk in a cataleptic trance
Waltz on a pile of debris
Rock an old man in your arms
With your eyes fixed on his
Ask a dying man what time it is
Spit in the palm of your hand
Go to fires in a morning coat
Break into a funeral procession
Go beyond the female sex
Lift the top from that tomb to see
If they're growing trees in there
And cross from one sidewalk to the other
Without regard for when or why
. . . For the sake of the word alone
. . . With his movie-star mustache
. . . With the speed of thought . . .
dan carlin best history podcast one joe rogan for second time


take a drink

djbk posted:

dan carlin best history podcast one joe rogan for second time


take a drink

did you see the part where they were talking about police brutality and how anyone who wants to be a cop to shoot people is crazy and should be screened out, and then the example they use for this type of person is Chris Dorner, noted cop killer who crusaded against police brutality.


ArsPoetica posted:

-- By Nicanor Parra

If you want to get to the heaven
Of the little bourgeois, you must go
By the road of Art for Art's sake
And swallow a lot of saliva:
The apprenticeship is almost interminable.

A list of what you must learn how to do:

Tie your necktie artistically
Slip your card to the right people
Polish shoes that are already shined
Consult the Venetian mirror
(Head-on and in profile)
Toss down a shot of brandy
Tell a viola from a violin
Receive guests in your pajamas
Keep your hair from falling
And swallow a lot of saliva.

Best to have everything in your kit.
If the wife falls for somebody else
We recommend the following:
Shave with razor blades
Admire the Beauties of Nature
Crumple a sheet of paper
Have a long talk on the phone
Shoot darts with a popgun
Clean your nails with your teeth
And swallow a lot of saliva.

If he wants to shine at social gatherings
The little bourgeois
Must know how to walk on all fours
How to smile and sneeze at the same time
Waltz on the edge of the abyss
Deify the organs of sex
Undress in front of a mirror
Rape a rose with a pencil
And swallow tons of saliva.

And after all that we might well ask:
Was Jesus Christ a little bourgeois?

As we have seen, if you want to reach
The heaven of the little bourgeois,
You must be an accomplished acrobat:
To be able to get to heaven,
You must be a wonderful acrobat.

And how right the authentic artist is
To amuse himself killing bedbugs!

To escape from the vicious circle
We suggest the acte gratuite:

Appear and disappear
Walk in a cataleptic trance
Waltz on a pile of debris
Rock an old man in your arms
With your eyes fixed on his
Ask a dying man what time it is
Spit in the palm of your hand
Go to fires in a morning coat
Break into a funeral procession
Go beyond the female sex
Lift the top from that tomb to see
If they're growing trees in there
And cross from one sidewalk to the other
Without regard for when or why
. . . For the sake of the word alone
. . . With his movie-star mustache
. . . With the speed of thought . . .

"Nicanor Parra, fairy with a hint of faggot"- Roberto Bolano

bobby baloney aside, i kinda like this

I just finished autobiography of red and it was excellent (and aaaargable) and formally pretty creative, although i didn't necessarily love the climax/ending. anne carson is a super fun and easy read. i looked at the blurbing at the back of it and saw that susan sontag gushed over it, which is appropriate because it features volcanoes heavily and sontag's garbage historical fiction novel The Volcano Lover also features volcanoes heavily, and also the Marquis de Sade describes a prostitute's anus as resembling a volcano's mouth, and sometimes when I think of Susan Sontag's writing I think of that as well.
[account deactivated]

palafox posted:

I just finished autobiography of red and it was excellent (and aaaargable) and formally pretty creative, although i didn't necessarily love the climax/ending. anne carson is a super fun and easy read. i looked at the blurbing at the back of it and saw that susan sontag gushed over it, which is appropriate because it features volcanoes heavily and sontag's garbage historical fiction novel The Volcano Lover also features volcanoes heavily, and also the Marquis de Sade describes a prostitute's anus as resembling a volcano's mouth, and sometimes when I think of Susan Sontag's writing I think of that as well.


hi there. great thread youve got here. so many books added to my to-read list! quick question: does anyone know where a fella can find the grover furr smackdown

corey posted:

hi there. great thread youve got here. so many books added to my to-read list! quick question: does anyone know where a fella can find the grover furr smackdown

i feel like henrykrinkle could help us.

[account deactivated]
Capital. 4/5
its too fucking long and all the 500 pages about miserable poor wretches should be edited down to 100 and then his econ stuff could be like 250 instead of 500 and voila the revolution would have succeeded (1000 pgs = 20 hours = less time for polishing barrel of gun).
but it explains capitalism pretty well and really opened my eyes, so to speak...
ive heard that book bandied about around here a lot, might check it out some time

NoFreeWill posted:

its too fucking long and all the 500 pages about miserable poor wretches should be edited down to 100 and then his econ stuff could be like 250 instead of 500 and voila the revolution would have succeeded (1000 pgs = 20 hours = less time for polishing barrel of gun).

there are 2 more volumes...

don't forget the grundrisse

animedad posted:

NoFreeWill posted:

its too fucking long and all the 500 pages about miserable poor wretches should be edited down to 100 and then his econ stuff could be like 250 instead of 500 and voila the revolution would have succeeded (1000 pgs = 20 hours = less time for polishing barrel of gun).

there are 2 more volumes...

What -- is Theories of Surplus Value chopped liver now?


getfiscal posted:

corey posted:

hi there. great thread youve got here. so many books added to my to-read list! quick question: does anyone know where a fella can find the grover furr smackdown

i feel like henrykrinkle could help us.

no luck yet.

i did find this tho:


Here are my comments on your Dutch friend's remarks.

"It is also useful to read the document produced by the Central Committee on the subject in 1956 (i.e. after Molotov c.s. were shoved out of power), where they did a more thorough analysis than K. had done in his speech, called 'On Overcoming the Cult of Personality and its Consequences'. Here the CC basically analyzed the reverse of the Furr thesis: outside pressures as well as the logic of industrialization in a very short time had let to a destruction of the 'party democracy' in the USSR, which then allowed Stalin to construct a cult of personality around himself... why do these documents, created with the agreement of the party itself mere years after Stalin's death, not count as 'proof'?"

I assume your friend is talking about the "Molotov Commission" report. I also assume he hasn't read it himself, because it has not been translated and your friend says he can't read Russian.

That report is published in _Reabilitatsiia. Kak Eto Bylo_. Vol. 2 (Moscow 2003), pp. 150-274. I have studied it, of course.

It does not "count as 'proof'" because it is not evidence. AT BEST it is a secondary source -- a study of the evidence.

But in fact it isn't that either, because there's no reference to the evidence, and that evidence is not available to check against the "conclusions" presented in the report.

There is a dishonest and tendentious discussion of it in Matthew Lenoe's very recent book _The Kirov Murder and Soviet History_ (Yale UP 2010), 575-605. Lenoe loves it because it concludes there was no conspiracy against Kirov. But Lenoe notes that it can't be trusted, since the people in charge of it (Molotov was NOT one of them) destroyed documents that didn't "fit" their preconceived conclusion, and concentrated on giving Khrushchev what he wanted -- which was to blame Stalin for everything.

But this is just an aside.To repeat: it isn't evidence because it is a series of fact-claims without evidence.

Your friend doesn't know what evidence is. Then he proceeds to lecture me (and you) about history!

"But if his sources prove so obviously what he claims, how come nobody else uses them?

This is a lie.

Moreover, it's illiterate. Lots and lots of scholars cite the very same sources I cite. Obviously your friend doesn't know any of them.

He's not the only one who knows Russian and has an interest in current-day writing on Soviet history. Fitzpatrick knows Russian, so do McDermott, Viola, and the whole current generation of Soviet historians in the West. On the other hand, I do not know Russian and can't verify at all what Furr is talking about, especially since Furr's sources are not corroborated anywhere else.

What does "Furr's sources are not corroborated anywhere else" mean? That nobody else uses them? That's a lie (see above).

Whatever it means, how can your friend possibly make this statement, since he doesn't read Russian?

Viola has been writing about collectivization for decades now, not about Trotsky at all. McDermott is a foaming-at-the-mouth anticommunist liar, a completely dishonest and unprincipled person.

So for all I know he might be quoting complete nutcases who write newspaper articles in some Russian tabloid. These sort of things are why we have peer review in academia, sharing of sources, referencing current literature on the subject, and so on; in other words, the accepted methods of historical science."

This is, to put it politely, nonsense.

The field of Soviet history does not function at all according to "the accepted methods of historical science." It is a completely dishonest field. It is ideologically anticommunist, period. No one who is not an anticommunist can teach in this area. Major questions, such as the Moscow Trials, are taken for granted -- they were "frameups", even though there is no evidence for such a thing.

Here's what Arch Getty says about this incredibly dishonest -- fraudulent, really -- field of study on his home page:

"It is a sad sign of the politicized Cold War origins and primitive development of Soviet studies that such concentration on factors other than Stalin's personality has been considered radical."
In fact it is much worse than this.

Virtually every well-known, well-respected mainstream historian of the Stalin period lies -- repeatedly, blatantly. Their colleagues NEVER call them on it. They cover for each other.

None of this would be tolerated in, say, American history -- where there's a good deal of apologetics too, but where phony evidence gets you in trouble. Not in Soviet history! There, phony evidence, and phonier "analysis" of that evidence, is everywhere, and gets you praise!

"Note he has written what presumably purports to be a serious work of historical research, some 160 pages long. What does his bibliography consist of? Some generic primary sources; some references to himself; a bunch of things he took quotations from; a couple of Russian sources that are unverifiable for the reasons mentioned above; and some Trotskyists he selectively quotes."

This is simply a lie. Moreover, a conscious lie, since your friend doesn't read Russian and can't know what some of the sources are or anything about those who wrote them.

In the bibliograrphy I cite not "a couple" but _many_ mainstream anticommunist historians. In 40+ citations I have TWO to my own work.

I cite the following Trotskyists: Van Heijenoort, Rogovin, Pierre Broue (four if you include Fel'shtinsky, but that is a work of scholarship, not a Trotskyist screed). Broue's article is heavily scholarly.

So what? But see the following section.

"In Furr's work, there is other than Getty not a single reference to any modern-day historian or historical work on the USSR.

This is a lie. Also, it is illiterate. Here are some of the "modern-day historians... on the USSR" that I cite in my bibliography: Cherushev, Coox, Iunge & Binner, Jansen & Petrov, Kantor, Khaustov and Samuel'son, Main, Pavliukov, Rogovin, Rokitianskii,

Your friend is both a liar and an ignorant person.

There is not a single discussion of how representative the endless quotations are. There is not a single discussion about the context of the quotations, what their value is, and why Furr thinks that we should take them as meaning what he thinks they mean.

This is a lie. Also, illiterate. Read the article! I have very, very long and detailed discussions of the context, problems of interpretation, methods of verification and cross-checking. I discuss questions of interpretation at great length.

Your friend either didn't read my article or has read it but thinks you haven't read it and can lie to you about it.

All of these things are absolutely essential in any serious historical work - anyone who presented what Furr did as a thesis in a History programme would fail. This shows to me that neither Furr nor his supporters understand what scientific history looks like... Mere quotation-mongering is just that, it's bad journalism, not history."

This is a lie. The opposite is true. See my comments above.

Your friend has either not read the article carefully, or believes you have not done so.

He is a liar, utterly dishonest, and incompetent. It's impossible to discuss anything with a person as dishonest as him.

Read my article yourself, Vlazzarano. Obviously you haven't done it. If you had, you could have written what I wrote here yourself, or most of it.

Get yourself another friend. This one is worse than worthless: dishonest, a faker.


Grover Furr


[account deactivated]
One day I was thinking to myself, "These faggot muzzies have such a warped society, we really need to do something about it" and so I told this stupid pinko pussy commie right to his face, I says to him, "Look here, loser, it's high time we took the moralistic constraints off the bad-ass warmachine that is the US marine corps, and we take that middle-east pussy once and for all -- but don't get me wrong 9/10 times it's absolutely abhorrent to rape a nation but this one time... It feels so right." And lo and behold this self-righteous pansy comes back and blubbers something about it being "wrong to murder and maim millions of people for money" or something completely fucking retarded, I didn't read it. Can you believe we still have people that exist in this world who don't realize how hella fucking wicked air-force montages are when listening to down with the sickness? What the fuck is wrong with our educational system?
henry comes through!
[account deactivated]
[account deactivated]
uh grover furr comes across like a baby huey style retard in that though
thank you henry.