discipline posted:
I took a break from empire to read the last two books of the hunger games because I am a sucker for YA fiction with Strong Female Leads
...yuri manga ftw...?
Edited by germanjoey ()
also "red sun" which is about the naxalites although sort of in a weird joking-journalistic travelogue way, rather than the more awed arundhati roy way, but it gets a lot of information across to a newbie like me.
i might (re)start a few books on lacan soon because i think that's where the rabbit hole goes.
Edited by babyfinland ()
lungfish posted:
aerdil brings up an interesting question: what's the Rhizzone policy on internet detectivery?
its a no no
lungfish posted:
Taki's Mag has lots of hilarious articles chock-full of insightful social criticism. Here's an example they just posted:
cool some racist garbage just what I've been looking for
aerdil posted:
lungfish if i ever spot you walking around san francisco im going to give u a real stern lecture about communism and feminism
Maybe you'll get your chance at Tuesday's meetup.
babyfinland posted:lungfish posted:
Taki's Mag has lots of hilarious articles chock-full of insightful social criticism. Here's an example they just posted:
http://takimag.com/article/the_emperors_new_bodycool some racist garbage just what I've been looking for
oy! we don't post racist shit aroudn these here parts boyo
passive-aggressive too
Impper posted:
the only refutation needed for twitter is those people posting pictures from riots and using thousands of people to try to identify rioters
there were also dozens of people on twitter submitting fake names. i recorded a macro to submit fake names + locations for every pic and had it run over a thousand times. my made-up tweets about looting shit also made it onto japanese national tv which was cool
GoldenLionTamarin posted:Impper posted:
the only refutation needed for twitter is those people posting pictures from riots and using thousands of people to try to identify riotersthere were also dozens of people on twitter submitting fake names. i recorded a macro to submit fake names + locations for every pic and had it run over a thousand times. my made-up tweets about looting shit also made it onto japanese national tv which was cool
Were the Nazis full of hatred? Not at first, one thinks, but then they discovered how easy it was to blame the Jews and Freemasons, homosexuals and dissidents.
Insightful blog, would read again
Impper posted:
discipline posted:
Impper posted:
im reading a bunch of hipster fiction basically, and more celine
what qualifies as hipster fiction? besides my tumblr i mean
Отредактировано by discipline (today 20:17:58)
krasznahorkai, henry millre, blanchot, and michaux, and osamu dazai. also marinkovic but ive only read like 20 pages of his book cyclops so far.
marinkovic's cool, have you read curzio malaparte's kaputt? the subject matter's fairly similar iirc.
i'm reading kierkegaard's either/or right now and it just might be my favorite book of all time. the first half is written as a 25 year old melancholic aesthete and.. well... i've never seen someone write things so consistently that mirror my exact thoughts and feelings. it's a little creepy in that i am like literally a 25 year old sad dane