badgateway snipe?
mustangs 'trolling' has basically been reduced to forcing ppl to look at random strings of letters he typed for a quarter of a second before we realize its mustang and avert our eyes elsewhere
im reading Settlers by J Sakai

tentativelurkeraccount posted:

mustangs 'trolling' has basically been reduced to forcing ppl to look at random strings of letters he typed for a quarter of a second before we realize its mustang and avert our eyes elsewhere

Again, the exact same thing as the guy who yells shit at women on the street. If he can get just the tiniest bit of acknowledgment that he exists, that is rewarding. Unfortunately even this conversation in some small way will increase this person's obsession over getting us to notice. Even as frank as it is, and even though I've watched dozens of people do what he's doing, and none of them ever got anywhere with it, and I don't really remember a single one of them.

If you're reading this, the internet is clearly not good for you, and you should go talk to a therapist and see about improving your life a little bit!


Makeshift_Swahili posted:

im reading Settlers by J Sakai

RIDDLED with typos


swampman posted:

libelous_slander posted:
Yeah, you agree, then why did you make two threads about him? Liar

Look, I had to make a gut call, before all the facts were in. Hindsight's 20/20. Would knowing what i know now change my decision? Absolutely. Do i regret my choice? No. I made the best call i could have under the circumstances.

I"m reading Divided World Divided Class by Zak Snyder
[account deactivated]
oops nvm

Edited by tentativelurkeraccount ()

petition to put mustang into swampman's daycare
i'm reading tarot for $5 paypal me and i will tell you what i see in the cards for you
i don't believe in it but if you want to give me $5 to tell you "things will not be easy but you can do well if you stay true and believe in yourself" go for it

swampman posted:

Every time we reward it with attention, it becomes less likely to go do something else. I am glad to see it resorting to spam in a bid for attention because that means it is being successfully excluded. At a certain point it will find a new place to do this, or it will realize how awful its life has become and will get off the computer and do something about it.

lol he got permabanned from 420chan like a year ago and since then still spams the boards regularly just to get any smidgen of reaction. its really pathetic on another level, i dont think he registers boredom anymore. but yeah anyway

the threadspam problem is currently being liquidated
man we really fucked up this whole handling crazy people getting up on dat internet shit thing didn't we?

slumlord posted:

i don't believe in it but if you want to give me $5 to tell you "things will not be easy but you can do well if you stay true and believe in yourself" go for it

haha why would i pay you $5 when iyou just told me for free. smh


ilmdge posted:

slumlord posted:

i don't believe in it but if you want to give me $5 to tell you "things will not be easy but you can do well if you stay true and believe in yourself" go for it

haha why would i pay you $5 when iyou just told me for free. smh

because $5 buys more nice words than that


jools posted:

the threadspam problem is currently being liquidated

thank you for protecting our freedom

i'm reading mein kampf for $5 paypal me and i will come to your house and beat you about the head and face with a baseball bat while screaming racist abuse

EmanuelaOrlandi posted:

i'm reading mein kampf for $5 paypal me and i will come to your house and beat you about the head and face with a baseball bat while screaming racist abuse

what's the paypal address


EmanuelaOrlandi posted:


i sent $9.95 so i expect to be killed

worse, you are a goon now
It takes just a single song of Rock N Roll...

I'm glad there's finally an existentialism thread. Existentialism is like, wow, just so cool. Yeah this, yeah, this is the place where its at, you got the hoppin' crowd here, that there Fyador Postoevsky, Mr. Kierrkegard of course, Hidedigger, my fav lil Applehead, and of course the animation team of that epic anime adventure Macross 7. Who could forget their magnum opus, A Voice Reaching Across the Galaxy, where Basara confronts the all-consuming nihilism of The Other HEAD-ON with the full glory of the human spirit? Here we have truely the artistic companion of Being and Time and Nothingness - the most beautiful depictions of the actualization of Dasein and the will to impose existence before essence in a superdouble catchphrase whammy-jammy for the ages!


Its on youtube too, but for some reason they clipped the goddamn thing right in the middle of the climax, what the fuck were they thinking. Lucky for you the link above is in high def and subbed beautifully...

For the TLDR crowd, jump to around 14:00 in the video and prepare to read some backstory... please open the link in a second window so you can read this text while you watch the Show~!

Echoing away in-to the sky...

What we have here, oh dear oh dear, is quite a problem. Lord geppelnich, the protodevilin leader, has hatched a plot to absorb all Spiritia Energy in the region to create a paradise for his people. Sounds like a pretty evil plan, but, you see the protodevilin need to Spiritia to live, the life force energy generated by human life... Quite a sticky situation.

Our hero, the famous pacifist musician Basara, chart-topping hunk, is humanity's greatest weapon. At the start of the series, a rich eccentric leaves him a giantic ultra-advanced battle gear piloted with an electric guitar controller, well, just because he was such a big fan. Everyone was, like, WTF???? Why should this retard asshat have control of one of mankind's most powerful weapons?? It turns out, previously unbeknownst to all, that Basara's music generates spirita so powerful and so pure that the protodevilin just can't handle it. In time he gets a whole band together and there you have it...

Off into the light of dawn...

So here we are at the climax. Basara and the human forces are assaulting Geppelnich's fortress, which is actually a transformed Geppelnich himself. They sing for the people... but something goes wrong... REALLY WRONG. geppelnich somehow absorbs spiritia past a critical limit, accidentally spiritia black hole that threatens to engulf the universe. HE IS THE ALL-CONSUMING NIHILISM OF tHE oTHER MADE FLESH.

to make all your trouble start to...

aahHH~h... so powerful... The humans cannot stand this ever more brutal assault. They sing, but they sing just to sing, because basara sings. and basara sings too, but he sings for them, he sings because they sing. "Love will save, the world" - um ya right, just keep tellin yourself that sweetharts. Slowly the singing fades away, melting away to the cackling madness of the inauthentic life, the "bad faith" of control of the other Other...


Basara too fades away, left alone with only his oldest, truest memory of his self - his oldest, truest desire. Here, severed from the universe and his physical body, he is confronted with the mountain, that gosh-darned, ever-present mountain that taunts him throughout his whole life (and the series). what is it? what is this mountain?? why must he sing to this mountain?? here, at last he understands! HE SINGS TO THE MOUNTAIN BECAUSE ITS THERE! HE SINGS TO THE MOUNTAIN TO MAKE IT MOVE! ITS GOTTA MOVE!!! JUST AS THE MOUNTAIN DOES NOT MOVE BECAUSE IT IS A MOUNTAIN, IT WILL MOVE BECAUSE BASARA! IS BECOMING! MOVEMENT!!!

<h1><font color={"rED"?>GTODAY IMG GONNA MAKE YOU MVOe !!!!!!!!!


AaaHHHAHhhH~~~ NO!!! What's this? his body was too far damaged from the previous attack! But what's this? saved! Dasein cannot be bound by physical restraints! DASEIN IS BEING THERE, and by there, I mean where it is! A being is everywhere it is engaged, both the physical environment and the social mind. Sivil, a confused protodevilin fascinated with Basara's joyful song, in an ephiphany, has finally understood this source of Basara's power, and that she too can sing her own song, and she too can create spiritia energy! She arrives just in time! She will carries his body! He will sing his song! unstoppable! FLY AWAY~! FLY AWAY~! TAKE OFF INTO THE SKY~!!

But physical assault is impossible! Only the power of song CAN MAKE THAT MOUNTAIN MOVE!! let's keep trying until it moves! oh, and it moves! TRY AGAIN~! it sings~! TRY AGAIN~! at last, the joy spirita creation! BELIEVE WITH ALL YOUR MIGHT~!

this feeling running through me...

the! overwhelming, breathtaking, orgasmic! beauty of spirita creation!

It takes just a single song of Rock N Roll...
currently in the middle of these three books:

The Korean War: A History
by Bruce Cumings

When Affirmative Action Was White: An Untold History of Racial Inequality in Twentieth-Century America
by Ira Katznelson

Dirty Wars: The World Is a Battlefield
Jeremy Scahill
interseting discussion yall have got here, can't wait to contribute once i catch up. sorry if this is a derail, but does anyone knowe where to find the free books.

corey posted:

interseting discussion yall have got here, can't wait to contribute once i catch up. sorry if this is a derail, but does anyone knowe where to find the free books.

the hidden pdf forum is usually where i go


corey posted:

interseting discussion yall have got here, can't wait to contribute once i catch up. sorry if this is a derail, but does anyone knowe where to find the free books.

They have things called libraries now.

corey is asking where the free books are, not what your opinions are. Looking forward to some serious replies.
[account deactivated]
i think they are on mate. at least i got one from fringus not long ago agreeing to free all the prisoners from ifap. do NOT troll the bookthread
Jesus christ this is shameful. This guy coreys been asking for free books for days and nobody's hooked him up with access to the hidden forum yet?
[account deactivated]
hi there sorry to interrupt but does anyone know where a fella could get some free books around her.
[account deactivated]
[account deactivated]
i use my ereader so much less than i did in the halcyon days of library.nu
my kindle self destructed and I just lost an ebay auction for a replacement so I'm done with that garbage for now

also the "free" ebooks at my local academic library are locked down to a ridiculous degree yet again