Too short...
i want to knwo what they cut
that's what she said
itd be neat to see some analytics on The Website That Was Made

edit: like, is it being used or linked regularly by people who obviously aren't rhizzone affiliated?

Edited by c_man ()

it gets a lot of hits from reddit. its a 'thing' there to say 'read settlers' on any thread with us politics in it.
i have finally read settlers. big thanks to stego and everyone else who contributed
*walks around school with a 90's No Fear shirt and "www.readsettlers.org" on the back*
well that settles it

lmao wrap it up
Israel is the new Hitler, and that's OK. Who else would you rather be Hitler than those that know what its like?
That's our Arnon!!! ®

kamelred posted:

lmao wrap it up

Furthermore, it would be hard to think of a more morally inconsistent location than California, where American settlers arguably perpetrated a genocide of Indians, from which to demand Israel dismantle its settler colonial legacies.

good point, dismantle California and give it back.

Synergy posted:

kamelred posted:

lmao wrap it up

Furthermore, it would be hard to think of a more morally inconsistent location than California, where American settlers arguably perpetrated a genocide of Indians, from which to demand Israel dismantle its settler colonial legacies.

i was kind of hoping that everyone being confronted with the overwhelming inconsistencies of their bullshit over the past few years would encourage people to resolve them in the other direction, but i forgot that the liberal people who write media are essentially fascist underneath and if you point out the fence they've been claiming to sit on they stand up and under them painted on the fence it just says 'hitler all along lol' and then they give you the double finger guns and sit back down

it's always been a feature of liberalism's false universal POV that it can spontaneously engineer two sides to volley back and forth completely true accusations of hypocrisy and depend on various other factors to sort out equivalent teams of perverts for each
a fourteen thousand and eighty eight word rebutal of j. sakai's Settlers called breedsettlers.org
today i went on readsettlers.org while i was bored at work and immediately got a phone call from my manager, who was calling to let me know she was sending some more cardboard boxes to our office or whatever. i had a full on panic attack, thanks guys
my news feed thing at work sends me links to Jacobin now. good job JAcobin.

gay_swimmer posted:

today i went on readsettlers.org while i was bored at work and immediately got a phone call from my manager, who was calling to let me know she was sending some more cardboard boxes to our office or whatever. i had a full on panic attack, thanks guys

let me talk to her


Some ninnies who are skimming the book have convinced themselves its actually fascist propaganda.

Oh, and a psyop too

how do you fuck up the meaning of settlers when it literally says what it wants to do on the second page
very carefully
the fuck does it mean to be a "PA on a movie"?
it means they stood on a sidewalk corner for 9 hours and asked pedestrians to please cross the street ebcause they're filming on this side of the street
ah yes, the material analysis that there is no significant white working class in the US is ..... fascist? getting some whiplash now
Mods change my username to "Big White Movie Star"

Edited by orchestra_hit ()

People are really pissed off about Settlers again lol. I am consistently impressed with how grossly people misread the most obvious shit when they detect that it's disagreeing with them.
im reading some huntington so i kinda want to do a comparison but it also wouldnt be useful or insightful at all

Edited by Chthonic_Goat_666 ()


gyrofry posted:


Only accurate sentence in that blog post:

Rhizzo­ne.net, an on­line mes­sage board where shit-tier Maoist Third Worldists and oth­er ran­dom nerds can meet and mingle

cruise on by
I suppose this is the danger of going by vox-style 'explainers' on everything... I'm sure lots of disillusioned people looking to #trysocialism have fallen into ross wolf and molly klein's orbit and will have their development hobbled as a result
Perhaps we need a sakai explainer
well volunteered
[account deactivated]

thirdplace posted:

the fuck does it mean to be a "PA on a movie"?