i asked my wife about what she thought about this whole thing and she said its just lazy and ignorant to make fun of asians for their languages sounding different when with a little bit of education and effort you could make jokes about how weird they are as people

HenryKrinkle posted:

TIL that rhizzone hates sjws more than it hates milquetoast liberal satirists (and a pro-military one at that).

well so much of it is reflexive and mindless and stupid that even if the whole movement hasnt gone off the rails it feels like it when you see a lot of this shit. before colbert the last big thing i saw was p eople flipping out about the tv show hannibal. the show cast a major white character from the books as black, cast two men from the books as women, and cast a character named beverly katz as an asian woman. when beverly got killedd there was a huge twitter campaign against the guy running the show for being a racist because he let a minority die. btw i never said stephen colbert is cool i dont watch his show but that type of military worship makes me sick

idk what to think really.

i think ironic racism can go too far in that people laugh at the racism itself instead of the stupidity of the racist being satirized. that said, all this hashtag activism surrounding meta-discourse and pop culture is getting kind of tiresome. all this effort being put into getting a TV show canceled that almost definitely won't be canceled.

i like twitter better when it unites around helping a homeless woman in jail for leaving her kids in a car while going to a job interview.
ban twitter
[account deactivated]
i do not like this catbert fellow
[account deactivated]
where can i read more aboyt fringus's defection from the patinkins
[account deactivated]
im sorry.

HenryKrinkle posted:

idk what to think really.

i think ironic racism can go too far in that people laugh at the racism itself instead of the stupidity of the racist being satirized. that said, all this hashtag activism surrounding meta-discourse and pop culture is getting kind of tiresome. all this effort being put into getting a TV show canceled that almost definitely won't be canceled

i think rhizzone has gone over the very obvious limits of colbert/stewart enough already... i do find it humorous that Colbert is like their limit, like he's the one guy that generates a backlash "no he couldn't be racist!". what a bland sacred cow

that kind of media criticism is tiresome because it more-or-less turns into just a long list of bad shit that happened, because someone on Duck Dynasty said "fag" or whatever. its not even really a criticism at that point. its raw data at best. i think the height of this for me was when someone started listing all sexist advertising. like is that really our goal here? they already talk about patriarchy, so its not like they dont realise this a big institutional thing. if you recognise patriarchy, then why would someone be surprised when almost every single advertisement reflects that patriarchy? wouldn't the next step be to try to understand why commercials prey on those sorts of uneven power structures (and how its happening even if they don't explicitly seem sexist)?. and then the next step be how companies actively support the patriarchy in order to reproduce and modify those power structures, shaping patriarchy to their very specific needs? rarely do i see tumblr types get to the second step there, almost none that i can remember get to the third.

you can really tell the deficiencies of that sort of 'movement' when they try to discuss anything like gentrification, imperialism.... anything which requires a decent knowledge of history and a proper material analysis rather than knowing what was on tv last night.

Edited by Chthonic_Goat_666 ()

that said, i do think many SJWs could become productive comrades if they were introduced to the science of Marxism-Leninism Mao Zedong Thought.
steven colbert's joke was perfectly acceptable in context. i know im a terrible man but i stand by that
remember when the king of the american liberals john stewart apologized on-air for the crime of insinuating that the nuclear bombing of japanese population centers might hypothetically be considered a war crime? making fun of asians = fuck off forever double hitler. defending their mass murder = what is the sound of one cricket farting in the woods

le_nelson_mandela_face posted:

steven colbert's joke was perfectly acceptable in context. i know im a terrible man but i stand by that

well yeah


le_nelson_mandela_face posted:

remember when the king of the american liberals john stewart apologized on-air for the crime of insinuating that the nuclear bombing of japanese population centers might hypothetically be considered a war crime? making fun of asians = fuck off forever double hitler. defending their mass murder = what is the sound of one cricket farting in the woods

such a fucking coward that dude is, how did that not come up in the daily show contest we had on this forum

it came up in the thread plenty iirc
youre right i even quoted some of it
EmanuelaOrlandi was fishing for names/addresses of rhizzone superstars on behalf of the CIA and got upset when tehblackwolf won.
hello blinkandhweeze. it is not too late for your third act redemption as you throw chancellor jools down a ventilation shaft
the fact that people still defend hiroshima and nagasaki still sincerely blows my mind
lol im the only person on this forum atm.
SASS is looking up the steam profiles of social justice internet people and every single one of them plays over 40 hours of videogames a week lol
i've probably played 40 hours worth of video games total over the past eight years. quitting video games was a great idea because it gave me time to focus on writing limericks about troop suicides and shit.
over 1000 troops have killed themselves since jan 1. liberals are qq about it because the concept of justice is alien to them

le_nelson_mandela_face posted:

SASS is looking up the steam profiles of social justice internet people and every single one of them plays over 40 hours of videogames a week lol

reminder that these people are the same types who complain that the fatness epidemic is because people are too busy to cook and then when you point out that they spend no less than 70 hours a week between webforums, tv and videogames they start screaming OH YES I GUESS THE FILTHY PROLES HAVE NO RIGHT TO RELAX EVER lol

i love to post!!
SASS has some p funny posts, too bad theyre racist as shit and also a bunch of whiny republicans

Quote from: Goat on March 22, 2014, 11:17:54 PM

Amarantinesky is pure sjw and throwing her weight around.

lol that bitch even made a post bragging about how nuts she is:

Quote from: amarantinesky" post="427192455

I think I managed a GAF of 10 once so I win :smuggo: :smith:

I looked up GAF and it stands for Global Assessment of Functioning with 100 being the highest. Of course you wouldn't expect a goon to score well on this, but the bitch got a 10.

A description of a nut scoring from 11 - 20 is:

Some danger of hurting self or others (e.g., suicide attempts without clear expectation of death; frequently violent; manic excitement) or occasionally fails to maintain minimal personal hygiene (e.g., smears feces) or gross impairment in communication

She was literally more fucked up than an incoherent shit-smearing psycho. Now she dispenses wisdom in the goon feminist thread


le_nelson_mandela_face posted:

the fact that people still defend hiroshima and nagasaki still sincerely blows my mind

pretty much all americans as far as i can tell. try to work out how many would simultaneously cry over any sort of violent protest

[account deactivated]

Makeshift_Swahili posted:

ironic racism is still racism, but n-n-not Colbert, not my bastion of tepid liberal satire, http://1.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20110706055700/earthbound/images/5/5a/Negative_Man.png

never thought id see the day that lfers actually started supporting ironic bigotry. God has truly become Hitler's faggot


Makeshift_Swahili posted:

HenryKrinkle posted:

idk what to think really.

i think ironic racism can go too far in that people laugh at the racism itself instead of the stupidity of the racist being satirized. that said, all this hashtag activism surrounding meta-discourse and pop culture is getting kind of tiresome. all this effort being put into getting a TV show canceled that almost definitely won't be canceled

i think rhizzone has gone over the very obvious limits of colbert/stewart enough already... i do find it humorous that Colbert is like their limit, like he's the one guy that generates a backlash "no he couldn't be racist!". what a bland sacred cow

lets not forget that the only real "sacred cow" here is the Jewish billionaire sports team owner whose racism-profiteering was the actual thing being satirized in the first place

but yeah, thanks for sticking up for the "little guy" lol #Malkin2016

that kind of media criticism is tiresome because it more-or-less turns into just a long list of bad shit that happened, because someone on Duck Dynasty said "fag" or whatever. its not even really a criticism at that point. its raw data at best. i think the height of this for me was when someone started listing all sexist advertising. like is that really our goal here? they already talk about patriarchy, so its not like they dont realise this a big institutional thing. if you recognise patriarchy, then why would someone be surprised when almost every single advertisement reflects that patriarchy? wouldn't the next step be to try to understand why commercials prey on those sorts of uneven power structures (and how its happening even if they don't explicitly seem sexist)?. and then the next step be how companies actively support the patriarchy in order to reproduce and modify those power structures, shaping patriarchy to their very specific needs? rarely do i see tumblr types get to the second step there, almost none that i can remember get to the third.

you can really tell the deficiencies of that sort of 'movement' when they try to discuss anything like gentrification, imperialism.... anything which requires a decent knowledge of history and a proper material analysis.

its because theire liberals

Edited by Superabound ()

dont get me wrong, this is a shitshow on all sides

le_nelson_mandela_face posted:


i love everything about this

the persia and hoplite one was one of the best

heres how deep military apologism is dug into the collective unconsciousness: when i say that teh fact that something is in a person's rational self-interest is not actually a moral justification for their actions the only way people can make sense of it is if they accuse me of trolling
uhh self interest IS a moral justification for action.