[account deactivated]
roseweird what would you do if an actual black person came on here and called you a white supremacist?

Lucille posted:

roseweird what would you do if an actual black person came on here and called you a white supremacist?

Roseweird: *shrugs* *sighs* "It's a living!"

[account deactivated]

goodness, i don't know. why would they do that? what kind of question is this? how did you keep yourself busy during the months you weren't spending your time calling me a white supremacist?

well i just like to have a response to the leftwing racecard. it's the best i can do.


Lucille posted:


looks like Nathan Fielder found himself an interesting side career

"I myself have never been able to find out precisely what White Supremacy is. I only know that people call me a White Supremacist whenever I express sentiments that differentiate my race from a doormat."
"“An Aryan without the mongrel hordes is like a fish without a bicycle.”
“Nazism is the radical notion that gentiles are human beings.”
“There is a special place in hell for whites who don't help other whites."
“To terrify children with the image of multiculturism, to consider the white man an inferior creation—is that good for the world?”
“Women make up one half of society. Our society will remain backward and in chains unless its women are liberated, enlightened and educated.” ― Saddam Hussein
Why are leftists confused when the working class votes against them? You don't need to resort to desperate explanations like "false consciousness" or whatever, you can just point out that the bourgeois don't actually pay taxes and welfare is funded by transferring money from the working class to the welfare class.


so we've closed registration

Registration isn't closed at all.

One of the ideas that Somethingful got right but underutilized is "hellbanning"

Hellbanning doesn't work if you have multiple undetected and trusted alts spawning an exponentially growing mass of referred accounts.

goat, go to this:

Do they charge admittance?
I'm at my most moral when I am trolling actually.
Haha I love all the Queenailures in the UK just aghast whenever Glenn Greenwald criticizes their high government officials
He signed up for Afghanistan no earlier than February 19th, 2006
[account deactivated]
he signed up for being a parent... just kidding, men don't get a say. #misandry
witness the reserve army of unemployed mustang accounts
mustang please leave us alone and get help
lel nah, i'll post liberalism into the ground

Edited by Lucille ()

hmm... carry on then! die liberalism die!
the point of leftism is to offend people with needlessly contrarian positions. i say to them, mission accomplished, 10/10, got me to take over your board.

if anyone wants their account back, go for it, the password is either unchanged or username with a "1" at the end.
how's your new job going?
8 hours of vacation per pay period!
rescuecreditor isnt even me hahaaa paranoid giganiggers

getfiscal posted:

mustang please leave us alone and get help

i cant think of anything more "helpful" than immersion therapy here with the great posters of www.The-RhizzoneDot.com


ilmdge posted:




le_nelson_mandela_face posted:


What's this about now?