wher can i get. the free books
[account deactivated]
[account deactivated]
Cat is supposed to jump in the sink when it sees me and wants a drink. Get off the toilet seat.
libgen. libgen. libgen.

corey posted:

hi mines http://www.goodreads.com/user/show/9962738-my-name-is-corey-irl

careful guys this link is how failaids first got introduced to ther hizzone

i impulsively purchased the following books because i'm moving and won't be able to buy books online for a while:

The Western Soviets: Worker Councils Versus Parliament, 1915 - 1920 by Donny Gluckstein
The Paris Commune: A Revolution in Democracy by Donny Gluckstein
The Lost Revolution: Germany 1918 - 1923 by Chris Harman
Pannekoek and Gorter's Marxism by D.A. Smart
Autonomy, Solidarity, Possibility: The Colin Ward Reader
Chomsky versus Foucault: A Debate on Human Nature

you might note that the first four are cliffite books and the last two are about anarchists. i secretly like cliffite books because they are really quick reads because they are so schematic. colin ward is an interesting anarchist to me because he supports progressive small nationalisms which is rare in the english-speaking world. otherwise i'm trying to learn more about democracy in general so yeah.

NEWSER -- On his birthday this year, Kim Jong Un reportedly gave every child in North Korea candy, according to CNBC. So what did he get his top officials? Copies of Hitler's Mein Kampf, the Washington Post reports.

The gift was part of a larger effort by Kim to encourage military leaders to study Germany's post-WWI reconstruction, and follow rumors that Kim carefully studied Hitler while attending school in Switzerland.

"Mentioning that Hitler managed to rebuild Germany in a short time following its defeat in World War I, Kim Jong Un issued an order for the Third Reich to be studied in depth and asked that practical applications be drawn from it," a North Korean source told New Focus International.

m99 posted:


NEWSER -- On his birthday this year, Kim Jong Un reportedly gave every child in North Korea candy, according to CNBC. So what did he get his top officials? Copies of Hitler's Mein Kampf, the Washington Post reports.

The gift was part of a larger effort by Kim to encourage military leaders to study Germany's post-WWI reconstruction, and follow rumors that Kim carefully studied Hitler while attending school in Switzerland.

"Mentioning that Hitler managed to rebuild Germany in a short time following its defeat in World War I, Kim Jong Un issued an order for the Third Reich to be studied in depth and asked that practical applications be drawn from it," a North Korean source told New Focus International.

fuckin candy. where's my candy obama

i volunteer to live off nothing but government candy & multivitamin supplements purchased via obamaKKKare
a shitty private health care plan definitely wont reimburse you for multivitamins
i guess i'll die slowly from scurvy and dental caries then but give me that govt candy regardless

stegosaurus posted:

Buy his god damn book. Out of all the books to steal. And its like 12 bucks too

agreed. but i do have it if anyone needs it.

e: defying the tomb i mean. )


getfiscal posted:

Chomsky versus Foucault: A Debate on Human Nature

i think the entirety of that debate was recently posted on youtube. i havent watched it yet.

[account deactivated]

tpaine posted:

donny gluckstein. you guys aren't even trying anymore

i think that's the guy from the big lebowski

has Puig been mentioned? Try Puig. Puig for the epic readery

tentativelurkeraccount posted:

stegosaurus posted:

Buy his god damn book. Out of all the books to steal. And its like 12 bucks too

agreed. but i do have it if anyone needs it.

e: defying the tomb i mean. )

i said yes cocksucker

wheres the books

corey posted:

wheres the books

i started a book club called amazon dot com, go there and pay a small fee for each book, i'll even deliver it to you.

i can send you some books if you give me your kindle email account

Edited by Lysenko ()

Redsalute is my safe word.

June 20, 2013 | Filed under: News and Updates

Kevin “Rashid” Johnson has been transferred again.

Rashid had been held in Oregon’s Orwellian Snake River Correctional Unit – an unvarnished behavior modification programme – since last 2012. In Oregon he had written a series of articles exposing the racism, medical neglect, and psychological abuse to which prisoners in that state are subjected. Like his initial transfer from Virginia to Oregon over a year ago, this latest move – yet again, across the country – is clearly retaliation for his persistence in shining light on abysmal and destructive conditions that prevail in prisons across america.

So now Rashid is in Texas. We don’t know what condition he is in, or what conditions he is being held in, but the time after a transfer is often disorienting, and the prisoncrats and guards often seize the opportunity to practice their malice. For that reason, now is a particularly important time to reach out and let this comrade know that he is in our thoughts – even a postcard with a simple message saying hello would be welcome at a time like this – and in doing so, you also let his current captors know that he is not alone, and that despite their efforts he is not isolated from us.

Write to Rashid at:

Kevin Johnson
TDCJ # 01859887
264 FM Road 3478
Huntsville, TX 77320

Make sure a first and last name are clearly printed in the return address section of the envelope or your mail will be returned. Also, remember not to say anything that would give the guards an excuse to mess with Rashid more than they already are.

Edited by tentativelurkeraccount ()


Lysenko posted: can have some books while my calibre is on

pword is redsalute

pretty tight security, i tried to hack u but my computer got shut down? however you did it i tip my fedora to you


Salvation Army unanimous: Mark Snow to be put to death

“ Ryan: According to the Salvation Army gay parents deserve death. How do you respond to that, as part of your doctrine?”

“Craibe: Well, that’s a part of our belief system.”

Ryan: So they should die.”

“Craibe: You know, we have an alignment to the Scriptures, but that’s our belief.”

“Ryan: You’re proposing in your doctrine that because these parents are gay, that they must die.”

“Craibe: Well, well, because that is part of our Christian doctrine “

“Ryan: But how is that Christian? Shouldn’t it be about love?”

sa5“Craibe: Well, the love that we would show is about that: consideration for all human beings to come to know salvation…”

“Ryan Or die…”

“Craibe: Well, yes.”

Major Bruce Harmer, the Army’s Communications and Public Relations Secretary recently issued the following statement;

“The Salvation Army encompasses a diverse community with a wide range of opinions on human sexuality and other subjects. The senior leadership of The Salvation Army continues to reflect on Christian and Biblical tradition, and especially on the themes of justice and mercy, to further deepen the understandings of our own members and build a more healthy relationship with the LGBTQ community. We pledge to continue to offer services to all and to treat each person with dignity, respect and non-discrimination.”

here's some books. mostly just shit from this thread i haven't got around to reading yet
some new stuff from nsfwcorp

Michael Hastings, Dead of Gonzo

dr. dolan


NSA Whistleblowers For Dummies, Part One

mark ames


NSA Whistleblowers For Dummies, Part Two

srs question do any of u know where i could get a pdf of the dsm-v
lmao http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Steve_Keen


Some neoclassical reviewers contend that Keen has not shown what he claims, that he misrepresents economic theory, and that he gets basic mathematics wrong.

Matthijs Krul maintains that Keen, while broadly accurate in his criticism of the neoclassical synthesis, generally misrepresents Marx's views in Debunking Economics and in earlier work when asserting that, in the production of commodities, machinery produces more value than it costs.
Steve Keen Complaint CAll
[account deactivated]

tpaine posted:

over 600 pounds of men

i'll have what he's having

bought Contingency, Irony, and Solidarity by Richard Rorty.

Anyone here read rorty/what do you think of him?

codywilson posted:

bought Contingency, Irony, and Solidarity by Richard Rorty.

Anyone here read rorty/what do you think of him?

He's OK. Rorty is at his best taking apart naive realism in Philosophy and the Mirror of Nature. His pragmatist theory doesn't work though, it's vulnerable to the same criticisms as relativism (infinite regress of truth statements about truth being community consensus). He also misrepresents Wittgenstein IMO.

yeah, from what i've read about him from secondary sources i have issue with his ideas, and i guess that's why i decided to get the primary source and see if my issues against him hold up, or something.

mccaine is worth talking to about rorty too