
EmanuelaOrlandi posted:

they reposted an old limonov interview by ame on exiled and i had forgotten that impper sent me a few limonov ebooks. haven't read that in a while i think i'm gonna start. mostly i've been going to the library on standby at work and reading chekhov kafka and poe short stories bc its the most enjoyable stuff to read when you are sitting down for maybe 15 minutes maybe an hour so you can read a story and be like oh eyah i remember thats a good one and then leave and not have to get all involved like with a novel.

watch serbian epics if you aint yet

Serbian Epics was great

there is a bookstore near me selling old national geographics for a dollar each so i bought heaps; of course their angles are fairly liberal and often myopic but the stories are written with verve and the photography is wonderful. the only problem is the shop is run by an old socialist who tries to evangelize about revolution regardless of what you buy and it's like 'who cares lady i just want to see some rhodesian tittays!'. I also just was eating dried wasabi peas and rubbed my eyes and now the left one stings like fuck, stupid stuff really from myself.
old bookstores that sell heaps of crap from the 60s are cool, there's one on main street that has a bunch of oldass scifi and every life and natl geographic ever, and a porn closet made out of plywood right in the front of the store. and the dude doesn't have a cash register or anything, its pretty sweet.
yeah they're great, i also found some fucked up racialist geography book from the 60s and this place is open well past midnight too.

Oh and i also saw in another bookstore a treat to buy myself when i next accomplish something: $125 beautiful coffee table book profiling Speer's architecture....i want it to be the only book on my coffee table, but i've resolved to struggle for it first
this is the shop

A FEW hours after Bob Gould's death at age 74 yesterday, the doors to his Newtown bookstore were open to the public.

''That's what Bob would have liked,'' said his daughter, Natalie Gould. ''He loved books and this place has been his life. Keeping it open is the best thing.''

The secondhand bookseller and left-wing activist had been frail for some time, but still worked at the store a couple of hours most days. He was sorting through his own books at the store, when he fell and injured his head. By the time the ambulance arrived, it was too late. Friends and relatives gathered at the store yesterday with his wife, Janet Bonser.

Mr Gould opened the Third World Bookshop on Goulburn Street in the city in 1967. He was regularly raided by the police over the next few years for stocking Philip Roth's Portnoy's Complaint, posters by Aubrey Beardsley and even pictures of Michelangelo's David


A+ will be back to raid.

being repeatedly raided for portnoy's fucking complaint gives a good indication as to how prudish this place was in the Old Days, urgh.
i'm reading frederick beiser's book on hegel it's p good imo
also i'm finally getting to grips with Fuck & Destroy lol
that looks like a good place to steal books
Did you see all those mirrors dude. Ever play red alert? Nobody ever stole anything from that store and made it to the exit unsinged.

Edited by ArisVelouchiotis ()

Capital Formation in the Ottoman Empire by Halil Inalcik and then more Halil Inalcik, thanks babyfinland
Nabokov's Invitation to a Beheading

"I'm a bachelor myself, but of course I understand … Forward. I shall quickly … Good players do not take a long time to think. Forward. I caught just a glimpse of your spouse—a juicy little piece, no two ways about it—what a neck, that’s what I like … Hey, wait a minute, that was an oversight, allow me to take my move back. Here, this is better. I am a great aficionado of women, and the way they love me, the rascals, you simply wouldn’t believe it. You were writing to your spouse there about her pretty eyes and lips. Recently, you know, I had … Why can’t my pawn take it? Oh, I see. Clever, clever. All right, I retreat. Recently I had sexual intercourse with an extraordinarily healthy and splendid individual. What pleasure you experience, when a large brunette … What is this? That’s a snide more on your part. You must warn your opponent, this won’t do. Here, let me change my last move. So. Yes, a gorgeous, passionate creature—and, you know, I’m no piker myself, I’ve got such a spring that—wow! Generally speaking, of the numerous earthly temptations, which, in jest, but really with the utmost seriousness, I intend to submit gradually for your consideration, the temptation of sex … No, wait a minute, I haven’t decided yet if I want to move that piece there. Yes, I will. What do you mean, checkmate? Why checkmate? I can’t go here; I can’t go there; I can’t go anywhere. Wait a minute, what was the position? No, before that. Ah, now that’s a different story. A mere oversight. All right, I’ll move here. Yes, a red nose between her teeth, black net stockings up to here, and not-a-stitch besides—that’s really something, that’s the supreme … and now, instead of the raptures of love, dank stone, rusty iron, and ahead—well, you know yourself what lies ahead. Now this I overlooked. And what if I move otherwise? Yes, this is better. The game is mine, anyway—you make one mistake after another. What if she was unfaithful to you—didn’t you also hold her in your embraces? When people ask me for advice I always tell them, ‘Gentlemen, be inventive. There is nothing more pleasant, for example, than to surround oneself with mirrors and watch the good work going on there—wonderful! Hey! Now this is far from wonderful. Word of honor, I thought I had moved to this square, not to that. So therefore you were unable … Back, please. Simultaneously I like to smoke a cigar and talk of insignificant matters, and I like her to talk too—there’s nothing to be done, I have a certain streak of perversion in me … Yes, how grievous, how frightening and hurtful to say farewell to all this—and to think that others, who are just as young and sappy, will continue to work and work … ah! I don’t know about you, but when it comes to caresses I love what we French wrestlers call ‘macarons’: You give her a nice slap on the neck, and, the firmer the meat … First of all, I can take your knight, secondly, I can simply move my king away; all right—there. No, stop, stop, I’d like to think for a minute after all. What was your last move? Put that piece back and let me think. Nonsense, there’s no checkmate here. You, it seems to me—if you do not mind my saying so—are cheating: this piece stood here, or maybe here, but not there, I am absolutely certain. Come, put it back, put it back …”
As though accidentally, he knocked over several men, and, unable to restrain himself, with a groan, he mixed up the remainder. …
“Let’s start some other game, you don’t know how to play chess.”

what is serbian epics?
who heres got goodreads. holla at me

EmanuelaOrlandi posted:

what is serbian epics?

it is a short documentary on the war in bosnia & herzegovina in which limonov appears

so its this 30 something minute thing i found on youtube when i searched for serbian epics? i'll watch it on wednesday while im on standby at work
i never know if stuff on youtube has everything in it but you can watch it right on the guy's site

corey posted:

who heres got goodreads. holla at me

i havent, unless you mean the website, which i have an account on

whats your goodreads

corey posted:

whats your goodreads

i cant remember, pm me yours and ill add you on my home computer

goodreads: the foulest hairstyle
[account deactivated]
http://www.goodreads.com/user/show/6644254-neil ftw
my goodreads is full of goosebumps and star wars expanded universe novels because i did, in fact, read them all when i was a wee lad.
also yes it's true that i've only read like 5 books in the past six months or something sad. i've read like the first 20% of a bunch of other books but i have a problem completing things.
hi mines http://www.goodreads.com/user/show/9962738-my-name-is-corey-irl

getfiscal posted:

also yes it's true that i've only read like 5 books in the past six months or something sad. i've read like the first 20% of a bunch of other books but i have a problem completing things.

“To read too many books is harmful.”
― Mao Tse-tung
19 people liked it


getfiscal posted:

also yes it's true that i've only read like 5 books in the past six months or something sad. i've read like the first 20% of a bunch of other books but i have a problem completing things.


I almost never finish the books I start and as a result I have a bunch of half-finished ideas in my head
who heres got the goodreads.
where can i get the free books. for my kindle
convert them
libgen.info plus some others are good places to find stuff

calibre (a program http://calibre-ebook.com/) if you want to try converting things to kindle format. otherwise you can just email docs to your kindle . . . also you can get ebooks from online libraries (openlibrary.org) or your local library and break the drm with calibre (using a plug-in you can download here http://apprenticealf.wordpress.com/)
Luckily my addictive personality overrides my laziness so i finish nearly all books i start, with the exception of "this isnt actually english" heart of darkness and the bible.
i converted a bunch of stuff from marxists.org and marx2mao through calibre to me kindle

bibliotik dot org is a neat private torrent site for books, but really their selection leaves something to be desired and a lot of the torrents are dead. every now and then i find what i'm looking for though and it's cool. ps i don't have any invites so don't bother asking me

corey posted:

where can i get the free books. for my kindle


[account deactivated]