
Drinking Hand Sanitizer, Condom Snorting, Boob Tweets and Smoking Smarties: 31 Dangerous Teen Fads You Should Know About
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stegosaurus posted:

defying the tomb

would anyone be interested in a scan of this . . .

i'm interested in literally anything you can steal and give me for free
Buy his god damn book. Out of all the books to steal. And its like 12 bucks too
michel clouscard

upvote to agree, quote to ignore :_
i would read caliban and the witch but i cant be bothered
[account deactivated]
I'm not going to read it because its a dumb title and I hate cs lewis
I'm not going to read it because the word "witch" is misogynist.
then you really won't want the sequel, taliban and the bitch
i'm going to read it because witch is misogynist.
I read it A few years ago noobs
Locke wastes Paper...?

getfiscal posted:

then you really won't want the sequel, taliban and the bitch

hey disciplines blog is okay


getfiscal posted:

then you really won't want the sequel, taliban and the bitch

Ariana Delawari isn’t your typical California girl singing folk-pop about lovers and the cosmos, though you’ll find some of that on her debut album, Lions of Panjshir. A grand purpose entered her life before she was born: Just 20 days prior to Delawari’s birth, her father’s entire family fled Afghanistan for Los Angeles. The Soviet Union had invaded, initiating what took on the redolent nickname “Soviet Vietnam.” Her father’s raison d’être became Afghanistan: demonstrations, meetings at the house with mujahideen members, trips to Congress and establishing peace organizations. When the U.S. helped to push out the Taliban in 2001, her parents returned to rebuild the country. Dad helped institute a banking system, and Mom — who speaks six languages — worked for the United Nations.

My dad? A banker. Let's do this

swirlsofhistory posted:

Ever wonder what Aristotle might say about the life Sheldon Cooper leads? Why Thomas Hobbes would applaud the roommate agreement? Who Immanuel Kant would treat with "haughty derision" for weaving "un-unravelable webs?" And—most importantly—whether Wil Wheaton is truly evil? Of course you have. Bazinga!

This book mines the deep thinking of some of history's most potent philosophical minds to explore your most pressing questions about The Big Bang Theory and its nerdy genius characters. You might find other philosophy books on science and cosmology, but only this one refers to Darth Vader Force-chokes, cloning Leonard Nimoy, and oompa-loompa-like engineers. Fo-shizzle.

my god


tentativelurkeraccount posted:

Ariana Delawari isn’t your typical California girl singing folk-pop about lovers and the cosmos, though you’ll find some of that on her debut album, Lions of Panjshir. A grand purpose entered her life before she was born: Just 20 days prior to Delawari’s birth, her father’s entire family fled Afghanistan for Los Angeles. The Soviet Union had invaded, initiating what took on the redolent nickname “Soviet Vietnam.” Her father’s raison d’être became Afghanistan: demonstrations, meetings at the house with mujahideen members, trips to Congress and establishing peace organizations. When the U.S. helped to push out the Taliban in 2001, her parents returned to rebuild the country. Dad helped institute a banking system, and Mom — who speaks six languages — worked for the United Nations.

wow. they're just like us


ArisVelouchiotis posted:

swirlsofhistory posted:

Ever wonder what Aristotle might say about the life Sheldon Cooper leads? Why Thomas Hobbes would applaud the roommate agreement? Who Immanuel Kant would treat with "haughty derision" for weaving "un-unravelable webs?" And—most importantly—whether Wil Wheaton is truly evil? Of course you have. Bazinga!

This book mines the deep thinking of some of history's most potent philosophical minds to explore your most pressing questions about The Big Bang Theory and its nerdy genius characters. You might find other philosophy books on science and cosmology, but only this one refers to Darth Vader Force-chokes, cloning Leonard Nimoy, and oompa-loompa-like engineers. Fo-shizzle.

my god

growing up on tv and 15+ years of school is pretty damaging but creates some interesting markets


HenryKrinkle posted:


the best tweeter

the Extreme Jewish Marxist Party
but I repeat myself,
caliban and the witch, being and time, you know, summer beach reading for me *puts on shades* lifeguarding is the best job.

i have never been so happy.
shred the four olds
What is that shit Chad

blinkandwheeze posted:

i have never been so happy.

How is it

I checked out some books, questioning secularism by Hussein Ali Agrama, the well protected domains by Selim deringil who teaches at bogazici, and potentialities by agamben
i'm currently cuttin' through a fat ass tome of short stories by nabokov, while concurrently blazin through provincializing europe by dipesh chakrabarty, as well as a pound of weed
they reposted an old limonov interview by ame on exiled and i had forgotten that impper sent me a few limonov ebooks. haven't read that in a while i think i'm gonna start. mostly i've been going to the library on standby at work and reading chekhov kafka and poe short stories bc its the most enjoyable stuff to read when you are sitting down for maybe 15 minutes maybe an hour so you can read a story and be like oh eyah i remember thats a good one and then leave and not have to get all involved like with a novel.

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mein kampf has been checked out or not there or something at every ny public library branch ive been to so it's getting kind of annoying tbh