i don't expect that to make any sort of dent in the third parties to those conversations who have a tenuous grasp on reality altogether, but what those people write probably ends up being slightly useful, again in the thin-gruel context of leftist twitter, because the very fact those crazy people don't recognize any conflict between the chapo/jacobin folks and people involved in communist party politics likely makes a few people understand that there's something there to read about, and it seems like when people go to check it out, and find those people are actually out there ragging on each other, it reflects at least slightly poorly on the conditional beigeists in their own supposed place of power.
This is propaganda platform & self-proclomations of alleged 'organising/real life work' are wholly irrelevant to theoretical struggle here.
— Phil Greaves (@PhilGreaves01) April 8, 2017
cars posted:it's interesting to me i guess not because the regular loons will draw weird lines between anyone they don't like for any reason, but in context of things like how one of the jacobin-boosting chapo guys now constantly engages in back-and-forth with fivek and every time it happens she actually seems to own him in the admittedly heavily limited context of twitter, she gets more retweets and favorites than he does during those exchanges and picks up hundreds of followers every time it happens, i'd guess because most of his readers are baffled as to why he's punching left and suddenly switching over to full-on beigeism and wander away from those conversations quickly rather than voice support for it. it might also be because the chapo/jacobin guys tend to admire, and point readers toward, the old eXile crew like Ames and Levine and the War Nerd, and even when those folks' politics are bad they have no patience for radical-hunting or denigration of cynical considerations of what's acceptable discourse and what isn't and why, having coined that use of the word "beige" themselves and remaining mostly outside the circle of the younger more NYC-style Sanders/Jacobin/etc. left in English-speaking countries that looks up to them as inspirations from their youth.
i don't expect that to make any sort of dent in the third parties to those conversations who have a tenuous grasp on reality altogether, but what those people write probably ends up being slightly useful, again in the thin-gruel context of leftist twitter, because the very fact those crazy people don't recognize any conflict between the chapo/jacobin folks and people involved in communist party politics likely makes a few people understand that there's something there to read about, and it seems like when people go to check it out, and find those people are actually out there ragging on each other, it reflects at least slightly poorly on the conditional beigeists in their own supposed place of power.
If that whole network were the goonies rube-goldberg machine I reckon the loons would be the bowling ball, jacobin would be the bursting balloon, eXile would be the hen... And we are all crunk

must suck to be owned by a lib
Edited by swampman ()
swampman posted:dprk: pretty good country, best mf twitter account Tweets by DPRK_News
I regret to inform you that liking the DPRK news service twitter is actually a form of liberalism.
roseweird posted:why do crazy people care about the rhizzone so much and talk about it publicly
i looked at @rhizzone_txt for a lark today and mustang posts non sequitur crap in response to it like all the time
mustang is a special case and he does that for whatever reason he keeps also trying to open a million accounts to post here, i think out of love.
the other crazy people who post about the place on other sites think they're doing hard-nosed sleuthing that inevitably ends up determining things like, we all hate the DPRK here because of a thread sarcastically mocking the press for running teen-level stories about the weight of Kim Jong-un.
@arrghshell @kazahann @earwulf pic.twitter.com/U1kz896gUF
— Red Kahina (@RedKahina) April 11, 2017
now i get it, DSA = Douchebags from Something Awful
— i hate memes (@arrghshell) April 11, 2017
pogfan1996 posted:
further up in this thread are they REALLY claiming that Settlers is an instruction manual for white supremacists?
colddays posted:pogfan1996 posted:
further up in this thread are they REALLY claiming that Settlers is an instruction manual for white supremacists?
Twitter leftists really hate Settlers and I don't know why. It's mind boggling.
Edit: because it's an instruction manual to invade Rojava or something? I'd ask but I'm genuinely squeamish interacting with that part of Twitter because anime weirdos won't trawl my posts for weeks just to dox me.
Edited by your_not_aleksandr ()
colddays posted:pogfan1996 posted:further up in this thread are they REALLY claiming that Settlers is an instruction manual for white supremacists?
yes and also that j sakai is psyops
so yeah, do read settlers. maybe you'll learn white people make things worse when they go places theyre not indigenous to
— خط شکن (@RevdCherrycoke) April 12, 2017
wait, so settlers is actually good, but also bad for the opposite reason
your_not_aleksandr posted:Hello earwolf I am sure you are reading this thread. Greetings and salutations.
that guys a deepcover troll tbf
Source: unified messaging was sent out tonight to counter "Bernie Dems" bashing establishment. No joke.
— Nomiki Konst (@NomikiKonst) April 12, 2017
drag us kweeeeen
A child is speaking. Will we listen? pic.twitter.com/h9PSGeBRN5
— Donny ☮️ (@getfiscal) April 12, 2017
This tweet is fake and part of ongoing attempts to smear and discredit 7-year-old Syrian refugee, @AlabedBana, and her family. pic.twitter.com/17KkXejwgO
— J.K. Rowling (@jk_rowling) April 13, 2017
"Yet Patreon is not capitalistic in this context. The commodity form is an exchange value and how we experience the laborer. In this way the labor, and specifically, the way we experience types of labor, is a reflection of a social relationship. Capitalism is when the relationship between laborer and "master" is one of capital: here, the master experiences the labor as not a human effort, but as a means of profit. Thus, to the master, the laborer is not human, but capital. In the case of patreon, we value the form which the youtuber creates, and experience her labor not as a means of production, but as fundamental human action. Our very willingness to fund her when her labor does not result in profitable production directly represents a distinctively uncapitalistic relationship between the viewer and the youtuber."
swampman posted:nice when good writers make use of twitter - this in response to "do communists know that patreon is not communist AT ALL?!" b.s.
"Yet Patreon is not capitalistic in this context. The commodity form is an exchange value and how we experience the laborer. In this way the labor, and specifically, the way we experience types of labor, is a reflection of a social relationship. Capitalism is when the relationship between laborer and "master" is one of capital: here, the master experiences the labor as not a human effort, but as a means of profit. Thus, to the master, the laborer is not human, but capital. In the case of patreon, we value the form which the youtuber creates, and experience her labor not as a means of production, but as fundamental human action. Our very willingness to fund her when her labor does not result in profitable production directly represents a distinctively uncapitalistic relationship between the viewer and the youtuber."
this is goddamn blithering and why nobody cares about marxism
le_nelson_mandela_face posted:sorry swampers i am just Triggered by taking an intuitive idea you can demonstrably teach to illiterate beet farmers by the millions and burying it under jargon
The most complicated concept in that paragrapg is "commodity form" and it's no surprise you recoil at the brutal hard work of understanding that bit
American way of Life pic.twitter.com/yclmMWcIPv
— golondrina de nata (@golondrinadnata) April 3, 2017
Easter in Nazi #Ukraine. This is all you need to know about today's zombie-Ukraine. pic.twitter.com/1TFYLpfbMu
— Victor Kuhnovets (@vicktop55) April 16, 2017
#Ukraine Kiev today. Easter. pic.twitter.com/tI36mgT17j
— Victor Kuhnovets (@vicktop55) April 16, 2017