[account deactivated]
it is.
[account deactivated]

elias posted:

it is.


[account deactivated]
turning through the night
intestines are squeezed, that's why they call me mr one-more-bite
do you guys think they tried two pickles but were like "nah" and went back to just one or have i drunk too many shamrock shakes here
[account deactivated]

ilmdge posted:

why do people on this forum always post their dreams



this is the first video i ever laughed at online... looking back.. not so good
Seceond edit ok actually its good!! Haha!!!
Third edit not good.

Edited by swampman ()

nice username field goy
merry christmas everyone

[account deactivated]
didnt eat a mcrib today, worst xmas eve ever

fuck you mom, the mcds was on the way home from church. im not gonna eat any of that damn turkey you made
Its definitely back
[account deactivated]
still though, mcrib is the better name, i mean c'mon
grimmy.com is a key contributor to the anti mcrib hate speech i see being propagated
i was of course simply sharing an example of mcbigotry so we could formulate an action plan to quash it
[account deactivated]
Th e McNoodles are back.

*dons flame shield*

Bring it.
i'm lovin it
[account deactivated]
Die McNoodles. Your kind doesn't belong in this world!

It was not by my hand that I was once again given flesh. I was called here by humans who wish to give me tribute.
that shit looks like the only good food mcdonalds ever made
looks like it came from a mall food court as to be expected
[account deactivated]
so I had my first mcrib ever just now and it's really just onions/bbq sauce/ and some slightly chewy meat. mcrib is back, y'all!
you forgot about the lone pickel
[account deactivated]
the mcrib or his diarrhea?
[account deactivated]