Flying_horse_in_saudi_arabia posted:So a couple of weeks ago I had emergency surgery, relatively minor but surgery nonetheless, it was a couple nights in hospital, and I'm all good now. The only cost was I had to pay for a prescription after I was discharged but that was less than ten bucks. More than once I reflected on the fact that if I was in amerikkka I'd have wound up dead and/or bankrupt from that. It's not even the first time the health care system here has saved my life. But it does give one pause, the knowledge that what turned out to be a relatively simple matter and minor disruption to my life could have been fatal if I was somewhere else, someone else.
glad you're ok man. I've had similar thoughts, the health system here is fucked up and full of holes but if I was in the states I'd definitely be homeless already from medical expenses
dizastar posted:its not a bad break, they gave me a splint and said it had to be immobilized for a while... its just that im much more lethargic now and it sucks
dizastar posted:its not a bad break, they gave me a splint and said it had to be immobilized for a while... its just that im much more lethargic now and it sucks
my jaw is broken and wired shut right now, so i can't sympathize, because im drinking thousands of chocolate-flavored high-calorie high-protein nutritional beverages, by far my favorite food

this is stupid i just want to be left alone to fix bicycles and crts in peace
Horselord posted:someone has spray painted a swastika on the side of my house. if i catch this person i will kill them
not all things are bad in horse world though in the past few weeks i got given a bang and olufsen tv from the 90s and an iiyama monitor with a diamondtron tube in it. i think i wasnt inducted into consumer culture properly because my taste hasnt moved forwards since 2002. mostly i just want to sleep

My first day as a bailiff in Bear Court. "Don't worry," the judge's gruff baritone rumbled as he hiked up the belt barely containing his healthy belly, "even though we're the top court, we nurture our cubs. If anyone gives you any trouble, you can be sure they'll be bottoming a world of hurt." I barely noticed the strange phrasing: as he scratched his rugged beard thoughtfully with one enormous hairy knuckle all I could think about was how comforting it would feel for those strong broad hands to grasp my scrawny shoulders...

trakfactri posted:
NATO has countries while Russia has "military districts". Crimea and all of Belarus is "Russian proxy operating locations" but the NATO-backed coup government's area of control is beige & neutral, just normal Ukraine where a Nazi-Wiccan Luna-Bar militia has been absorbed into the national army.


