Drink Yourself to Death [RSS Feed]
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LOVE by Soviet_Salami 27 4330 Dec. 16, 2018 18:33:10 by Cuntessa_Markievicz
xx by swampman 36 5475 Dec. 9, 2018 00:55:15 by Flying_horse_in_saudi_arabia
when did you realize the white bourgeoisie was going to commit climate change by g7DKVpkTyXaZvn65 6 1969 Dec. 6, 2018 01:58:10 by karphead
ApParently a synonym for diarhrehea is “the trots”, a fitting term,, if there ever was one by dimashq 3 1472 Nov. 14, 2018 01:59:02 by Accordion
Today I learned by JohnBeige 6 1809 Oct. 30, 2018 23:12:25 by shriekingviolet
grace lee boggs by Bukku_Man 0 974 Oct. 14, 2018 16:17:55 by Bukku_Man
Drinking threwaGd by parabolart 81 14508 Oct. 5, 2018 16:59:44 by jyt7rsusd8769w850yjn708stzhbau
Lenin was right! by levoydpage 7 2275 June 1, 2018 21:47:21 by cars
Who here has drunk soju? by babyhueypnewton 57 10972 May 19, 2018 07:36:45 by cars
i was listening to beautiful Bach earlier and i absolutely teared up. then i remembered i had nothing to live for and now im going to drink an entire bottle of rose, have some cheesecake, and imagine committing seppuku by damoj 9 3138 March 23, 2018 19:19:56 by drwhat
still not dmtd by GroverBabyFurr 1 1231 March 7, 2018 03:21:38 by cars
TFW you remember DYTD exists by Flying_horse_in_saudi_arabia 0 1108 Feb. 15, 2018 01:52:14 by Flying_horse_in_saudi_arabia
Merry Christmas Mates by Flying_horse_in_saudi_arabia 13 2846 Jan. 16, 2018 05:26:17 by lo
xo -new user by levoydpage 20 4775 Oct. 23, 2017 05:50:49 by traktor
RIP to non-fat Tom by thirdplace 7 2235 Oct. 6, 2017 19:15:07 by animedad
let's drink ourselves to death for our fallen comrades by drwhat 31 6397 Sept. 12, 2017 03:21:32 by winebaby
my fiance just passed out on the floor by winebaby 13 3726 Aug. 18, 2017 15:46:50 by animedad
fucking walls by JohnBeige 3 1744 Aug. 11, 2017 03:59:47 by winebaby
im having a milkshake by drwhat 17 3507 July 24, 2017 14:59:57 by TG
basic marijuana by spectralmarx 33 5466 June 24, 2017 22:05:11 by karphead
why not a rhizzone irc? by spectralmarx 41 7255 June 11, 2017 16:22:16 by stegosaurus
america is just becoming more american by winebaby 9 2776 May 27, 2017 23:00:48 by drwhat
I can't breathe by spectralmarx 6 2251 May 20, 2017 21:33:44 by drwhat
i will never even meet my landlord by winebaby 14 3597 April 14, 2017 03:10:13 by roseweird
imo beer is kitniyot by winebaby 0 1166 April 11, 2017 03:49:59 by winebaby
russia appreciation thread by tpaine 16 4915 March 7, 2017 18:20:54 by FAILAIDS
gotta wake up in 6 hours and sell a house contract to a class traitor by janefondafanclub 11 2868 Feb. 18, 2017 04:15:37 by janefondafanclub
- by Ufuk_Surekli 10 2798 Feb. 17, 2017 10:46:48 by shriekingviolet
I've been sober for a solid 24 hours. by kcnaofficial 1 1457 Feb. 8, 2017 22:53:08 by TG
i'm goin down to the corner by tpaine 25 5771 Feb. 3, 2017 19:37:04 by winebaby