germanjoey posted:gyrofry posted:why not just move it to the cloud
it is on the cloud already. we're on a shared virtually-allocated server. that's what being on the cloud means.
discipline posted:do it and I'll pay for the test
well the test upgrade is just 17 bucks for a single time. the question i want to know is where that 17 bucks a month is coming from for the next 2 years or whatever. next year. next 6 months. or what have you.
Superabound posted:have you tried just using one of those little drinking birds to hit the reset button for you while youre afk?
Simpson's reference. LOVE IT
libelous_slander posted:Superabound posted:have you tried just using one of those little drinking birds to hit the reset button for you while youre afk?
Simpson's reference. LOVE IT
its an Incredible Machine reference you cretin

gyrofry posted:I will place $100 at the usual dead drop location for khamsek and expct this to be forwarded to u
Superabound posted:have you tried just using one of those little drinking birds to hit the reset button for you while youre afk?
i could set a cronjob to do it every hour i guess.
hey posted:ill pay money but only on the condition that goatstein can never post ever again.
germanjoey posted:Superabound posted:have you tried just using one of those little drinking birds to hit the reset button for you while youre afk?
i could set a cronjob to do it every hour i guess.
like, this would "solve" the problem of the website being down completely for a half a day, but wouldnt solve the problem of the website sometimes being slow as hell. (e.g. some request manages to use up all allotted resources as to block other incoming requests without managing to use enough to crash the server)
germanjoey posted:Superabound posted:have you tried just using one of those little drinking birds to hit the reset button for you while youre afk?
i could set a cronjob to do it every hour i guess.
this is seriously a common means of handling undiagnosed memory leaks
e: also as for the OP i think you should accept the transfer to newer hardware and you might be able to stop paying for the extra memory too
Edited by Agnus_Dei ()
An error message i received while trying to search reveals a problem:
This is bad and could be causing the problems.
Default: False
A boolean that turns on/off debug mode.
Never deploy a site into production with DEBUG turned on.
Did you catch that? NEVER deploy a site into production with DEBUG turned on.
One of the main features of debug mode is the display of detailed error pages..
It is also important to remember that when running with DEBUG turned on, Django will remember every SQL query it executes. This is useful when you’re debugging, but it’ll rapidly consume memory on a production server.
I hope this information is helpful.
If you want more assistance Im happy to help. Mr Crow can vouch for me. If i do anything bad he will wrest control of the "Occupy Adelaide" facebook page from my fragile hands.
Thank you
animedad posted:i'll pay if i can get, say, 30% of the cia documents on this place
Are you kidding? the CIA doesn't hang out in backwater holes like this
Zen_Punk posted:i would put my change in the rhizzone collection plate.
thanks obama