BALLIN_LIKE_STALIN posted:While most of the consular staff evacuated, vilerat stayed behind to
wipe classified datalog off of EVE Online, and was killed in the attack.
at least vilerat died doing what he loved, whitewashing the crimes of the u.s. government in the last moments of life while moving spaceship pixels around
guidoanselmi posted:i assume suicide but that's only because no one answered my realpost asking about it with a realreply.
I don't think so, in fyad they were speculating it was either an aneurism, which apparently his family was predisposed to, or an opiate overdose, to which he was apparently addicted.
On topic I feel bad someone died violently and pointlessly, but am also glad I don't have to read his posts. Would have preferred to not have to read evilweasel posts, tbh. What was the context of his Nelson Mandela hate, btw?
Squalid posted:What was the context of his Nelson Mandela hate, btw?
Well, he's white.
Squalid posted:What was the context of his Nelson Mandela hate, btw?
it was because mandela opposed the iraq war, iirc. apparently he was stationed in south africa at one point, which makes it even better.
Squalid posted:What was the context of his Nelson Mandela hate, btw?
this is the basic story that made him mad i think:
Squalid posted:guidoanselmi posted:What was the context of his Nelson Mandela hate, btw?
it was a reaction to this story:
dunno anything beyond that. afaik vilerat abandoned a lot of his most terrible views
edit; f,b
Makeshift_Swahili posted:babyfinland posted:
its weird how the media treats the four americans that died. one was the ambassador, theyve done eulogies about him. two are simpyl refered to as "other US citizens." the other is vile rat.
check out tihs sweet eulogy in one of australia's most circulated newspapers
smh dot com
Makeshift_Swahili posted:dunno anything beyond that. afaik vilerat abandoned a lot of his most terrible views
oh ok then i take back both my hootin and hollerin

Victim of Montreal riot remembered as frequently owned

VoxNihili posted:I met VR first in Eve. Newer SA goons know him later for his mod spot in D&D. We were in Goonfleet. He, me, and Solo Drakban are among... were among - the last of the old guard still playing. We first hung out in person back in 06, when he came by the DC area for some training; he’d been in Johannesburg for a while but I was living in Northern Virginia. The first time we hung out we went out to dinner, chilled, then realized that we didn’t have any mixers for drinks so we just began pounding vodka shots while playing EVE, killed a Caracal while we were in frigates, went to 1V- in Scalding Pass and trolled Lotka Volterra for being bad. The system had just fallen. 06. I’ve known him for more than six years.
- Secretary of State, Hillary Rodham Clinton
good bye vile rat. i will never forget all the times you made me laugh until my voice was "horse"
VoxNihili posted:

jools posted:i emailed mark ames with vilerats post history so hopefully we'll get a KILLED US DIPLOMAT WAS RACIST INTERNET MONSTER article out of it
BALLIN_LIKE_STALIN posted:vilerat, aka Sean Smith, was an IT guy for the US State Department. He was assigned to work at a consulate in Benghazi. That office was attacked by far-right Islamic militants during a protest over a low-budget film that portrays Mohammed as a pedophile (it's looking more and more like the attack was premeditated and just used what would otherwise have likely been a non-violent protest as cover). While most of the consular staff evacuated, vilerat stayed behind to
wipe classified datalog off of EVE Online, and was killed in the attack. In the mean time, Chris Stevens, the US ambassador, and his bodyguards evacuated to a safe house. The attackers followed, and killed the ambassador and two other State Department employees.
I am in the military and heard about the attacks before most of the world. At first it was just another attack. Then I came home and saw the news on reddit that a fellow EVE player had died. It wasn't until I read what might have been his last communication that I really started feeling it.
(2:40:22 PM) vile_rat: FUCK
(2:40:24 PM) vile_rat: gunfire
David Allen Green @DavidAllenGreen
Screengrab of the now deleted odd and vile tweet from @wikileaks
Retweeted by Brown Moses
Heard your name mentioned again when a bunch of goony babies started crying about some dumb pith helmet-wearing network jockey that got obliterated "just doing his job" making sure that the red-white-and-blue is balls deep in whatever government emerges from the muck over there. The outrage and faux empathy left me scratching my head.
Just wanted to say it's great seeing you. You look good.
Ollu posted:Hey Laissez's Faire, it's been a long time. I thought you were dead. You might not remember me, cuz there was a lot of arak and hashish involved, but we totally hooked up once many years ago.
Heard your name mentioned again when a bunch of goony babies started crying about some dumb pith helmet-wearing network jockey that got obliterated "just doing his job" making sure that the red-white-and-blue is balls deep in whatever government emerges from the muck over there. The outrage and faux empathy left me scratching my head.
Just wanted to say it's great seeing you. You look good.
boglyft posted:Picture from the US/Libyan Plutonium for Pinball Parts Program
You still know what I like, baby. And you haven't changed a bit.