anybody know any good stuff about apartheid or just even postwar south africa?

babyfinland posted:

HenryKrinkle posted:

read more books about haiti


looks v. interesting will attempt to read somehow

[account deactivated]

bong_san_suu_kyi posted:

anybody know any good stuff about apartheid or just even postwar south africa?

this is relevant


HenryKrinkle posted:

.custom94326{color:#020300 !important; background-color:#EDA4BC !important; }babyfinland posted:.custom94322{}HenryKrinkle posted:read more books about haitihttp://www.amazon.com/Hegel-Haiti-Universal-History-Illuminations/dp/082295978Xlooks v. interesting will attempt to read somehow

here's the link: http://www.mediafire.com/?as26626smg6kepd

i took the plunge and got a bible, guess im gonna read the O.T. when im finished with Montefiore's Jerusalem biog which is really badly written but i gotta Finish The Fight now

babyfinland posted:

HenryKrinkle posted:

read more books about haiti


this ones p interesting + engaging but buck-morss engages in this blanket condemnation of marxism which seemed p inexplicable + also i think she spends too long trying to demonstrate a causal relationship between the haitian revolution and hegel's master-slave dialectic... like on the one hand its cool that shes disrupting eurocentric hermeneutics but on the other her insistence on Historical Fact is, like, so totally prepomo...... Silencing the Past by Michel-Roulph Trouillot is mostly about haiti and has a couple flaws imo (i wrote some essays on why which i might try 2 dig up) but its p awesome 2 imo

i been reading some henri michaux which is p awesome but wtf impper its nothing like deleuze
stylistically it is, there are very clear passages where they ape michaux, but also in deleuze & guattari they talk about using michaux's style somewhere
my girlfriend got into a really good postgraduate film program through chinese affirmative action cause her internal passport says shes mongolian even though she's not mongolian and shes kind of freaking out cause she's never had to do research before or even really read a book or write a paper in a serious way so im reading a bunch of chinese film studies books to help her with her papers and dissertation. chinese cinema is pretty ridiculous it turns out and i never wanted to learn about film studies anyways but i get to spend the next year reading and writing about KMT landlord stoned to death by revolutionary masses, reel 2 so im p copacetic

right now im reading cinema and cultural modernity and the cinema of hong kong, history, arts, identity. i couldnt find any books on mainland chinese film in the mainland chinese university library i have access to so im just going to read a bunch of grad student's dissertations about mainland film to crib that
film studies: meh, who cares
the cinema of hong kong history art identity is ok because its basically a line by line monograph of analysis of individual 1970's kung fu serials
write about this;

she should write her thesis on the frequent use in chinese cinema of scenes where people announce things from scrolls, which is my favourite part of chinese cinema
we're probably going do to some comparative survey thing between hong kong, taiwanese, and mainland cinema because its the easiest and neither of us is really equiped for this. i had to teach her how to use a university library, she freaked out when i asked her to request the librarian borrow a book from another in-system library because at her last school they would have yelled at her for the affrontery of such a thing if she had attempted it, and for my part half the course materials in chinese which i cant read
if i get ambitious a might do a thing on revolutionary aesthetics in chinese cinema or perhaps scroll reading
universities in china are fake by and large
the elite schools in the tier one cities like where she's going now are less fake but still largely fake by and large. everyone else in the country gets fake schools. her undergrad professors would just sit in the front and read newspapers half the time. foxcomm will go to random fake grad schools here and "request" that all the students come do a "work study internship" at the factory making iphones for a semester, and if the students dont come complete their "work study program" by working for no money for montsh they don't graduate
i like this book on constructing modernity with film im reading i kind of want to compare constructing modernity with film in the mainland to hong kong and maybe 'merica because USA NUMBER 1

autopsyturvey posted:

universities in china are fake by and large

This is 100% true

to be fair, when you get right down to it, school is pretty fake. *kicks rock* it's BULLSHIT
we don't need no education we don't need no thought control

autopsyturvey posted:

the elite schools in the tier one cities like where she's going now are less fake but still largely fake by and large. everyone else in the country gets fake schools. her undergrad professors would just sit in the front and read newspapers half the time. foxcomm will go to random fake grad schools here and "request" that all the students come do a "work study internship" at the factory making iphones for a semester, and if the students dont come complete their "work study program" by working for no money for montsh they don't graduate

oh yeah well in america if youre a marxist you have to do like research and stuff instead of organizing the overthrow of the government in the classroom its f***ing gay as hell

I'm reading Nabakov's Ada again but I dropped a bag containing a big glass bottle of soy sauce + the book and now it's all brown and sticky...

Meursault posted:

I'm reading Nabakov's Ada again but I dropped a bag containing a big glass bottle of soy sauce + the book and now it's all brown and sticky...

nice one dumbass

I had a long day... and the bag slipped like 6 inches... but it was a fatal fall nonetheless
*slow clap* beautiful

Meursault posted:

now it's all brown and sticky

it's a STICK?


autopsyturvey posted:

universities in china are fake by and large

welp *crumples up beida diploma, throws in fireplace*

[account deactivated]

babyfinland posted:

autopsyturvey posted:

the elite schools in the tier one cities like where she's going now are less fake but still largely fake by and large. everyone else in the country gets fake schools. her undergrad professors would just sit in the front and read newspapers half the time. foxcomm will go to random fake grad schools here and "request" that all the students come do a "work study internship" at the factory making iphones for a semester, and if the students dont come complete their "work study program" by working for no money for montsh they don't graduate

oh yeah well in america if youre a marxist you have to do like research and stuff instead of organizing the overthrow of the government in the classroom its f***ing gay as hell

thats a good thing

you went to beida? that's cool. i went to fudan.
i went to xiao yu mai wang

littlegreenpills posted:

i went to xiao yu mai wang

a small school.

im watching in girum imus nocte et consumimur igni

oh fuck the subtitles are italian
i wish guy debord was my roommate. he coudl give me advice about daube, life, things like that.
i'm thinking of applying to the beida or tsinghua foreign policy grad program for september because it would be good to have any masters degree basically and all the other english language programs are like automotive design. the application process is awesome its like "foreigner?? please come in!" beida doesn't even need a GRE
[account deactivated]