what do y'all think of the PSL? i was walking around Richmond the other day and saw a bunch of flyers and some folks were handing out copies of Liberation , looks like they're trying to open up a branch in VA

Scrree posted:

i read that fables-of-faubues dot com article and the author seems to conflate rightist and leftist critiques of multiculturalism indiscriminately. like yeah the way reactionary or trotskiyst authors try to delegitimatize multiculturalism because Racism Is No Longer A Problem See Obama/Race Identity Weakens Class Struggle - both white supremest positions - but the way the big MC physically manifests itself in american life is white yuppies moving into minority neighborhoods because 'the people are real here!' and essentially evicting the original inhabitants with their racial acquired wealth.

i think critiquing multiculturalism in the sense of fetishism of minority culture, and tolerance ideology as individualistic reaction to the spirit of community and love (do not harass me and i'll not harass you! let us avoid hostile communication through avoiding all communication) is a worthwhile endeavor for the left.

american liberals are fully devoted to the principles of overt multiculturalism and covert white supremacy; this is not incongruous insanity, and has material basis.

if there was actual fetishism of culture going on that would be one thing, I'm not convinced that's what going on- seems more like colonialism to me, complete with stories that the colonizers incubate amongst themselves but not much more than that.

the same old story: most are ruthless, a few are there to mop up the blood


dank_xiaopeng posted:

what do y'all think of the PSL? i was walking around Richmond the other day and saw a bunch of flyers and some folks were handing out copies of Liberation , looks like they're trying to open up a branch in VA

assume youre talking about the only communist psl. machine gun dressed up to look like a dragunov. sever

can anyone recommend any books about the history of the japanese left in the 20th century
[account deactivated]

Neon_Night_Rider posted:

can anyone recommend any books about the history of the japanese left in the 20th century

seconded. all i know is this book on the topic of war guilt and Hirohito, which is a quick read and which tangentially features several Japanese leftists. I really wish I knew more, sorry. http://uploaded.net/file/7f31kj6l
every book i found on the japanese red army was in the vein of "this is the bloodcurdling tale of some CrAaAaaAaAzY folks! And get a load of this psycho broad!" If anyone had any recommendations for this as well I'd be awful happy


conec posted:

aye if i wrote a book would yall read it or nah

depends what it was about. if it were like an advanced biology textbook then probably not because that sounds boring. if it were a collection of your best posts then obviously yes i would.

Women pls stop writing books. Thanks.

conec posted:

aye if i wrote a book would yall read it or nah

if it's anything like your posts, no.

i'm stuck at home nursing a horrible cold and unable to do anything productive so i've been watching glorious sikh stuff on youtube. LGP you may like this one, it features police murder
Tom: The CollegeHumor Muslim.

Neon_Night_Rider posted:

can anyone recommend any books about the history of the japanese left in the 20th century

I can only recommend stuff on the Korean left :/ I would be interested as well, found this book on Gunma and urban development and underdevelopment in the Japanese suburbs


and I would like anything about the left in Japan so I can make an even longer post about my favorite anime aku no hana


conec posted:

aye if i wrote a book would yall read it or nah

question is less "would" and more "could"

OK so I read the Oxford History of the French Revolution and that was good, a bit gloss-over at times but if he hadn't it might've gone on forever. For example, I never did get a good feel for why certain factions adopted certain ideologies and what-not. I suppose if I read a book solely about Robespierre or something I might get a feel for the mechanics of the various movements. Just seems like even a paragraph or two would suffice, maybe a subsection for each one, maybe a chapter or two detailing the sans culottes and just the history of that subgroup. &c.

I bought Pipes' book on the Russian Revolution but I think I'd rather read one less filled with dipshit assumptions such as Socialism = EverybodyMurder or whatever before tackling one filled with them.

What's a good one to read about the events surrounding and leading up to and describing the RR pls. Specifically, if there's one that -- like Pipes -- starts way, way back in the deep foundations of socialism, that'd be kewl
Also re-reading all of Dune and some books friends recommend to me to spice things up (heh. spice)

And a book about Modern Ireland (meaning like 1500 -- 1972) which I'm pretty excited about tackling!
Is hobsbawms stuff on age of revolution etc worth reading. in his wiki article it says he advocated exterminating everyone in Israel when he was at a dinner party, so he seems cool.

Gibbonstrength posted:

Is hobsbawms stuff on age of revolution etc worth reading. in his wiki article it says he advocated exterminating everyone in Israel when he was at a dinner party, so he seems cool.

Yes so far

hobsbawm is a v good historian
hobsbawm owns
hobsbawm is a behn chodh
[account deactivated]
[account deactivated]

discipline posted:

I'm involved with workers world party youth group in NYC and AFAIK there is little difference between them and PSL, PSL just split and didn't give a reason for it. Idk.

didn't guess you'd become a trotskyist. welcome to our camp.

[account deactivated]
join the psl, imo

discipline posted:

I'm involved with workers world party youth group in NYC and AFAIK there is little difference between them and PSL, PSL just split and didn't give a reason for it. Idk.

the reason was that "the Workers World Party leadership is no longer capable" of fulfilling the "mission" of building socialism.

While we are in the first stage of creating a new revolutionary party, we have a long tradition as leaders and organizers inside the Marxist movement in the United States, as well as in the anti-war and anti-racist movements, in the labor movement, and in the other mass movements inside the United States. As former leaders and members of Workers World Party, we defend that group's historical tradition and mission, particularly that of its founder Sam Marcy. Although we believe that the Workers World Party leadership is no longer capable of fulfilling that mission, we still consider it to be a progressive organization with many honest activists.

so basically they just didnt get along or were unsatisfied with leadership or something
a PSL member told me it was because the leadership was all old weird people who didn't do much shit and made a lot of bad decisions so most of their youth and such made a new party.
yeah thats what i thought. their line seems p. good but i didn't know if they were run by lame-os or what. richmond's pretty far from me but if something gets started there i may make the drive to volunteer or something v v

getfiscal posted:

old weird people who didn't do much shit and made a lot of bad decisions

we should all join

I joined? the frso.
figured i went the wrong route so i joined with a sick ass click n went all out

no limit fast money millionaires club bitchess its holiday season
a friend of mine joined the cpgb-ml lol

deadken posted:

a friend of mine joined the cpgb-ml lol

those guys know how to party!


deadken posted:

a friend of mine joined the cpgb-ml lol

was it because of their policy of repealing age of consent laws

sorry that was CPGB (PCC), which is an entirely different organization.
can you upload the current spreadsheet to the pdf sharing forum donald

deadken posted:

a friend of mine joined the cpgb-ml lol

they make good youtubes


getfiscal posted:

a PSL member told me it was because the leadership was all old weird people who didn't do much shit and made a lot of bad decisions so most of their youth and such made a new party.

i guess people like ramsey clark & sara flounders do good work but they're not v. good organizers.

lol is that her real name.

hello my name and the title of my autobiography are both sara flounders