so you don't need to be an ifap mod to ifap people, but an ifap mod to let them out?
[account deactivated]
why would anyone give the reins of power to an infant?
[account deactivated]
Is that grown ass-woman or grown-ass woman, or grown-ass womyn
[account deactivated]

daddyholes posted:

again i ask, what is this crusade to make the rhizzone safe for porn, to be like is this porn *post* is this porn *post*, is this . .. accelerationism

i will not stop until the rhizzone is a forum solely for the monomaniacal pursuit of psedointellectual porn analysis like in that story i wrote

conec is a six month old infant, abandoned by her parents, crawling back and forth over a keyboard in search of something she can't quite name. sometimes it looks like her posts might be imitating language or have some kind of buried meaning or logic to them but it's just random

conec posted:

c_man posted:

conec can ifap people?

yes im now a mod of the faily planet

You were campaigning for that position for some time. Now that your ambition has been satisfied, how do you feel? Many people report experiencing an emptiness after reaching their goals, having their pursuit completed and their pastime behind them, like reading the final page of a long book you've carried with you for some time and setting it aside. And then there is the position itself. Do you find it more thankless and difficult than you imagined it?

Please respond on your ask.fm #crosspromotion

[account deactivated]

conec posted:

what should i watch on netflix..

two options im interested in so far keep in mind i will not watch a movie with sex scenes or nudity

mesrine: killer instinct

aku no hana has ended

gwarp posted:

i think you and me are the only undergrads here conec, kind of embarrassing i guess

im an undergrad


deadken posted:

daddyholes posted:

again i ask, what is this crusade to make the rhizzone safe for porn, to be like is this porn *post* is this porn *post*, is this . .. accelerationism

i will not stop until the rhizzone is a forum solely for the monomaniacal pursuit of psedointellectual porn analysis like in that story i wrote

so like how to quiet a vampire, except for porn not nazism


fleights posted:

aku no hana has ended

glad this because the official manga of the 'zzone, sadly i was not inspired to write anything by the ending now to find the next 'zzone japanimation

thats a horrendous game btw. before anyone gets the wrong idea.


Makeshift_Swahili posted:



"Schizophrenia" here doesn't have much of anything to do with the actual mental illness and in retrospect the use of an actual illness from which millions of people suffer as an abstract tool of cultural criticism is rather cringe-inducing. I use the term here since it's the preferred jargon within cultural theory, but, for the record, it's gross and they should have found another word.


When I reached out yesterday, asking whether he saw Buzzfeed as embodying the trends described in the paper or as subverting them, he simply replied, "lol."
that article was cool becuase it turned me on to this: http://www.buzzfeed.com/chelseamarshall/17-dogs-who-understand-how-you-feel-about-pizza

babyhueypnewton posted:

"Schizophrenia" here doesn't have much of anything to do with the actual mental illness and in retrospect the use of an actual illness from which millions of people suffer as an abstract tool of cultural criticism is rather cringe-inducing. I use the term here since it's the preferred jargon within cultural theory, but, for the record, it's gross and they should have found another word.


do not sign your empty quotes


Makeshift_Swahili posted:


thats me


babyhueypnewton posted:

"Schizophrenia" here doesn't have much of anything to do with the actual mental illness and in retrospect the use of an actual illness from which millions of people suffer as an abstract tool of cultural criticism is rather cringe-inducing. I use the term here since it's the preferred jargon within cultural theory, but, for the record, it's gross and they should have found another word.


I've had this discussion IRL with me being on the fence about it.


Personally, I mostly find this kind of identity formation benign; if someone wants to feel connected to other people with small bladders, what's the harm? *unholsters his .45 caliber Golden Deagle and sprays the blood of a peruvian infant onto the tin siding of its slumhouse with an absolutely sick google glass-assisted headshot*
You know, with your comment about how people need to believe in the system to some degree, it occurs to me that in a fundamental way, you’re actually making a small-c conservative argument. You’re not saying we need to burn everything to the ground and start over, you’re saying we need to stick with the principles we supposedly all believe in.

Taibbi: People forget that all my sources come from Wall Street. They’re all capitalists, they’re all ardent capitalists. They grew up, their passion in life was reading Adam Smith and believing in that whole world. And I came into this story six years ago, whatever it was, not really knowing a whole lot about it, but certainly I never would have described myself as an ardent capitalist … When people ask me what the solutions are to these problems, for me, the fastest shortcut to everything being cleaned up is disentangling the government from its unnatural support of these too-big-to-fail institutions, forcing them to sink or swim on their own in the real free market. I never would have imagined myself making that argument five or six years ago, but that’s the argument … These people, not only are they not being prosecuted, but they’re not subject to the normal forces of the market anymore, and in a way that enables them even more … If you were to force these companies to sink or swim on their own they’d be vaporized instantly. We see this every time there’s any hint the government is going to stop bailing these companies out or may consider not doing it in the future — they lose billions of dollars in market capitalization overnight …

It’s a very conservative argument . I’m not advocating for socialism; I’m advocating for the “Schoolhouse Rock” version of what we were taught about democracy and capitalism, and we have a long way to go just to get back to that.
i like matt taibbi, he seems like a good egg all around
just watched the new wolfenstein game, I'm going to write an article about it, instead of working on corn.
like to dangle that bladder ladder
is it still possible to register for aaaarg.org i need this book and can't see a way to do so:

swirlsofhistory posted:

babyhueypnewton posted:

"Schizophrenia" here doesn't have much of anything to do with the actual mental illness and in retrospect the use of an actual illness from which millions of people suffer as an abstract tool of cultural criticism is rather cringe-inducing. I use the term here since it's the preferred jargon within cultural theory, but, for the record, it's gross and they should have found another word.


I've had this discussion IRL with me being on the fence about it.

well since D&G's whole point is critiquing 'actual mental illness' I sincerely doubt these morons actually read any of the things they are too busy getting offended over. you can even beat socialists as a liberal if you're willing to be more offended, you can even be offended at the use of an old dead white man who wasnt even really jewish


NoFreeWill posted:

is it still possible to register for aaaarg.org i need this book and can't see a way to do so:


edit: hmm that's sideways here's a better one https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B-1QlyxaZBRlYjJVeWRjWkMtRkU/edit?usp=sharing

Edited by elektrenai ()

dang cant believe i hadnt heard of this book before: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Swastika_Night

Swastika Night is a futuristic novel by Katharine Burdekin, writing under the pseudonym Murray Constantine, first published in 1937. The book was a Left Book Club selection in 1940.

The novel takes place seven hundred years after Nazism achieved power, by which time Adolf Hitler is worshipped as a god. Though no major character is a woman, the story concentrates on the oppression of women, portraying the Nazis as homosexual misogynists.

HenryKrinkle posted:

this is still a ting? i thought that dude left the forums a long time a go...

groverhaus will always be a thing

Yeah good. Corny, sloppy left pop history sucks