[account deactivated]

djbk posted:

When my family first got cable in the late 90s, my favorite show was on the local access channel, called World Wide Magazine. Pete Parisi, a cab driver that I had the pleasure of riding with to the magnet school downtown (desegregation made me get up at 4:30 every day for class), wrote, produced and starred in it. He's dead now, but somebody is putting up old shows on youtube. With the canonization of the two popes today, they uploaded a real classic from when JP2 visited St. Louis. I can remember my mom and brother riding with my aunt and cousins downtown to see him drive by in the pope-mobile. My dad and I refused to go see the spectacle. This is a fucking classic.


"Under the citizenship act, racialism is getting more severe in the U.S. The gaps between the minorities and the whites are very wide in the exercise of such rights to work and elect."
"The U.S. true colors as a kingdom of racial discrimination was fully revealed by last year's case that the Florida Court gave a verdict of not guilty to a white policeman who shot to death an innocent black boy."
"That's why 52 percent of the Americans have said that racism still exists in the country while 46 percent contended that all sorts of discrimination would be everlasting."
"The U.S. is a living hell as elementary rights to existence are ruthlessly violated."
"At present, an average of 300,000 people a week are registered as unemployed, but any proper measure has not been taken."
"The housing price soared 11.5 percent last year than 2012 and 13.2 percent in January this year than 2013, leaving many people homeless."
"The number of impoverished people increased to 46.5 millions last year, and one sixth of the citizens and 20-odd percent of the children are in the grip of famine in New York City."
"All sorts of crimes rampant in the U.S. pose a serious threat to the people's rights to existence and their inviolable rights."
"The U.S. government has monitored every movement of its citizens and foreigners, with many cameras and tapping devices and even drones involved, under the pretext of 'national security.'"
"Meanwhile, bills on easing arms control were adopted in various states of the country, boosting murderous crimes. As a result, the U.S. has witnessed an increasing number of gun-related crimes in all parts of the country and even its military bases this year. In this regard, the United Nations on April 10 put the U.S. on the top of the world list of homicide rates."
"The U.S. also has 2.2 millions of prisoners at present, the highest number in the world. For lack of prisons on the part of the government, individuals are providing detention facilities to make money."
"A Russian TV said that in the U.S. the wealthy classes are now keen on the investment in providing private prisons for their high profit and so more people will be imprisoned."
"Its chief executive, Obama, indulges himself in luxury almost every day, squandering hundred millions of dollars on his foreign trip in disregard of his people's wretched life."


babyhueypnewton posted:

jools posted:

babyhueypnewton posted:

littlegreenpills posted:


please do not let bourgeois propaganda convince you that 'hard' sciences exist or are more real than 'soft' science, nor that natural sciences are somehow above ideology. the history of not just biology but also physics and dialectical materialism is really interesting, and many of the major discoveries in these fields are the result of ideologically left-aligned scientists (this is of course the worst sin and will never be taught in american academia, i hope its harder to avoid in UK academia because most of the british biologists were marxist).

i will admit this is something ive only recently started to learn about and its difficult because you need to piece it together yourself, but here are some people ive started with:

http://www.marxists.org/subject/science/ (nice collection)

this is of course an extremely narrow way to look at it, we need to study what soviet and maoist scientists were able to do that western scientists could not (and where they failed), how scientists like oppenheimer and einstein were influenced by marxism even if they never wrote anything about it, how philosophy of science like althusser but also kuhn interact with dialectical materialism, etc

the problem is economists, sociologists, philosophers, etc in the U.S. have it drilled in their heads since day 1 that they are inferior to natural scientists they are scared to touch it, the difficulty of approaching science as a layman (and the ideology that prevents real scientists from thinking about their work philosophically) plus the bad history with lysenko, the current global retreat of the left, and a history of dumb people in degenerate 1st world parties dismissing large swaths of science make this subject very hard to grasp.

dude sakata only came up with the quark model because of dialectical materialism being his arbitrary aesthetic commitment. i mean you could argue the same might be true for the renormalisation group or the "nuclear democracy", but this is all metaphysical rubbish on your part.

whats wrong with metaphysics? of course science will not appear dialectical, as we live in a capitalist-empiricist hegemony. a 'commitment' is exactly what we need, as once we establish the truth of dialectical materialism as a method for understanding the world and not only certain aspects of it (economics because Marx did the work for us) we need to critique all that appears as 'common sense' especially the scientific method. and yes, you could probably go your whole life as a scientist and never think about dialectics, but that doesnt mean the history isnt there (which as far as i can see has never been studied) or that dialects isn't essential to understanding science, even if there had never been marxist scientists

it takes a lot of courage to go up to a physicist and tell him he's ideologically blind, and many dumb ppl have done that (like some Maoists dismissing the big bang as undialectical or whatever) but that doesnt mean we shouldnt have the courage to try

and yes i agree that you can vomit the word "dialectics" onto anything that sounds like it in science and make it sound like it was always there. and this is not good. but that post was more talking about the history of dialectal scientists which has been forgotten, and there is a way to also claim that all correct science is dialectical (or is lacking because it is not dialectical) without trying to claim things to seem more important than you are.

like i said, this is hard work because so much ideology is against marxists in the sciences, and the barriers to even know what you're talking about wrt physics are high. we need courage, especially the courage to be wrong

babyhueyp is right

babyhueypnewton posted:

jools posted:

but the marxism has very little to do with it really. you're literally arguing that science is a degenerate form of marxism.

im arguing the scientific method is a degenerate form of dialectical-materialism. perhaps even that our conception of science under capitalism is also. 'science' is a word that needs to be rescued from it to mean nothing more than the materialist analysis of reality. marxism is really just the actually scientific analysis of economics, which happened to be the epistemology break that revealed a fundamentally new and better way of doing science.

getfiscal posted:

hmm... baby huey is right about everything here......

babyhuey is right all right heh
zanzibar cat some short story feminist sf and still finishing Phenomenology of Perception bhy Merleau-Ponty
i have reached 6669 upvotes. please nobody upvote me again so i can maintain this perfect balance of Satan + Sex Numbers.
screw you
been mixing it up between these over a wet and chilly weekend


Ironicwarcriminal posted:

been mixing it up between these over a wet and chilly weekend


For everyone who was that girl.
For everyone who knew that girl.
For everyone who wondered who that girl was.

Kerry Cohen is eleven years old when she recognizes the power of her body in the leer of a grown man. Her parents are recently divorced and it doesn't take long before their lassitude and Kerry's desire to stand out--to be memorable in some way--combine to lead her down a path she knows she shouldn't take. Kerry wanted attention. She wanted love. But not really understanding what love was, not really knowing how to get it, she reached for sex instead.

Loose Girl is Kerry Cohen's captivating memoir about her descent into promiscuity and how she gradually found her way toward real intimacy. The story of addiction--not just to sex, but to male attention--Loose Girl is also the story of a young girl who came to believe that boys and men could give her life meaning. It didn't matter who he was. It was their movement that mattered, their being together. And for a while, that was enough.

From the early rush of exploration to the day she learned to quiet the desperation and allow herself to love and be loved, Kerry's story is never less than riveting. In rich and immediate detail, Loose Girl re-creates what it feels like to be in that desperate moment, when a girl tries to control a boy by handing over her body, when the touch of that boy seems to offer proof of something, but ultimately delivers little more than emptiness.

Kerry Cohen's journey from that hopeless place to her current confident and fulfilled existence is a cautionary tale and a revelation for girls young and old. The unforgettable memoir of one young woman who desperately wanted to matter, Loose Girl will speak to countless others with its compassion, understanding, and love.

[account deactivated]
its a very important cautionary tale about the seductive allure of debasement disguised as empowerment, and also has lots of dirty bits in u can rub one out to
[account deactivated]
ive had that song in my hed for the last three weeks f u
[account deactivated]
thats v cute lol
are those all the bullets youre gonna use for your shooting spree + eventual mutual suicide when blink visits
[account deactivated]
*covers up white power tattoo with strawberries*
doulbe post sorry. im reading castro's My Life

conec posted:

why are u reading that iwc...

because it's written really well and has some very insightful illustrations of relationships and human behaviour...dunno why you downvoted me

congratulations conec + blink. i could use a suicide pact right bout now too, what a relief that must be
i want to read luciana castellina's autobiography about the war years and immediately after. My Shit is melancholy political memoirs by old italian communists. lucio magri's The Tailor of Ulm was really amazing and his personal story is super, wicked, cosmically depressing.

Edited by stegosaurus ()

Im reading Modern Defenestration by Fallada Da Vindo
funny. I'm opening for them thursday after next...
a good name for a vegan ska band would be Insalata Da Vida
a good name for an italian cookbook would be The Tailor of Yum

Ironicwarcriminal posted:

been mixing it up between these over a wet and chilly weekend

downvote for studying architecture. it all falls down dude


getfiscal posted:

a good name for an italian cookbook would be The Tailor of Yum

a good name for a plus-sized pantsmaker would be the Tailor of Tom


conec posted:

jools posted:

are those all the bullets youre gonna use for your shooting spree + eventual mutual suicide when blink visits

noe joolsie im scraight up ahimsa fa life

look at these big berries im in the middle of eating

wow you have really small hands


The story is told from the perspective of a KGB agent whose job was to keep tabs on the future U.S. president for decades, beginning with his time as a leader in the Screen Actors Guild.


The script is based on two best-selling books by author Paul Kengor -- God and Ronald Reagan: A Spiritual Life and The Crusader: Ronald Reagan and the Fall of Communism.

“I’ve been very pleased to see the script develop in a manner that is faithful to my books and ultimately to history,” Kengor said.

that agent's name? albert einstein
[account deactivated]
thats cool
i read that fables-of-faubues dot com article and the author seems to conflate rightist and leftist critiques of multiculturalism indiscriminately. like yeah the way reactionary or trotskiyst authors try to delegitimatize multiculturalism because Racism Is No Longer A Problem See Obama/Race Identity Weakens Class Struggle - both white supremest positions - but the way the big MC physically manifests itself in american life is white yuppies moving into minority neighborhoods because 'the people are real here!' and essentially evicting the original inhabitants with their racial acquired wealth.

i think critiquing multiculturalism in the sense of fetishism of minority culture, and tolerance ideology as individualistic reaction to the spirit of community and love (do not harass me and i'll not harass you! let us avoid hostile communication through avoiding all communication) is a worthwhile endeavor for the left.

american liberals are fully devoted to the principles of overt multiculturalism and covert white supremacy; this is not incongruous insanity, and has material basis.
my last sentence up there is the beigest fuckign thing but im incapable of not being like that i guess

i also printed out the forth part of that essay and gave it to my pushing sixty doesn't give a fuck old lit professor because my first interaction with her was anonymously taping a 'Pollock was paid by the CIA' article over something she'd put up on her office wall about the deep inspiration for modern art. i had a handwritten letter attached to the article in case she wasnt in her office when i dropped it off that was all 'this is like the first thing I showed you; hope you'll find it a good read!" jesus christ
lol dweeb