tears posted:Even though the water smells rotten, it's safe to drink, according to aUStin Water officials
smelly water is often entirely safe to drink. especially when it comes straight out of your tap
Belphegor posted:U know what's good? cold Water straight from the garden hose
this is NOT food safe if you work on a farm
babyhueypnewton posted:The end point is inevitably the end of national politics. Something very reactionary will replace it but only Steve Bannon seems to have an idea of what that is. But what will replace that, if humanity survives, is the progressive end of national politics. Sanders will be remembered about as well as Kerensky when that world comes into being, though Kerensky was far more radical.
Maybe you're just depressed! You need a vacation! Take a me day!

left-liberal president: nazis are riled up and take more violent action??
hmmm. hmm
drwhat posted:reactionary president: nazis are riled up and take more violent action
left-liberal president: nazis are riled up and take more violent action??
hmmm. hmm
Yeah maybe. I think that's already happening. Kind of worth another thread but the guys popping off now remind me of the Weather Underground in a way.
The Nazis spent several years organizing, projected onto Trump their own views, and then tried to carry out a performative mock-putsch. They are really wrapped up in politics as "expression" where they think marching around in a big unit wearing flashy outfits is the path to power. Reminds me of something Mark Rudd said about the New Left where they thought the working masses would awake if the vanguard forces just ran down the street waving the NLF flag. Turns out that didn't happen so the more radical groups turned to terror as a more direct act of "expression." ('Well, clearly the problem is that we haven't been loud enough.')
Other problems the Nazis had include overestimating their own numbers and the potential support they thought they had, while underestimating the strength of the system. They thought they'd just crush their enemies on the street with the help from the police and then use that as a springboard to take their rallies national. There's the "cops and Klan go hand in hand" saying but I'm more into "some of those who work forces" as analysis, because the police went in afterwards and tore the guts out of several of these groups. Trump is also sort of an albatross and some groups don't think they can regain momentum until after 2020, whatever happens. It's kind of interesting they are so wrapped up in election cycles -- they really are like liberals in a way -- but that's a whole other thing.
trakfactri posted:they thought the working masses would awake if the vanguard forces just ran down the street waving the NFL flag
tears posted:trakfactri posted:they thought the working masses would awake if the vanguard forces just ran down the street waving the NFL flag
odobenidae posted:
babyhueypnewton posted:Capitalism doesn't need a consumer base, production itself is sufficient demand
i dont understand this part, isnt production aimed at satisfying the consumer base? like the roberts article you linked says that inter-enterprise exchange is a big part but what is the use of inter-enterprise exchange if not for production of commodities for direct consumers?
toyotathon posted:are you scheduled to be doing anything more effective those nights?
lol fuuuck no
psychicdriver posted:my partner (in the u.k) said i should make an effort to talk to and maybe find common ground with/learn something from people if bernie rallies come to my neck of the woods. she's no reformist by any means. should i do it?
let me talk to her... about the fact that i tried this and found out that most bernie supporters are downwardly mobile petit-bourgeois trying to revive home ownership and while there's a popular demand for social-democratic programs this popular character is not necessarily reflected in his diehard supporters.
although stalin did support popular fronts against fascism, so part of me still feels that it's somewhat the correct way for americans.
does democratic centralism allow for re-fighting old fights? you could argue that after trump, the calculus has changed somewhat.
tears posted:great, an assortment of geriatric white men fighting it out to be head of the stupidest place in all of human history
where'd you get this liberal criticism of the soviet union from the 1980s? it worked so well for them when they picked gorbachev...
Red_Canadian posted:i made an effortpost a few years ago quoting lenin about why i thought it was worthwhile to support bernie while still being somewhat critical, as a necessary step in radicalising people as they realise that socialism that doesn't take radical actions can only fail, arguing that's basically what happened in russia with the two revolutions in 1917. however, the thread consensus was that the KKE were correct, and supporting social democratic candidates is a betrayal of the working class.
although stalin did support popular fronts against fascism, so part of me still feels that it's somewhat the correct way for americans.
does democratic centralism allow for re-fighting old fights? you could argue that after trump, the calculus has changed somewhat.
The ISO here (lol) had a bunch of people excited for Bernie show up and they told them "we don't like Bernie go away" so now this chapter has all but collapsed while the DSAers are numerous and now reading Marx. Speaks for itself.
pre-empting the usual argument
Red_Canadian posted:i mean, is there any other candidates that have better views on foreign policy?
pre-empting the usual argument
In modern states, as in Hegel's Philosophy of Right, the conscious, true actuality of public affairs is merely formal, or only what is formal constitutes actual public affairs.
Hegel is not to be blamed for depicting the nature of the modern state as it is, but rather for presenting what is as the essence of the state. The claim that the rational is actual is contradicted precisely by an irrational actuality, which everywhere is the contrary of what it asserts and asserts the contrary of what it is.
Instead of showing how public affairs exists for-itself, 'subjectively, and thus actually as such', and that it also has the form of public affairs, Hegel merely shows that formlessness is its subjectivity; and a form without content must be formless. The form which public affairs obtains in a state which is not the state of public affairs can be nothing but a non-form, a self-deceiving, self-contradicting form, a form which is pure appearance and which will betray itself as this appearance.
You've gone backwards
tears posted:whats changed from last time that wouls mean berny sander would win a democrat nomination
Trump. But I dunno.
Incidentally, it's kind of interesting to observe the fascists shuffling like a pile of ants over to Yang and his UBI scheme. I don't have anything to say about Yang except that this is laying the groundwork for a future reboot of the (frequently anti-Semitic) "social credit" parties of the 1930s. William Dudley Pelley, etc. I saw one fascist predict that "Classical Marxism is going to be making a strong comeback ... and if we don't stop being racist republicans, the tankies will roll right over us."
by showing the contradictions between what the march revolution promised, and what it delivered, the bolsheviks were able to gain the mass base that allowed them to successfully launch the first successful communist revolution.
lenin wrote against the dangers of ultra-leftism, and i fear that is what is what is preventing the rhizzone from gaining wider support.
what do you feel are the correct actions to take for american leftists, to work towards a successful revolution that is internationalist? keeping yourself aloof of the people has been a failing strategy in america for years. if you feel that any movement towards communism is doomed to fail in the united states, i can understand that, but as my country tends to follow american politics, as well as the fact that american governments have materially affected politics in it as well, hopefully you can understand why i tend to follow their politics and work towards illustrating the contradictions that exist between their rhetoric and their actions.