hey posted:sure goatstein. some people can manage the heat. but like, there's still plants and shit that can't, and which humans rely on. like the common tern
terns are birds. you cant fool me
le_nelson_mandela_face posted:terns are birds. you cant fool me
terns and conditions apply

slipdisco posted:
i think about this picture every day
Recent examination of the standard medical explanation of the effects of carbon dioxide on human metabolism has demonstrated that the explanation requires revision, principally on the grounds that carbonic acid is taken to exist as a free acid in blood serum, which is an alkaline fluid4.
This work demonstrates that the level of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere at which humans can survive indefinitely, is much lower than expected. The estimated toxic level of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere under lifetime exposure is 426 ppm (Figure 1)4. At the present
rate of increase of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, the toxic limit will be attained in AD 2050 based on extrapolation of the measured results from Mauna Loa5
The effects of carbon dioxide are a reduction in the pH value of blood serum leading to acidosis4. The minimum effects of acidosis are restlessness and mild hypertension. As the degree of acidosis increases, somnolence and confusion follow. One of the effects of these changes is a reduced desire to indulge in physical activity. Other metabolic effects of acidosis have been reviewed and shown to be extensive6.
Embryonic or foetal abnormalities are also possible as the increase in atmospheric carbon dioxide affects maternal metabolisms in succeeding generations.
le_nelson_mandela_face posted:
more evidence that smoking heavily is an essential component of ecocollapse training.
Who needs Climate Change to implement the 6th Mass Extinction ?
Homo (not very) Sapiens does not.
Half-way to Catastrophe — Global Hothouse Extinction to be Triggered by or Before 2100 Without Rapid Emissions Cuts
Fossil Fuel Burning = Race Toward a 6th Mass Extinction
Trouble is, the 6th Mass Extinction is well underway without much help from climate change. The following links give a clue:-
http://www.pnas.org/content/114/30/E6089.full -
"Biological annihilation via the ongoing sixth mass extinction signaled by vertebrate population losses and declines"
Vertebrate Populations Plummet in 4 Decades
Deforestation and other human actions have cut the populations of mammals, birds, amphibians and fish by 58 percent since 1970
World on track to lose two-thirds of wild animals by 2020, major report warns
Living Planet Index shows vertebrate populations are set to decline by 67% on 1970 levels unless urgent action is taken to reduce humanity’s impact
Large numbers of vertebrates began rapid population decline in the late 19th century
The current rate of species extinction is ∼1,000 times the background rate of extinction and is attributable to human impact, ecological and demographic fluctuations, and inbreeding due to small population sizes. The rate and the initiation date of rapid population decline (RPD) can provide important clues about the driving forces of population decline in threatened species, but they are generally unknown. We analyzed the genetic diversity data in 2,764 vertebrate species. Our population genetics modeling suggests that in many threatened vertebrate species the RPD on average began in the late 19th century, and the mean current size of threatened vertebrates is only 5% of their ancestral size. We estimated a ∼25% population decline every 10 y in threatened vertebrate species."
I wish scientists (and humans in general) recognised that there is usually more than one cause to make an effect.
hey posted:pnas
le_nelson_mandela_face posted:http://www.iisc.ernet.in/currsci/jun252006/1607.pdfRecent examination of the standard medical explanation of the effects of carbon dioxide on human metabolism has demonstrated that the explanation requires revision, principally on the grounds that carbonic acid is taken to exist as a free acid in blood serum, which is an alkaline fluid4.
This work demonstrates that the level of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere at which humans can survive indefinitely, is much lower than expected. The estimated toxic level of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere under lifetime exposure is 426 ppm (Figure 1)4. At the present
rate of increase of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, the toxic limit will be attained in AD 2050 based on extrapolation of the measured results from Mauna Loa5
The effects of carbon dioxide are a reduction in the pH value of blood serum leading to acidosis4. The minimum effects of acidosis are restlessness and mild hypertension. As the degree of acidosis increases, somnolence and confusion follow. One of the effects of these changes is a reduced desire to indulge in physical activity. Other metabolic effects of acidosis have been reviewed and shown to be extensive6.
Embryonic or foetal abnormalities are also possible as the increase in atmospheric carbon dioxide affects maternal metabolisms in succeeding generations.
Here's the paper cited as "4" in the above
It follows that a very large number of humans are likely to become incapable of physical activity taken for granted in present times and may be incapable of food production activities even with the help of machines. In consequence of these changes a very large number of humans are likely to die at an early age.... The effects of an increased atmospheric concentration of carbon dioxide will be enhanced within land continents like the USA, where there are air circulations which mix slowly with other air currents, e.g. from the oceans, at certain times of the year.
It follows that a very large number of humans are likely to become incapable of physical activity taken for granted in present times and may be incapable of food production activities even with the help of machines.
one for goatstein
The effects of an increased atmospheric concentration of carbon dioxide will be enhanced within land continents like the USA, where there are air circulations which mix slowly with other air currents, e.g. from the oceans, at certain times of the year.
and one for the rest of us
"Now that I've done such a good job exploiting the shit out of everything. I feel like rewarding myself. I'm going to buy the largest, most decadent vehicle available, emit as much emissions as possible, so I can travel around the country to see our natural beauties before they wither away and die. Welcome to my legacy"
cars posted:
lmao this paper owns, its got that classic climate science deadpan segue from mild to deadly consequences "As CO2 concentrations increese effects will include difficulty concetrating in long meetings, increesed requests to open a window, more people taking off their coats indoors, and most children will die at an early age"
hey posted:On my walk to school I pass by an RV campground, and I love seeing the old retirees in their big ass RV's. They're all like:
"Now that I've done such a good job exploiting the shit out of everything. I feel like rewarding myself. I'm going to buy the largest, most decadent vehicle available, emit as much emissions as possible, so I can travel around the country to see our natural beauties before they wither away and die. Welcome to my legacy"
i remember reading an article (or maybe the first couple paragraphs of it) from a few years back bemoaning the slow death of the rv culture, as if it was some tragedy that higher gas prices made it less affordable to drive 6mpg vehicles thousands of miles
tears posted:cars posted:lmao this paper owns, its got that classic climate science deadpan segue from mild to deadly consequences "As CO2 concentrations increese effects will include difficulty concetrating in long meetings, increesed requests to open a window, more people taking off their coats indoors, and most children will die at an early age"
"It sure is getting stuffy in here. Sarah, could you please open the window?"
"my kid just died"

Ufuk_Surekli posted:get ready to not bother to procure food any more, as the mere act of breathing begins to rapidly transform us all into wheezing dotards incapable of even getting out of bed
(graph source: NASA)
Probably a fluke, see how the co2 always goes back down after a spike? Give it time