
drwhat posted:

jokes and stupidity aside, get in a fucking organization if you aren't, ladies and gentlemen

(impact font)

le scumbag catman

says get in an organization

threatens to step down from rhizzone

This C span feed owns
Lotta supportive, but bored, boyfriends.

Still waiting for your answer!

gay_swimmer posted:

I live in Canada. The stock market crashing will basically ensure my parents will never be able to retire. The dogshit stupid American voters have ruined all our lives. Don't act like you're not affected by this shit too, once Tha Bigg Donnn orders nuclear first strike on China

I'm not affected by it at all. What makes you think Clinton is less likely to nuke somebody


Lykourgos posted:

Still waiting for your answer!

i don't think you've been paying attention. please put more effort into your gimmick life.

They wouldn't take my C-SPAN phone call 'cause I'm from canada ;_;
They must be under orders not to discuss Sanders on this channel. They basically dropped a call and went back to the previous subject when he was mentioned by the caller.
Yah Im watching TV right now so what
I'm very upset of the possibility about sleeping through Clinton's concession

swampman posted:

I'm very upset of the possibility about sleeping through Clinton's concession

Literally the only reason why I'm staying up right now.

2016 has been amazing

Unionist victory in Scotland

Brexit liberation

now... TRUMP PENCE 2016

Too good. Haven't had an election/referendum year even close to this since '99 when Australians shat all over the Republican wretches.

OK now they're playing upbeat carnival music over video of people wiping their tears and shuffling outside it's clear that they had no plan for what happened if they lost lmao

Lykourgos posted:

swampman posted:

I'm very upset of the possibility about sleeping through Clinton's concession

Literally the only reason why I'm staying up right now.

2016 has been amazing

You know what would make it more arousing for you, Pretend when they say "polls" they are saying "Poles" so you get lines like "let's deal with the issue of the Poles"

there's gonna be like 6000lbs of uneaten canapés and they're gonna pour bleach on them to make sure the homeless don't eat any. In other news I've spent most of tonight chatting to an apolitical friend about blowjobs

Lykourgos posted:

Unionist victory in Scotland

fuck you.


littlegreenpills posted:

there's gonna be like 6000lbs of uneaten canapés and they're gonna pour bleach on them to make sure the homeless don't eat any. In other news I've spent most of tonight chatting to an apolitical friend about blowjobs

but did you get head


littlegreenpills posted:

there's gonna be like 6000lbs of uneaten canapés and they're gonna pour bleach on them to make sure the homeless don't eat any. In other news I've spent most of tonight chatting to an apolitical friend about blowjobs

So what's the consensus on blowjobs? Yea nor nay?

nobody got head today, shriekingviolet.

Aspie_Muslim_Economist_ posted:

So what's the consensus on blowjobs? Yea nor nay?

You are welcome to keep giving them to whomever you like.


littlegreenpills posted:

nobody got head today, shriekingviolet.

someone got head of state. we get signal. what.

my nuts are like a gopher fight right now
Clinton campaign victory celebration is done watching TV now that it has heard a pundit speak honestly about the emails
trump won pennsylvania lol. ahahahahaha he's going to win
Thanks to Julian Assange, Vladimir Putin, and goat man for making this possible
goat "the goat" stein again on the right side of herstory

odobenidae posted:

OK now they're playing upbeat carnival music over video of people wiping their tears and shuffling outside it's clear that they had no plan for what happened if they lost lmao

haha you're not even joking, this is clown music, what the hell?


shriekingviolet posted:

95% reporting in pennsylvania and it just edged out in favor of trump, it's all over.


the coverage held out for a long time pretending that tonight was gonna be contested for a onth like in 2000, but it's definitely over now.

so there's an interesting thing tonight where the clear senate winners were very gracious, professional, and respectful while the presidential results were still up in the air, but now that the trump presidency is called they're going all in on the insane fascist horseshit.


I said this would happen like 1 billion years ago and I hope trump appoints the literal devil to the supreme court haha
let this be over i have to go to bed
Republican House, Republican Senate, Trump Presidency.

Burn down D.C. like we did in 1814! Can't wait for four more years of Trump pounding journos and academics in the face on a daily basis.

Maybe he can hire some Chinese to work on the Great Wall of America.

Lykourgos posted:

Can't wait for four more years of Trump pounding journos and academics in the face on a daily basis.

can't wait for four years of Trump pounding you in the face, sucker

[account deactivated]
Obviously the Trump victory is the best part of the night, but the meltdown of liberal journos is a close runner up. It's glorious watching the NBC journos fret.

Chickens have come home to roost!

glomper_stomper posted:

i think it would be a good time to start one of those fabled "How To Start your very own Special Communist Org" threads now

in the current circumstances I'd recommend getting in touch with the most legit-seeming established org near to you, they can probably provide a lot of locally specific information and support (both from people and potential fiscal resources)

but maybe I'll stop fucking up and actually make an organizational effortpost soon. depends on whether I'm busy trying-to-stay-employed or busy unemployed in the next couple weeks.

trump said mccain was not a war hero *the two biggest capital Qs on the planet*

glomper_stomper posted:

shriekingviolet posted:


there's no communist party where i'm at.

Same here up north in SasKKKatchewan despite this being one of the most successful places for actual communist parties back in the 30s-50s.

glomper_stomper posted:

i think it would be a good time to start one of those fabled "How To Start your very own Special Communist Org" threads now

hell yeah

Woops! Looks like they might have had some difficulty getting Hillary's meds right and she's gonna have to sleep it off.

Sending everyone home. "Too close to count... will have more to say in the morning"