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tpaine posted:

i feel remiss that this wasn't posted

excellent cover of a classic

congratulations to Gloria la riva on winning the US presidential election
[account deactivated]
i think you're all being really hysterical about hillary clinton. she has a really good position on paid maternity leave and a heavy commitment to small business and middle class success, sustaining the legacy of her husband. she'll probably cut the deficit too just like him, which according to Jehu will trigger the final crisis as the profit rate can only be sustained by the fascist state purchasing unsaleable commodities
[account deactivated]

tpaine posted:

that was posted in the wrong thread. or was it!?

if we're going to have two threads to discuss The Thing, and i agree that's wise, i think we can forgive lgp going a little off topic.

i smell burning hair
heres my hot take on this:

The only hot take in this election is the way the Clinton foundation swindled and stole. Now that's one "hot" "take".
donald drumpf... has small hands
[account deactivated]

ilmdge posted:

donald drumpf... has small hands


Donlard Smugkoffski Turpencream "Padparadscha" Thrvmб the Forty Fifth


Lorrie Hinckle-Urinal Septim Pizamagnet Somberhell Witchmajirck Druqks-Dog Mane Clin Tain


Gary or Jill
[account deactivated]

tpaine...what have you done..
I'm with Her.
We shall all be with Her soon.
i bet you all 10 billion spacebucks that virginia becomes a controversy like 2000 era florida
That would be a shock because it always goes for the liberals these days due to the DC suburbs
theyre saying on the tv that michigan has shitty democratic turnout lol
is there any other kind?
LEBANON COUNTY — When several voters at polling locations in a Pennsylvania county previewed their ballots Tuesday after choosing Republican nominee Donald Trump, they saw something strange: it was about to tally a vote for Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton.

In other cases, voters who attempted to vote a straight-party Republican ticket saw the machine had changed it to a Democratic Party ticket.

Elections officials in Lebanon County blamed the straight-party ticketing issue on a problem with the calibration of five or six electronic voting machines. The other issue, they said, could be the result of oil on a screen could cause a voter's fingers to slip.
trump up by 110k in florida with 75% reporting
it's a feature

le_nelson_mandela_face posted:

trump up by 110k in florida with 75% reporting

are you gonna cry when he loses? bwahahha


le_nelson_mandela_face posted:

theyre saying on the tv that michigan has shitty democratic turnout lol

Weird you'd think they'd be less than satisfied with the republicans lately

i dont really support trump. do not quote this as i'll edit it if he wins to avoid a visit from der trumpenstaffle
who's winning

karphead posted:

who's winning

Us, the fans.


karphead posted:

who's winning



Professor Martin goat man Heidegger, in his Emperor Trump University 2018 tenure acceptance speech posted:

i dont really support trump. do not quote this as i'll edit it if he wins to avoid a visit from der trumpenstaffle

michael moore looks like an old lesbian
Florida legalized (medical) weed. We won one for the tp'er!

and sometimes vote for weed


karphead posted:

who's winning

American Nazbol