MarxUltor posted:I so very much wont to believe there's some super secret lethol freedom fighter bloc thot monoged severol weeks of devostoting operotions becouse one of their dudes hod a broken keyboord ond the NSO's bots just completely ignored their coordinotion subreddit or something
one that just popped up a couple of days ago (i cheated and peeked ahead at july's search hits) is 'amerika pokiston'. maybe it's an uzbek spy bot. i don't know. the internet is a mysterious place
the only reason i see these searches is because they are fucking up and getting autocorrected by google's spellcheck, they should be searching with quotes around each of the terms, but maybe they fixed it after this happened & then we wouldn't see the searches anymore.... until now *posts*

from 2004:
Yesterday an armed Islamic group claimed to have obtained a large quantity of the explosives and threatened to use them against coalition troops. The group, calling itself al-Islam's Army Brigades, al-Karar Brigade, said on a video that it had co-ordinated with officers and soldiers of "the American intelligence" to obtain a "huge amount of the explosives that were in the al-Qaqa'a facility".
Color Revolutions are the epitome of post-modern warfare, and they’ve been successfully applied to devastating effect everywhere from Serbia to Syria. Whether as stand-alone regime change operations such as the one in 2003 Georgia or the catalyst to a Hybrid War like in 2011 Libya, Color Revolutions have arguably emerged as one of the US’ preferred strategies of choice in destabilizing targeted states.
The architect behind this new method of warfare is Gene Sharp, an expert in “non-violent resistance” strategies and the founder of the “Albert Einstein Institution”. He’s published such works as “From Dictatorship To Democracy” and “There Are Realistic Alternatives”, both of which have been instrumental in honing Color Revolution organizational strategies and applied tactics. Largely credited with sparking the “Arab Spring” theater-wide Color Revolutions, Sharp is a ‘god among men’ when it comes to asymmetrical warfare methods, but his elderly age means that someone else must pick up the torch and continue his work once he inevitably passes away.
A New Leader Rises
Enter John Carlarne, an up-and-coming Color Revolution strategist from The Ohio State University’s Mershon Center for International Security Studies. His publicly available CV indicates that he has a wealth of experience that’s particularly relevant for this field. From serving around the world as a Commissioned Officer in the British Army from 1990-1995 to being the Vice-President of the Peace Brigades International (PBI) from 1997 to the present, Carlarne has been able to combine his military training with broad NGO activity in spearheading the new tactic of “protective accompaniment”.
PBI describes this concept as “send teams of volunteers backed up by an international support network to accompany human rights defenders and communities in areas of conflict”, which basically boils down to using Western “volunteers” as literal human shields in protecting “democracy” and “human rights” (Color Revolution) activists during their provocations. Undoubtedly, Carlarne’s military experience helped to optimize this strategy while his leadership role as the organization’s Vice-President ensured that it would be rolled out, tested, and perfected in all of the countries where the group is active.
PBI’s activity in identity-diverse countries such as Kenya and Nepal dovetails nicely with Carlarne’s educational interest in Anthropology, in which he received both a master’s degree (1996) and a Ph.D. (2008). During his two-year time as the Associate Director of the University of South Carolina’s Rule of Law Collaborative from 2009-2011, some of his self-declared responsibilities included “liaising with government, academic, practitioner and policy maker communities – both in the US and in Europe” and “advising government officials on working with nongovernmental organizations in post-conflict settings”, both of which clearly gave him an impressive list of professional contacts that he would later leverage.
Crafting The Color Revolution
Right after serving at the Rule of Law Collaborative, Carlarne became the Peace Studies Coordinator at The Ohio State University in 2011, a position that he retains to this day alongside his Vice-Presidential one with the PBI. The Mershon Center describes a research project that Carlarne is leading called “Training To Talk Peace: Experimental Analysis Of Non-Violent Communication Workshops”, which utilizes local diaspora communities to “act as a proxy for populations in their countries of origin” in assessing the effect that an extensive six-week “non-violent communication curriculum” has on the participants’ “identity structure, interpersonal reactivity, and views on the use of coercive or punitive methods in a divisive political dispute.”
The purpose of the experiment is to gauge the effectiveness of Color Revolution information campaigns in recruiting regime change cells inside of the targeted country and in magnifying the sense of identity-separateness that varied demographics feel towards the said diverse state. To put it in a simpler way, Carlarne tests the applicability of fomenting identity conflict all across the world, likely in accordance with “The Law Of Hybrid War” which states that “the grand objective behind every Hybrid War is to disrupt multipolar transnational connective projects through externally provoked identity conflicts (ethnic, religious, regional, political, etc.) within a targeted transit state.”
His anthropological expertise is then harnessed in judging whether the experiment’s results indicate that a given strategy should move forward, and if such a determination is made, then the PBI begins in-field testing against the target. Although the PBI’s front page says that it only has “current field projects in Colombia, Guatemala, Honduras, Indonesia, Kenya, Mexico and Nepal”, its section about Country Groups notes that “many countries do not have an official PBI Country Group but have small networks of individuals that may be able to help.” To elaborate, one of the key functions of a Country Group “is developing and activating support networks that provide a vital lifeline if the human rights defenders PBI accompanies are threatened”, which “consists of high-level contacts such as diplomats, members of government, and officials, and well-known personalities.”
If the Country Group’s responsibilities make it sound an awful lot like an intelligence agency, it’s because it essentially is, and it’s reasonable to conclude that the PBI might actually be a CIA front organization. Carlarne’s extensive contacts “with government, academic, practitioner and policy maker communities – both in the US and in Europe” and the government officials that he has formerly advised enable him to provide a wide range of relevant policy influencers and decision makers with the results of his field data, thus establishing a valuable Color Revolution feedback mechanism that seamlessly integrates theoreticians, practitioners, and policy makers. Carlarne’s multi-layered regime change platform surpasses the precedent that was set by Gene Sharp and demonstrates how academia, private sector “volunteers”, and government agencies can all be fused together in an effective operational mix.
Training The Next Generation
Carlarne’s activities are also very forward-looking, not just in the sense of fomenting Color Revolutions and Hybrid Wars in targeted states, but in training a new generation of strategists to join his PBI organization and/or the American Intelligence Community. He presently teaches a class at The Ohio State University called “Applied Nonviolence”, where he writes that students “will select candidate countries for nonviolent transition” and “then apply the principles, concepts and practices of nonviolence within a notional setting in order to explore the strengths and limitations of nonviolence as a method for effecting long‐term change within specific regimes.”
This program amounts to a series of targeted simulations in which Carlarne uses students as unwitting research assistants for his work while simultaneously seeking to indoctrinate future recruits with his Color Revolution ideology. He’s currently building the “Peace Education And Training Repository” (PETR), “an online data portal designed to document peace education training curricula and materials from around the world” and which “combines information about global research, education, and peace-building programs that affect community, national and international peace and security.”
The end vision is that “the repository will form the core resource for lifelong peace leadership education”, with one of the key objectives being to “attract participation from practitioners, researchers and policy makers alike”. In other words, Carlarne is constructing a Color Revolution factory that aims to continually produce strategists, activists, and policy facilitators in order to dish out a never-ending stream of “democratic” and “human rights” destabilization anywhere in the world. Needless to say, PETR is on track to become the new-and-improved version of the “Albert Einstein Institute”, and John Carlarne is already a lot more successful than Gene Sharp ever was in directly cultivating Color Revolution networks, fielding experimental techniques in practice, and coordinating his activities with the military-intelligence community.
some people do interesting work uncovering their network
but its still (purposefully) overwhelming
'anticorruption' attempts like littlesis are inadequate for such a project
i would imagine there are only so many intelligence agencies, funding sources, foundations etc for all the webs of media orgs, ngos, mercenary gangs that they spin off...
there are a lot of people and communities targeted by regime change i'm sure plenty of russian arabic and spanish speakers must be having conversations like this
Seeing a pattern here...
— Mark Ames (@MarkAmesExiled) September 4, 2016
depressing that we have to go back to arguing that the brits/french/nazis were bad (and there arent strong communist & liberation movements like there were back then) but i guess its good that these guys have no original ideas and we know that the fascists and imperialists were and will be defeated?
its also notable that as these new/alt right movements become mainstream they collapse so easily into old school fascism
is it fair to say we are at the 'first they came for the immigrants/muslims' stage or is that still hyperbole?
meanwhile i am happy to see the saudi army is getting demolished in yemen, which makes me wonder why iran or russia or other enemies dont push a bit harder to make them crack?
saudi/gcc funding of terrorist armies is a big problem for many countries why not sweep this clay footed slavocracies away?
bringing it back to conspiracy, is there some deep state geopolitical game/deterrent stopping them?
xipe posted:bringing it back to conspiracy, is there some deep state geopolitical game/deterrent stopping them?
at a glance this seems like a poorly written mishmash of catchphrases and certainly not something anchored in material analysis. the part about the "civilizational patriotism" of the Syrian vs Urkainian people is laughable.
getting back to your original question, "saudi/gcc funding of terrorist armies is a big problem for many countries why not sweep this clay footed slavocracies away?" - who do you think those terrorists are, and which countries do you think they pose a problem to? i can't see how saudi is anything but a solid ally of the US and a powerful antagonist of russia, one that it really isn't in a position to do anything about
obviously syria is targeted by saudi financed terrorism but also russia and iran
i was wondering why these countries dont launch their own version of colour revolutions against saudi, sorry if that wasnt clear
xipe posted:obviously syria is targeted by saudi financed terrorism but also russia and iran
i was wondering why these countries dont launch their own version of colour revolutions against saudi, sorry if that wasnt clear
ah. well the answer is simple i think - absolutely no support networks established in saudi to use as a base for such operations. all "color revolution"-type operations have roots in "pro-democracy"/"civil society" NGO support networks. it's practically impossible to establish such orgs in saudi and i seriously doubt either iran or russia have the resources required to establish anything comparable covertly.
xipe posted:i was wondering why these countries dont launch their own version of colour revolutions against saudi, sorry if that wasnt clear
a desire not to instigate the war to end all wars?
xipe posted:ok well saudia arabia has an oppressed shia minority in the oil rich areas and large slave population as well as a pathetic army that is showing to the world that it will crumble instantly aka ripe for hybrid war/colour revolution, and the us has already maxed out its sanctions and terrorist options against iran & russia so thats why i wonder
strangely enough, in An End to Evil, neocons david frum and richard perle suggested the US back shia insurgents if the Saudis weren't more subservient to US interests.
Alot of what I do when I read stuff like Miles Copeland's limited hangouts on CIA operations is try to infer the organization model for
— Crypto Cuttlefish (@cuttlefish_btc) September 29, 2016
xipe posted:Alot of what I do when I read stuff like Miles Copeland's limited hangouts on CIA operations is try to infer the organization model for
— Crypto Cuttlefish (@cuttlefish_btc) September 29, 2016
quite insightful and a good rejoinder to the sorts of people who rubbish the idea that certain bloggers are genuinely tools of the intelligence community. for the sake of convenience and future reference i'm just going to quote the later part of this stream
@cuttlefish_btc posted:In the world of decentralized social media propaganda I think that there's much more of an "Uber" model in play than a standing army of full-time agents knowingly involved in long-running plots. A writer might get tapped by her editor to do a certain interview or cover a certain story from a certain angle ("Interview this Tor Dev About Her Stalker for the Guardian") without being aware of some higher level of coordination + perception control going on. In the same way that Uber's fast response times relies on a surplus of idle drivers, none of whom can get full time work by design a decentralized social media propaganda system would be built on atomized, underemployed freelancers who would take any opportunity for a scoop or a good lead or a paying assignment without looking too deeply or collaborating w/ other journalists. Obsessive self-branding necessary in being a freelance writer in an part-time economy of blogs + social media means that editors / handlers who *were* in on it could pick writers who would reliably muddy the politics + obfuscate the facts in a story because that was just their snarky style.
this seems like a perfect description of early glenn greenwald
Some interesting investigations into one of the main pro war NGOs.
Registered in London their tagline is "listen to Syrians" their main donor is a Syrian expat billionaire and the other 91 donors are anonymous.
Their board is stacked with Avaaz and Purpose directors and juicy tidbits include the job postings they put up for interns when they were getting started.
Their contacts and media management make them a good case study for propaganda laundering techniques discussed above
Former Turkish police chief describes state links with daesh.
Nafeez the author is a bit weird and includes some dumb speculation at the end about Syria colluding with Isis and NATO moral high ground
As for the Nafeez Ahmed article, interesting. The part about Assad didn't seem so bad, the angle was ambiguous but I read it as "what about this common allegation, that he sponsors ISIS? well, it's not really true, he just buys some oil out of necessity", which seems reasonable. The NATO stuff though, yeah, he missed the mark there. He seems to have concerned himself solely with Erdogan's motivations for providing so much assistance to ISIS. What about NATO's motivations? He doesn't seem interested because it doesn't fit the narrative he's being fed. I'm also suspicious of the interviewee's current relationship with the US. It mentions some testimony he's just given to congress about the recent coup attempt being staged by Erdogan. That doesn't sound very plausible compared to the theory that it was a US sponsored coup attempt that went off half-cocked. So Ahmed really should have taken this whole thing with a much bigger grain of salt imo
usaid is a funding front used by both cia and state for deep policy objectives?
xipe posted: is a funding front used by both cia and state for deep policy objectives?
i think i've been reading about them being tenuously linked to bad shit for years now
Related to this: are CIA and state objectives and methods very different?
Edited by pogfan1996 ()