rc and lenin: on supporting social democrats in bourgeois governments
by Red_Canadian
23 |
2418 |
Oct. 26, 2016 18:47:31
by Red_Canadian
Hack The Vote - Bernie's write in campaign
by littlegreenpills
17 |
2638 |
Oct. 26, 2016 06:57:48
by tears
The American Working Class is Dead
by pogfan1996
20 |
2398 |
Oct. 26, 2016 02:22:42
by pogfan1996
Value of Big Data as a realization-domain analog to machinery at the point of production
by kcnaofficial
20 |
3155 |
Oct. 25, 2016 14:33:48
by roseweird
le third debate MAGAthread
by le_nelson_mandela_face
104 |
7186 |
Oct. 20, 2016 23:25:46
by roseweird
The Left Case For Jill Stein
by aerdil
1 |
891 |
Oct. 18, 2016 12:06:31
by Flying_horse_in_saudi_arabia
The Left Case For Hillary
by shriekingviolet
3 |
2751 |
Oct. 18, 2016 06:53:56
by angelbutt_dollface
Kevens thread about road construction (BE NICE!!! NO FLAME ZONE)
by Keven
38 |
3520 |
Oct. 16, 2016 22:28:51
by tpaine
i'm on a bob dylan kick. anypony have any good dylan tracks i might not have heard
by tpaine
49 |
4638 |
Oct. 15, 2016 23:58:28
by gyrofry
Please help me to argue more effectively with my liberal brother about communism
by Belphegor
49 |
5917 |
Oct. 14, 2016 07:01:32
by swirlsofhistory
Ain't no platforms here [comrade needs new pants]
by thirdplace
237 |
24535 |
Oct. 14, 2016 00:41:49
by cars
Rhizzone Filmzone 2016/17 - Trailer Thinkpiece Herein
by Gibbonstrength
10 |
1752 |
Oct. 13, 2016 17:11:35
by parabolart
In honour of Trump's most glorious victory at the second debate!
by Lykourgos
8 |
1547 |
Oct. 13, 2016 15:14:46
by le_nelson_mandela_face
pyf instructional youtube re: the placement of explosive devices
by cars
12 |
2034 |
Oct. 12, 2016 20:29:11
by tpaine
Hey fuck YOU, swampman!
by tpaine
3 |
1145 |
Oct. 12, 2016 12:30:15
by tpaine
It's Not An Armed Leftist Insurgency, It's FARC
by HenryKrinkle
46 |
7921 |
Oct. 11, 2016 22:18:34
by ilmdge
Hope ur ready for Korn
by MadMedico
141 |
18920 |
Oct. 8, 2016 23:52:03
by Aspie_Muslim_Economist_
Cracking a Few Eggs so to Speak for an Omelette
by JohnsonPike
18 |
2633 |
Oct. 7, 2016 20:18:11
by hg0a865hy
New here, wanted to say hi, ask some questions, and share my story about finding this place
by Belphegor
45 |
5608 |
Oct. 6, 2016 17:34:30
by dipshit420
hey look we've finally found someone a Troop will be slightly punished for murdering
by le_nelson_mandela_face
19 |
2627 |
Oct. 6, 2016 01:14:52
by hg0a865hy
lets talk about Caleb Maupin, Iran, Duterte and tHe druGzz
by SparksBandung
13 |
3230 |
Oct. 4, 2016 02:32:05
by parabolart
by le_nelson_mandela_face
11 |
2339 |
Oct. 3, 2016 22:44:19
by xipe
[babby's first marxism] lets list major crises of capitalism so i can reference them in a litany to my friends and acquaintances so they will avoid me
by angelbutt_dollface
11 |
1989 |
Sept. 30, 2016 21:46:41
by angelbutt_dollface
post about the debate thread in this thread
by drwhat
56 |
5241 |
Sept. 28, 2016 08:26:38
by tpaine
abdication station [Update: swampman appointed mordorater] [HOT] [SIZZLE]
by cars
132 |
15276 |
Sept. 27, 2016 19:13:58
by Red_Canadian
Greetings comrades
by babyfinland
34 |
4634 |
Sept. 27, 2016 00:43:26
by tpaine
Plot to take out another international celebrity? Absolute blatant barbarity not even trying to hide it any more - SK plots Kim kill unit
by kcnaofficial
2 |
1216 |
Sept. 24, 2016 01:17:32
by gay_swimmer
Troops who bullied and murdered iraqi teen gain their comeuppance being anonymously criticized in report
by le_nelson_mandela_face
7 |
1552 |
Sept. 23, 2016 19:21:15
by kcnaofficial
Google KONY
by Crow
326 |
45793 |
Sept. 21, 2016 19:20:34
by ilmdge
updates from the mainland - PM Trudeau and his mandarin nickname
by mingyi
4 |
1309 |
Sept. 21, 2016 14:43:46
by SparksBandung