
tpaine posted:

what do you all think about this retard and his baseless horseshit he published in some irrelevant rag

i think its goddamn terrific cocksucker

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it's a pretty bad line
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i already posted about that
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Its all the rage baby
rhizzone is definitely a place that expects people to post the most repellent shit they can find so everyone can say it's repellent
Settle down clarence, they're not worth it
it's probably not worth posting about, what you're posting, i agree
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i read this dumb article and then printed it out and ate it and it stole all my strength and all my muscles fell off and im a skeleton and dead and gay now.

tpaine posted:

i'm just blowin' off some steam! wa HEH, wa HEH, wa HEH

omg this is way too scary and heavyhanded a reaction

its not especially cool that the jacobin exists but i think that its pretty cool that it exists and jools is on twitter hatin on it and they respond to it like half the time
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tpaine if you would murder some people like that clown i bet people would be more afraid of you
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lenin was pretty good at that you're right
oh you instead mean this guy who is definitely not the thing that you said. well idk about that
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T pane I agrre w/ u, ppl keep brutally and permanently trolling me into reading various confusingly named people who probably have serious opinions about New York and it blows.
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If you were a character from freaks and geeks who would you be
Seth Rogan
Jake Franco
I Would be bhaskar sunkara the jacobean kid

swampman posted:

What they don’t always have is the social literacy to speak to a broader audience,

Kind of ironic that he wrote this since he doesn't appear to have the social literacy to speak to a broader audience. It's as if the criticism he was making about the "certain kind of leftist" would be valid as self-criticism also. I wouldn't know because I am just a lowly greatest poster on the phase of the planet.

*mentions the Left's "lack of tact"* *opens with a public masturbation joke*


Lysenko posted:

didn't story have ice cream parties to try to get college kids interested in activism

those parties violated the terms of his parole and i doubt if those kids parents had read their local S.O. registry theyd have even shown up at all

my inner circle of upperclass billionaire resource-siphoning oligarch vampires was subjected to the same injustice as literally millions of African-American minor drug
offenders, can you believe this shit, this Putin ASS
Mark Ames is a rapist

Keven posted:

T pane I agrre w/ u, ppl keep brutally and permanently trolling me into reading various confusingly named people who probably have serious opinions about New York and it blows.

Collum McCann


Superabound posted:

Mark Ames is a rapist

I think he's more of a journalist / editorialist... rape is his violon d'Ingres

why do people think the left needs "watering down" or that marx and lenin are bad words to american workers. american workers who think that are not workers but labor aristocrats, the large majority of the american proletariat is black and hispanic and none of that is true for them in my experience. also more radicalism is what we need, thats why alex jones and nation of islam and shit does so well among the actual working class while paper pushing trots do not.

if you sit around on the internet reading jacobin magazine, you are probably not a member of the proletariat.
the NoI had no influence on anything and alex jones's audience is overwhelmingly white labor aristocrats