i watched Jack Reacher recently. it was ahmazin
Just In Case Anyone Was Wondering, Here's What I Think About The Movie "Batman Rising" ,

Agnus_Dei posted:

dark knight was good but rises was bad because it had a fundamental flaw, which is that the villain had two motives. he simultaneously wanted to (a) institute some sort of socialist revolution (b) nuke everybody. it doesn't really make any sense. also the pit scene was bad. the movie was bad

and why take over the city for 3 months before setting the nuke off if that's what he wanted to do all along? So Nolan could draw hack parallels about OWS and the french revolution. This is garbage filmmaking

rising sucked but you gotta give nolan credit for making people surprised that it did
[account deactivated]

thirdplace posted:

rising sucked but you gotta give nolan credit for making us surprised at that

how is that surprising.

do you even remember the first batman he did? what was it again? liam neeson with some poison gas bullshit? snore


EmanuelaOrlandi posted:

dark knight was watchable, but rises was really corny for the first half, tried to fit a bunch of shit in. homeboy straps on a thing that fixes his knee that has no cartilage and they never mention it again lol

lol i actually have one of those for the very same reason: http://www.phc-online.com/Adjustable_Knee_Brace_p/powercentric_37-109.htm (it doesnt work)

i like the part where the literal hellspawn of some middle-eastern black hole of suffering and despair tries to murder every single person in lower manhattan, oh and manipulates them with insincere populist rhetoric. the batmans are so unselfconscious in invoking the darkest parts of american political psychodrama that i sometimes wonder if nolan even realizes that he's doing it. it's just there as the window-dressing that lends the movie an edge of "realness" and "ambiguity", and elevates it in popular consciousness. the evidence is that nobody can ever agree what perspective he's coming from when he underlines his films with the specter of terrorism or the rhetoric of occupy; disappointingly, there really is nothing to it because christopher nolan is not a smart man and almost everybody who has ever seen one of his batman movies has thought more about these problems than he has. omg is batman really a hero?, some people might say. of course he is, everybody else in the damn movies is trying to murder the entire city for no apparent reason - made up things like "the league of shadows" and "nihilism" - and he saves them; this universe is no more complicated than a superman comic, it's just a fraud is all.

Agnus_Dei posted:

dark knight was good but rises was bad because it had a fundamental flaw, which is that the villain had two motives. he simultaneously wanted to (a) institute some sort of socialist revolution (b) nuke everybody. it doesn't really make any sense. also the pit scene was bad. the movie was bad

that's actually wasn't a problem because a) was 1) totally insincere and 2) auxiliary to b), which was the motive of an separate villain who was the master of bane.


Ironicwarcriminal posted:

thirdplace posted:

rising sucked but you gotta give nolan credit for making us surprised at that

how is that surprising.

do you even remember the first batman he did? what was it again? liam neeson with some poison gas bullshit? snore

yeah it was like pretty much every other superhero movie, a totally forgetable vehicle for CGI and violence. but no one here is talking about spiderman

all of the dark knight was a parable about the righteousness of the bush adinistration in the war on terror

Goethestein posted:

all of the dark knight was a parable about the righteousness of the bush adinistration in the war on terror

much like your posts

DKR was about disingenuously-manipulated liberal ideology making first-world social justice progressives useful idiots for Shock Doctrine NWOists
[account deactivated]
[account deactivated]
tbf that guy did make out with his sister thats fucked up

babyhueypnewton posted:

hmm a bunch of dumb people who thought the dark knight trilogy sucked...interesting

did it give you a hard-on

those stupid batman movies and other comic book movies are really bad. also fight club was good
all the movies people think are good, are actually bad. further, all the movies that are 'bad' are actually good

Real STRong Oopinions about Moovies

bridge on the river Kwai is a Good Movie
wow. sure is a lot of people here that went to watch a movie that they thought sucked. I have watched Rises yet, but when I will I'll probably be entertained. Cause that's what I do when I watch a movie based on a comic book character. I watch that kind of movie to be entertained. Not to find some deep commentary on gay hitler's black daughter or whatever.
i like atonal music & the iron man films

discipline posted:

lmao superabound you idiot

youre right, im wrong about the genius multilayered subtext of Christopher Nolan's The Dark Knight Rises, but thats what i get for not being able to hear or understand 80% of its dialogue


discipline posted:

There are no believable characters in Star Wars, says superabound, farting loudly and wiping his cheeto'd hand on his jorts. I mean first you have a wooki,e which doesn't even exist in real life. Then you have a gy who can move shit with his mind, which we all know is impossible. Finally, for some reason the dudes on the Death Star sometimes have british accents but they never explain where they come from. Why not just use a standard accent across the board so as not to confuse anybody? Also, those costumes are ridiculous and TOTALY unbelievable

ok now that weve established George Lucas as your golden standard by which all other directors are judged, what exactly could Stanley Kubrick have done to be more like him, instead of dying a deplorable misogynist whose poorly crafted sci-fi "epics" will never stand up to the cinema perfection of Star Wars

Sometimes I wish someone would write a feminist analysis of Roseanne Barr's hit movie, She Devil.
Okay it wasn't a hit movie. But it was a hit with me!
every comic book movie ever made is terrible, also every comic book
there are actually exactly 11 good comic book movies. would u like me 2 name them 4 u.

superman 1 and 2
batman the animated series: mask of the phantasm
blade 1 and 2
spiderman 1 and 2
batman reboot 1 and 2
x men 2
iron man 1
all right im changing my tar, it gives me a headache

discipline posted:

dude if some guy I'd just met got into my shower, on my boat I wasn't aware he was on, NAKED, I'd probably kill him or at least scream bloody murder

she invited him when she said "my boat leaves in an hour." a world where even words that arent innuendo are innuendo.

christopher nolan pitching inception: "it's a movie that takes place entirely in dreams! but wait, here's that nolan twist you've been waiting for - all the dreams are conventional action movie setpieces!"

Edited by KilledInADuel ()


Goethestein posted:

all right im changing my tar, it gives me a headache

i really enjoyed it while it lasted thank you


Goethestein posted:

there are actually exactly 11 good comic book movies.

watchman and unbreakible

i forgot about unbreakable, it was pretty decent
sweet tar goat
Watchmen is not good. Unbreakable is better than every movie Groat listed
I like the part in blade 2 where blade gives a vampire a pro wrestling suplex for literally no reason & remember nothing else about the movie.
Unbreakable wasn't a comic book movie.
fat repulsiveness monster Harry Knowles once wrote a review comparing Guillermo del Toro's direction of Blade 2 to cunnilingus, in agonizing detail. i dont even want to google it to link it here