discipline posted:hahaha stanley kubrick made movies for 48 years and couldn't manage to make one believable or even lifelike female character. I'm such a bloody feminazi for pointing this out *rolls eyes out of face, across the floor*
the me so horny girl was believable and lifelike.
tpaine posted:fringus what's your fav jackie chan film
i haven't seen this yet but it's gonna be this one
Goethestein posted:skyfall is the dark knight for james bond
actually its more like home alone meets speed, except with a gay dennis hopper
Goethestein posted:please dont complain about lack of female agency in james bond. i dont come into the sisterhood of the traveling pants and complain about how theres no chicks with fake boobs getting eaten by piranha. thanks. thanks
hmm no female agency in james bond. meanwhile rosa klebb, tilly masterson, fiona volpe, aki, teresa di vincenzo, bambi and thumper, andrea anders, anya amasova, octopussy, may day, jenny flex, pam bouvier, natalya simonova, xenia onatopp, wai lin, elektra king, jinx, miranda frost, vesper lynd, and camille montes are all having a big party because they're female james bond characters with varying degrees of agency. bond movies aren't great exemplars of feminist cinema by any stretch of the imagination but they aren't the Non-Stop Misogyny Thrill Ride that people make them out to be either. there are some silly-assed names in that list but many of those names belong to characters who are either proven to be bond's equal or come very close to killing him if they're villains. the franchise has tons of problems but it's the longest running film series in history so it's worth looking at those problems in-depth instead of just dismissing it offhand. i'm so MAD about JAmes bonD omg i'm goin crazy over here!!!!!
discipline posted:then james bond tries to shoot a glass of scotch off her head
Just like Burroughs.
never saw barry lyndon to see how much that had to do w/ women.
Goethestein posted:is my new 'tar too busy? want opinions itt
it's too good, there's no obvious loop point at which i stop watching. i will watch this av forever. goodbye, world
guidoanselmi posted:never saw barry lyndon to see how much that had to do w/ women.
guidoanselmi posted:most of kubricks films are about how awful men are? hmm. the only symbol of hope in 'paths of glory' was the singing woman at the end, too. forgot the female lead's role in the plot in spartacus.
never saw barry lyndon to see how much that had to do w/ women.
kubrick's pessimistic about humanity (men) and women are props. Done & Done. this isn't a question of 'speaking' to anyone's 'values'. if you think 'women are people and not props' is a narrow-minded value then that says more about YOU than Kubrick, discipline, Yo mama, Kooky Keven, Dumb Ass, grundelsworth, etc all put TOGETHER. Fuck a lo Ng
Ironicwarcriminal posted:oh and Scorsese is the best american director ever btw
Gangs of new york is some Good shit my ninja
now thats some good film
EmanuelaOrlandi posted:the funny thing about leftists/lgbt/feminist ppl is that they have this retarded idea that anything they cant enjoy and dont want to be exposed to anything they disagree with. but it turns out this has nothing to do with values and everything to do with being a whiney immature person who pathologically want to be unhappy. i find martin amis loathsome but i love to read his books. he is a mirror into all that is wrong with the world and i read him to learn about the world so that i can Destroy It.
i don't bother with stupid shit, and that makes me a gay baby?
okay, whatever
Crow posted:Ironicwarcriminal posted:
oh and Scorsese is the best american director ever btw
Gangs of new york is some Good shit my ninja
definitely, but goodfellas is still my favourite, every scene is classic, there isn't a slow moment. Most movies i forget instantly but i think about goodfellas and i think about henry waking up with his wife holding a gun in his face, the first time he takes her out to the club, the guys gathering to celebrate the Lufthansa job and deniro angry taking off the new coat of one of the dudes wives, squinting up at the choppers in the sky while trying to cook a family dinner......
gyrofry posted:except the depaaaaaaahted, which i wouldn't call a great movie
not up to his 90s stuff but still pretty awesome

HenryKrinkle posted:martin scorsese signed that petition defending roman polanski
oh boo hoo.
this idea that some small moral failing of a prominent individual is somehow a counterweight to all the brilliant things they've created is enough to make me want to become an objectivist.
i know most movies are intrinsically political but i'm not a "film buff" and prefer to quarantine them as escapism/roller coaster rides of vicarious excitement that are free from the sordid, debasing influence of politics