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discipline posted:

hahaha no he clearly has a thing with women as being the most two dimensional and flat characters in his movie, with no impetus of their own as simply drifting beings who only react to male action.

a lot of Cruise's dialogue in Eyes Wide Shut is him literally just repeating the last thing a person just said to him. And it seems weird to single out Kubrick for having 2 dimensional female characters who only react to male action considering thats a problem with most all directors and the entire motivating rationale behind the Bechdel test


tpaine posted:

oh so it would be totally cool if he wasn't a "creepy old man", nice ageism

im probably the oldest failson on this forum

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Superabound posted:

And it seems weird to single out Kubrick for having 2 dimensional female characters who only react to male action considering thats a problem with most all directors and the entire motivating rationale behind the Bechdel test

it's probably because she expects more from Crowned King Hall Of Fame All Time Great American Director but shockingly the hero of bourgeois cinema does not reflect much more than the shallow misogyny of any throwaway hollywood film


discipline posted:

dude if some guy I'd just met got into my shower, on my boat I wasn't aware he was on, NAKED, I'd probably kill him or at least scream bloody murder

you are deliberately ignoring that she left out a bucket of ice and two champagne flutes, the universal signal for consent

[account deactivated]

blinkandwheeze posted:

it's probably because she expects more from Crowned King Hall Of Fame All Time Great American Director but shockingly the hero of bourgeois cinema does not reflect much more than the shallow misogyny of any throwaway hollywood film

maybe people just like him for his movies?? i think?

its not like he raped a 13 year old girl or anything

holy shit this septuagenarian who died in 1999 and whose last fully-completed movie is older than most people on this forum wasnt on the bleeding edge of todays gender justice tumblr standards, lets dig up his grave and mutilate the corpse
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it was adifferent time. a pre-9/11 world. CUT the man some slack
"im sorry but this movie about US soldiers fighting in the Vietnam War does not contain enough strong female characters. please destroy all workprints and rewrite the screenplay as a What If alternahistory starring Zoe Kazan as Gunnery Sgt. Hartwomyn, a tough but fair (not to mention quirky!) drill instructor struggling to balance work, life,....and love"

discipline posted:

I've always seen kubrick's movies to not be misogynist per say, rather focused on masculinity. which is, in and of itself, rather misogynist since he is just making films about one side of the human species.

is a movie about femininity misandrist.

[account deactivated]
trying to imagine tpaine reading a book.. but i.. i just can't. yet its so easy to imagine him stuffin his face with mcribs. the line between tom and tpaine is blurring for me....

discipline posted:

haha the best part of the new james bond movie is when he just gets into the shower with that stranger lady and starts having sex with her out of NOWHERE hahahahha what a smooth operator

like i said, skyfall's all about a return to form.

please dont complain about lack of female agency in james bond. i dont come into the sisterhood of the traveling pants and complain about how theres no chicks with fake boobs getting eaten by piranha. thanks. thanks
disclaimer: ive never seen eyes wide shut

i think its funny that people are asserting that kubrick is a mysognist, not because of anything actually mysognist in his work, but rather because he didnt have enough female characters
also wasn't full metal jacket about the dehumanizing horror of being a part of the american army which was (aside from apparently 6000 medical and support staff) entirely male in the vietnam era? i dunno i'm no film professor or american or anything, i'm just a misogynistic asshole trying to defend the patriarchy
i've never seen eyes wide shut either, i just assumed it was as empty as it appeared
the feminist rejoinder would be that nobody forced him to tell male-dominated stories like FMJ, the Shining, Clockwork Orange, or 2001. he could have picked a great allegorical feminist novel on the nature of humanity, such as lol

wasted posted:

dont even have flash on this computer. automatic upvote


tpaine posted:

full metal jacket probably

i think hes talking about Dr strangelove

wah wah wah, my retard director is a misogynist, gotta defend that, because i am, too, a misogynist, Here's me!
Fucking along! Da Hoy Hoy
Pobody's Nerfect. Suff Naid.

Crow posted:

tpaine posted:

full metal jacket probably

i think hes talking about Dr strangelove

And I thought it was a clockwork orange. i guess it really could be any of them.

haha it was prolly 2001 a space odyssey. Or the shining
lol crow wins
Here's an excellent skyfall revikew http://oncinemapodcast.com/at-the-cinema-skyfall-and-lincon/
2001: hal tries to kill the ubermensch as AI has predicted it spells the end of the human race.
i like most movies i watch. not a big complainer like you clowns. go enjoy something! - a middle-brow dude

Guyovich posted:

discipline posted:

haha the best part of the new james bond movie is when he just gets into the shower with that stranger lady and starts having sex with her out of NOWHERE hahahahha what a smooth operator

like i said, skyfall's all about a return to form.

the last third was boring as shit and ruined the movie. Bond movies used to have cool threats like nuclear sharks or whatever and now we're meant to care about M's safety and life? she lives by the sword so why the hell is the audience meant to care if she dies? i don't understand why they would think that was engaging

oh and Scorsese is the best american director ever btw
is my new 'tar too busy? want opinions itt