
babyfinland posted:

that kliman thing about graeber is horrible

It is needlessly oppositional but that seems to be Kliman's style. He would fit in well at www.rhizzone.net!!! Seriously yeah the article itself is pretty meh but if you read the comments he made a bunch of posts there and expands the argument. I guess it all breaks down to the old "anarchism doesn't work and doesn't pose a real threat to the capitalist mode of production" critique (logical that he'd take this position given the conclusions of his book).

he misrepresents graeber really badly
[account deactivated]
[account deactivated]

babyfinland posted:

he misrepresents graeber really badly

on some points, probably, but not completely. if you read this article by graeber: http://eagainst.com/articles/david-graeber-the-shock-of-victory/
there are some things that are... well, idiotic. like, the first sentence is "The biggest problem facing direct action movements is that we don’t know how to handle victory." hmm, the biggest problem facing anarchist (let's be honest, that's what he means) movements is that they can't handle victory... hmmmm... later on in the article he flat-out admits the anarchist movement in Spain couldn't possibly have really won except in a stupid fantasy world, yet he still spins it as if that's not necessarily a bad thing/not something we should really be concerned about. i agree that simply existing and struggling is a feat on its own and there is validity to his argument that they made some progress towards "medium-term" goals, but it's like, impossible for me to read this and not roll my eyes thinking "maybe you should... build a political movement, seize state power and socialise the means of production??".

anyway, reading further in Debt and I think I like him a lot better as an anthropologist than as a historian

[account deactivated]
Florida finally bans k2, spice and other junk that should've been covered by the federal analog act. Way way way late to the party

comments section really does it for me tho

Posted by: CONCERNED Location: TALLAHASSEE on May 7, 2012 at 03:26 PM

There are plenty of new smoke shops for law enforcement to check out.
Posted by: CONCERNED
[account deactivated]
picked up some more kafka and nietzsche at half price books. also did you guys notice theres a new david harvey out? "Rebel Cities: From the Right to the City to the Urban Revolution". probably be ordering that and the new zizek sometime relatively soonish
zizek's new book's suggested retail price is 80 doll hairs
I'm currently reading all of these books -

freud and philosophy by paul ricoeur

journey to the end of the night

out of this world by peter hallward

hegel's dialectic by gadamer

phenomenology of mind

i cant handle Crash its messing w/my imagination, im back to readin the three musketeers

cleanhands posted:

i cant handle Crash its messing w/my imagination, im back to readin the three musketeers

Concrete Island is pretty cool

yeah im still interested in his artificial environment stuff, just gotta cleanse my palate with some swashbuckling, derring-do, and a fistful of louis
i saw some shit about colombia on TV so browsed the amazon store on my kindle with the search term "Colombia" and this was the 4th thing that came up


Bang Colombia is a travel guide designed to help you sleep with Colombian women in Colombia without paying for it. It contains dozens of moves, lines, and tips learned after six months of research in Medellin, Bogota, and Cali, where the author dedicated his existence to cracking the code of Colombian women, who are more challenging than their Western counterparts.

Inside this book you'll read...

A strategy for learning Spanish, including studying tips and a list of Spanish learning guides that won't break the bank

An honest breakdown on Colombian women, both in terms of physical traits and personality

The three key pillars of game that build the foundation of your Colombian bang strategy

A standard internet email template, in both English and Spanish, that you can use on three Colombian dating sites to have dates lined up before you even arrive

An easy Spanish line for when you're trying to weasel your way back in her room on the same night you meet

An explanation into the Colombian prepago female (gold digger), and what to do if you think you have one on your hands

You'll also find a lot of dating tips, such as...

A powerful first date move that makes a Colombian girl feel like she's known you longer than she really has

How to deal with flakey college girls

An effective Spanish phone script for calling a Colombian girl for the first time so you get the date without sounding like an idiot

The easiest, cheapest way to bang a Colombian girl after you've already had a successful date.

How to seal the deal even if you're staying at a dirty backpackers hostel

cool search algorithm Amazon.

I ended up buying this, seems pretty cool so far.


[account deactivated]

"The three key pillars of game that build the foundation of your Colombian bang strategy "

is this like the pillars of islam
Colombian Bang Strategy is the name of my power violence band, we have a lathe-cut 7" coming out in june

blinkandwheeze posted:

Colombian Bang Strategy is the name of my power violence band, we have a lathe-cut 7" coming out in june

1. FARC you
2. Bogota Blood Booty
3. Negger's in Paradise (going Guerilla)

me sherm and bnw are THE THREE KEY PILLARS OF GAME
thats an honest breakdown
i just read the origin of totalitarianism by hannah arendt. its bad + gay + jewish + gay + bad + such
one might say..... distressingly jewish
i was gonna make a colombian bang strategy joke too but all the good ones are taken, fine work everyone
fun colombia fact: theres a school in puerto boyaca named after john f kennedy, how wow is that

deadken posted:

i just read the origin of totalitarianism by hannah arendt. its bad + gay + jewish + gay + bad + such


its groundless insistence on nazi germany and the ussr under stalin as dual manifestations of a singular phenomenon, its perverse pre-occupation with the figure of the individual totalitarian dictator, its nonsense about the desire of totalitarian parties to dominate the world (which entirely fails to note the pre-existing world domination achieved by the capitalist class), its whiny misrepresentation of deindividuation as being somehow intrinsically evil, its constant whiff of snivelling jewishness
so its jewish because its jewish. im putting you on ignore
so-called 'totalitarian' societies are anything but, they always have a clearly defined Outside, they are riddled with holes in which enemies lurk, their ( )hole complex is overpowering, their relation with the other is one of violence and suppression but they admit its existence. liberal democracy admits no competitors, other ideologies can only ever be anomalies or errors to be corrected, it is the true totalitarianism

cleanhands posted:

so its jewish because its jewish. im putting you on ignore

its jewish because its mother is jewish

i havent read that book but what arendt i have read is really good and i cant help but think youre just allowing your prejudices and desire-to-snivel get in the way of what is probably a good book. i guess i'll just have to see for myself.
soviet, nazi, western regimes and modernity in general have 'totalitarian impulses' which bring out Evil, but they are not consigned to either the left or right, or liberatory ideation in general. Did somebody say fuckin totalitarianism? Read my lips no new Others

babyfinland posted:

i havent read that book but what arendt i have read is really good and i cant help but think youre just allowing your prejudices and desire-to-snivel get in the way of what is probably a good book. i guess i'll just have to see for myself.

its a good book if you like Mondo Liberalisms, Mindless Hegemonic Mindset Shitfuckery, and Jewish Girls that Ain't Got No Ass?? i like plenty of works by people i dont agree with ideologically but they gotta have something to say beyond 'look how CRAZY everything apart from liberalism is!!'


deadken posted:

babyfinland posted:

i havent read that book but what arendt i have read is really good and i cant help but think youre just allowing your prejudices and desire-to-snivel get in the way of what is probably a good book. i guess i'll just have to see for myself.

its a good book if you like Mondo Liberalisms, Mindless Hegemonic Mindset Shitfuckery, and Jewish Girls that Ain't Got No Ass?? i like plenty of works by people i dont agree with ideologically but they gotta have something to say beyond 'look how CRAZY everything apart from liberalism is!!'

arendt is hecka smart dude what are you trying to pull

barack obama is also hecka smart so what
Neurotic socialist writer with psychosexual issues can only come up with "Jewish" as a pejorative lol

Groulxsmith posted:

Neurotic socialist writer with psychosexual issues can only come up with "Jewish" as a pejorative lol

hes rationalised away all possible sins in order to enjoy them himself, so all hes left with is more immanent, immutable stuff like the eternal jew