It's good. It's broken up into little chapters about sex, or weddings, or radios, or university, or conscription and offers a good outline of how these practices are generally conducted and how they've changed in the past decades.

Also watch this Don, you like parliamentary silliness.

that rules

Ironicwarcriminal posted:
I'm reading this, it's cool and seems pretty honest and unbiased.

lankov is good

[account deactivated]

eternal_virtue posted:

thank you for this, I have only recently begun to understand the depths of cultural criticism and class consciousness hidden in the subtexts of touhou. it's hard to find information about this in english but this video will guide my studies

lorrie moore: contemporary fictioneer who knows how to Words
Marcuse. Black Elk.
[account deactivated]
marcuse black elk also sounds like a cologne
[account deactivated]
[account deactivated]
i found something kinda cool. apparenty it was really popular in quebec to cover american pop songs for the domestic market. so this guy has a playlist of about 100 beatles covers, and there are tons more on youtube. and they are fun and would make a good soundtrack to a pretentious film.

cool, i hadn't heard her solo stuff.
thats better than the actual beatles.
[account deactivated]
[account deactivated]
this is my favourite cover, also a kinks cover

I read my own autobiography, velly inspirational
last night there was a 6.5 earthquake while i listened to handel’s The Messiah hallelujah chorus and roleplayed an anime magical girl while reading foucault

my life is the best, most ridiculous thing that exists
Laissez’s Faire isn’t a forum it’s a fucking cult

noavbazzer posted:

last night there was a 6.5 earthquake while i listened to handel’s The Messiah hallelujah chorus and roleplayed an anime magical girl while reading foucault

my life is the best, most ridiculous thing that exists

I am glad you are happy with your choices in life, noavbazzer

The air conditioned nightmare by Henry miller
Zombie Economics by some cheerful fellow
just started oblamov, im hoping to get through it fast so i can get a look at the man without qualities before i have to return them.

crustpunk_trotsky posted:

noavbazzer posted:

last night there was a 6.5 earthquake while i listened to handel’s The Messiah hallelujah chorus and roleplayed an anime magical girl while reading foucault

my life is the best, most ridiculous thing that exists

I am glad you are happy with your choices in life, noavbazzer

i was just posting what i was reading dog


noavbazzer posted:

crustpunk_trotsky posted:

noavbazzer posted:

last night there was a 6.5 earthquake while i listened to handel’s The Messiah hallelujah chorus and roleplayed an anime magical girl while reading foucault

my life is the best, most ridiculous thing that exists

I am glad you are happy with your choices in life, noavbazzer

i was just posting what i was reading dog

garbage in, garbage out

for real tho im re-readin http://www.amazon.com/Mussolinis-Intellectuals-Fascist-Political-Thought/dp/0691120099
i saw the avengers last night, it was fucking garbage and when i explained what i thought of it to my friends they just say that I don't get it and i'm being needlessly spiteful and "picking it apart".

Does nobody have the courage of their convictions anymore? Fuck, I love Jersey Shore and if people laugh at me for it i'll offer a defence of why I do.

But apparently because a movie is "escapism" is therefore exempt from any criticism, stop the world, i want to get off
it looked so bad

every one of those dumb cgi movies looks like a video game cutscene or something
and yet critics and fans cream themselves over it. I just don't understand how adults can get invested in something with so little emotional core and absolutely nothing to say about the human condition.

i suppose the commentary is the universal love for this kind of media
the m83 song that played last time i had girl over just came on. moodd - nostalgic
i don't know, if not for the Joker i wouldn't have gotten into bakunin

Impper posted:

the m83 song that played last time i had girl over just came on. moodd - nostalgic

did you ever call that hippie girl. i am still worried and distraught and it's entirely your fault.

hahaha no :*( she hasnt called me again either... its really weird and fucked up bro...
tHe cIty IS mY cHuRCh
cities or geographic locations make the best muses, being perfectly serious here