dimashq posted:That book was so fun to read. The editor for the book sucks so if you read it just skip his introduction and chapter openings.
I read this somewhere, makes the editor seem even worse: Apparently the Russian version is a whole 800 pages and the English version was cut down substantially to around 400.
tears posted:"black metal: evolution of the cult" by dAyal patterson
ok i finished this, it was good but i got bored around page 500 and skimmed the pages on industrial black metal and post-black, they felt tacked on anyway
serafiym posted:dimashq posted:That book was so fun to read. The editor for the book sucks so if you read it just skip his introduction and chapter openings.
I read this somewhere, makes the editor seem even worse: Apparently the Russian version is a whole 800 pages and the English version was cut down substantially to around 400.
Interesting. If that’s true, then I wonder what got cut. Thinking about the book again, I wonder how much of the translation itself was dishonest. Like that quote above about how hitler never understood marxists, how much did the anticommunist translator really understand the subtleties and nuances of a Russian speaking Marxist statesman... different universes honestly. The book is fun regardless.
tears posted:tears posted:
"black metal: evolution of the cult" by dAyal patterson
ok i finished this, it was good but i got bored around page 500 and skimmed the pages on industrial black metal and post-black, they felt tacked on anyway
those are essentially tacked on developments of black metal so you made the correct decision
88888 posted:reading braudel's the mediterranean and the mediterranean world in the age of philip II. also fermenting some kimchi and my kitchen smells like sulphur
I've started reading that book before. I love the riff at the beginning about how settlements up in the mountains always used to escape state authority and cultural change. I should pick it up again sometime, the last time I read it my French was pretty weak.

Read these from the MCG, having fun imagining a Kirbyian Watcher who has memorized every letter lenin ever wrote writing them.
Reading Being&Nothingness now, not much of a background in philosophy so tip toeing through it. Seems on one hand a little speculative and self-help-y. But then I think of all the people I know who very clearly don't believe in their own free will and are losers for it and think maybe an important intervention.
dimashq posted:I found that Braudel book at a used bookstore and decided against it at the time cus it was like $15. I checked for it again a week later and it was gone
not buying a book when you see it for some dumb reason and then regretting it later is a real emotional rollercoaster
Populares posted:From my limited knowledge Molotov probably should've succeeded Stalin imo tbqh omg my bff jill.
I thought about this once and picked Mikhail Suslov but it also kinda felt like playing with Magic cards except with Soviet officials.
tears posted:im reading "choosing death: the improbable history of death metal and grindcore" by albert mudrin (2004). it was described as the death & grind equivalent to black metal: evolution of the cult, but it is not, its half as long, tries to cover twice as much, is confusing and poorly structured in comparison, theres very little about grindcore, and to top it all the photo labels are at 90 degrees to the picture orientation (clown design), all in all just way less interesting (insert death metal joke here)
i have that book. havent read it in probably 15+ years though. i think i got it near when it came out
- mine
- uses
- sell
tears posted:im reading "choosing death: the improbable history of death metal and grindcore" by albert mudrin (2004). it was described as the death & grind equivalent to black metal: evolution of the cult, but it is not, its half as long, tries to cover twice as much, is confusing and poorly structured in comparison, theres very little about grindcore, and to top it all the photo labels are at 90 degrees to the picture orientation (clown design), all in all just way less interesting (insert death metal joke here)
iirc the swedish death metal book is supposed to be good and insanely comprehensive(like even documenting bands that never even released a demo tape and similar things) but i've not read it myself
Chthonic_Goat_666 posted:tears posted:im reading "choosing death: the improbable history of death metal and grindcore" by albert mudrin (2004). it was described as the death & grind equivalent to black metal: evolution of the cult, but it is not, its half as long, tries to cover twice as much, is confusing and poorly structured in comparison, theres very little about grindcore, and to top it all the photo labels are at 90 degrees to the picture orientation (clown design), all in all just way less interesting (insert death metal joke here)
i have that book. havent read it in probably 15+ years though. i think i got it near when it came out
this is the best bit of the book:
White the united states and the united kingdom clearly had running starts in the death metal and grindcore sweepstakes, the rest of Europe, particularly Sweden, wasn’t far behind. Of course, Sweden’s socialist government
io are you talking about Swedish Death Metal by daniel dkeroth? id seen it and will probably pick it up.
also read sarah kitteringhams masters thesis "Extreme Conditions Demand Extreme Responses: The Treatment of Women in Black Metal, Death Metal, Doom Metal, and Grindcore" (2014) and im part way through "Running With The Devil: Power Gender and Madness in Heavy Metal Music" by Robert Walser (1993) but havent read enough to form an opinion
Tom O'Neill's "Chaos" is a.. 20? 30? maybe more? year deep investigation of the people who were ancillary to Charlie Manson, just published in mid 2019. I suppose we could debate the merits of someone who only publishes a book long after those interviewed in it are dead. But the suggestion that most people in government, law enforcement, and well-paid entertainment have as their primary traits horny and fraudulent is plausible to me.
lo posted:i think that's the one yeah. what does that master's thesis talk about i'm curious
Here's her rational:
my goal with this project is to sum up what it means to be a female extreme metal musician in 2013. Has the treatment of women in the scene improved? How might we explain the increase in the number of female musicians in extreme metal? Why is the presence of women in extreme metal important in an overall analysis of women in metal, in general?
its focused specifically musicians as opposed to fans and hinges around a series of interviews of female musicians in canadian extreme metal bands and their experiences, mostly around calgary/edmonton - id say its very interesting, in her obvious knowledge, the uniqueness of the research, and the interview quotes themselves - though your mileage may vary if you were wanting detailed marxist-feminist analysis - i think it is definitely interesting if you are involved in the scene. also she says problematic a bazillion times
tears posted:2013 ... calgary/edmonton ... says problematic a bazillion times
I remember those days fondly
dizastar posted:http://archive.is/FqYCqthe ny time$ released a good article for once. it is very true that indonesia is often forgotten when it comes to the long list of countries amerikan imperiali$m helped sprout death squads in to put a halt to socialism and national liberation
Winarso’s country is the most significant example. In 1965 and 1966, the American government assisted in the murder of approximately one million Indonesian civilians. This was one of the most important turning points of the Cold War — Indonesia is the world’s fourth most populous country, and policymakers at the time understood it was a far more valuable prize than Vietnam. But it’s largely forgotten in the English-speaking world precisely because it was such a success. No American soldiers died; little attention was drawn to one more country pulled, seemingly naturally, into the United States’ orbit.
that's the book I read recently. nobody would publish my review of it so I might just post it here, it's a very good book.
c_man posted:Post it here, definitely
Ok, there's some goofy phraseology because I was trying to get in published, here you go:
see secret pdf forum
Edited by Parenti ()
pogfan1996 posted:Front page that
I appreciate that but, obviously with my luck somebody just got back to me a few minutes ago about publishing it...didn't hear back from like 20 places for weeks, and I'd like to have it published. drwhat could you please move the post to the .pdf forum? I want to write a bunch more of my expanded thoughts about the book here anyway, that review doesn't really cover some of the most interesting stuff in the book, so I'll do that soon.