ken, do you worry that you peaked as a teen and that it's all downhill from here or do you think you're still capable of reaching new heights (heh) as an oldm'n?
that guy's face looks craggy and slightly messed up in the way people who fight a lot/ do combat sports end up looking.
wait, that's not you, is it deadken?
its joel
thats @swarthyvillain a twitter funnyman
and he does do MMA, but only ironically
i hope that joel @ swarthyvillain has good defense and sane training partners, or else his web 2.0 branded humor is going to end up like this


elektrenai posted:

and he does do MMA, but only ironically

members of my highschool wrestling team, usually not an especially humorous or lighthearted bunch, were asked by the yearbook as to what led them to this most unpleasant of intermural sports. with the exception of the emotionally unwell christian kid under too much parental pressure, all independently answered "the spandex"

The Jacobin vs. Twitter outrage machine absurdity makes me want to throw up.


twitter ppl are some of the best internet ppl ive met though
i believe the majority of my fb friends have put me on ignore now. its not just a word you bastards

toy posted:

The Jacobin vs. Twitter outrage machine absurdity makes me want to throw up.


im obsessed with this, the people defending Kendzior have gone absolutely insane


littlegreenpills posted:

i believe the majority of my fb friends have put me on ignore now. its not just a word you bastards

i read your posts. god bless.


elektrenai posted:

For some reason this has me totally despondent

incredible display of lack of reading comprehension, or a complete failure to read the material, an eagerness to interpret things in the worst, cartoonishly evil fashion, and ultimately a fall back on "intent doesn't matter"

Edited by toy ()


toy posted:

elektrenai posted:

For some reason this has me totally despondent

i don't have a twitter but read some of sarah kendzior's stuff that wasn't on central asia prior to this, and was actually a fan. jools sent me links to all this mess and I spent a couple hours on it and it really broke my heart (more fool me, I guess). it's horrible to see graeber mouthing inanities and henwood frantically doing the same in his wake. it's also horrible to see the race to whichever categorical catchphrase can effectively mark a committed and innocuous leftist as A Real Rotten Mensch to others, especially ostensible leftists. the worst thing about it to me was seeing how credulous and ideologically uncommitted a lot of important people who claim to be serious activists are in the wake of this. that said, all members of rhizzone that I know of who were involved wrote far more intelligent things online than their elders and supposed betters (who possess ten times the career, to a man) on this, so good job for the depression militant squad I guess. it says horrible things about the state and priorities of the famous voices of the western left, but it said good enough things about the rhizz to lure me back here (for which i apologize in advance)

Edited by palafox ()

Ken I liked your most recent piece on yer blog for the most part, I started out thinking I was going to hate it then it got better but then you did a thing. That is, echoing the fairy tale of supposed incompetence and impotence of the CIA and empire in general that is so popular among the folks over in D&D and other practitioners of imperial apologetics. The myth of the cartoonishly incompetent Max Smart Austin Powders intelligence agency might appear at least good for morale at first but it comes with the implication that the peoples of the third world are even more feckless and hopeless than this straw-empire, seeing as any reasonable examination of imperial activity around the world reveals that they have been stunningly successful at completely demolishing the vast majority of attempts to develop independently of the hegemon and especially those societies pursuing any remotely emancipatory secular leftist or quasi leftist vision of such attempted development. As you should know only the most egregious of failed imperial adventures are made widely known, which is what lets hacks like Brown Moses shrug and go hurr CIA those dopes can't do nothin right! to raucous applause from sniveling liberals and pseudoleft while rivers of blood flow through the global south.

e: i just saw and read disciplines reply in yer comments and it's very good and says anything i might have wanted to say 1000x better and much more beyond that

Edited by chickeon ()


i like how people have this blind spot to actual criticism of "the system" so you have stuff like people reporting potential labor violations on the part of an actor that is meant to represent that exact thing but multiplied geometrically.

Edited by Themselves ()

any full length article about a twitter post is fiddlesticks.Pure fiddlesticks
my guess is that intelligence agencies are frighteningly competent at a range of things but im pretty sure most of them are related to making some shit pop off like, tomorrow, but have a much more tenuous grasp on anything broader than the immediate future in certain (albeit usually globally important) areas.

chickeon posted:

Ken I liked your most recent piece on yer blog for the most part, I started out thinking I was going to hate it then it got better but then you did a thing. That is, echoing the fairy tale of supposed incompetence and impotence of the CIA and empire in general that is so popular among the folks over in D&D and other practitioners of imperial apologetics. The myth of the cartoonishly incompetent Max Smart Austin Powders intelligence agency might appear at least good for morale at first but it comes with the implication that the peoples of the third world are even more feckless and hopeless than this straw-empire, seeing as any reasonable examination of imperial activity around the world reveals that they have been stunningly successful at completely demolishing the vast majority of attempts to develop independently of the hegemon and especially those societies pursuing any remotely emancipatory secular leftist or quasi leftist vision of such attempted development. As you should know only the most egregious of failed imperial adventures are made widely known, which is what lets hacks like Brown Moses shrug and go hurr CIA those dopes can't do nothin right! to raucous applause from sniveling liberals and pseudoleft while rivers of blood flow through the global south.

e: i just saw and read disciplines reply in yer comments and it's very good and says anything i might have wanted to say 1000x better and much more beyond that

thanks for posting this, ive always just parroted the words of people i know who are in those circles and say this kind of stuff without thinking about it

but looking at it and taking as a given the success of bourgeois repressive apparati thus far, its hard to say that there isnt a gross amount of incompetence that is involved in it.. if you read about western intelligence activity in the middle east during the cold war, for example, it approaches absurdity.

organized crime and intelligence are essentially the same thing. they're deleuze's war-machines. they are tremendously efficient in political repression and thrive off anarchy. they can be both "incompetent" and highly successful because the chaos fuels the repressive function. i dunno i know deleuze is affirmationist or whatever according to noys, i'm not sure how that colors this but it seems a good fit for the model (jools pls comment)

Edited by babyfinland ()

i didnt read dead kens thing though his writing makes me nauseous. nor have i read about this kendzior thing bc it sounds like perverts and losers
he can be good but he needs an editor

babyfinland posted:

organized crime and intelligence are essentially the same thing

"Organized Crime Against Humanity" is one of my pet terms for capitalism~
e: the intertwined roles of intelligence and organized crime in Mussolini WW2 Italy as well as Greece etc in repressing the popular leftist movements that arose is a thing that dovetails nicely with yer thing i quoted


laika posted:

Apparently an idea i had had already occurred to other people who did a much better job theorizing about it:

Virtualism: A New Political Economy by James G. Carrier (Editor), Daniel Miller (Editor)

We live in a time of economic virtualism, whereby our lives are made to conform to the virtual reality of economic thought. Globalization, transnational capitalism, structural adjustment programmes and the decay of welfare are all signs of the growing power of economics, one of the most potent forces of recent decades. In the last thirty years, economics has ceased to be just an academic discipline concerned with the study of economy, and has come to be the only legitimate way to think about all aspects of society and how we order our lives. Economic models are no longer measured against the world they seek to describe, but instead the world is measured against them, found wanting and made to conform.

read philip mirowski

i googled war machines to refresh my memory heres the link if anyone cares: http://www.rhizomes.net/issue3/marzec/marzii.html

that url is v close to this website lol
whats the kelzmer twitter thing

stegosaurus posted:

whats the kelzmer twitter thing

do not click on these, I beg of you


I had to hide andrew klimans notifications about candy crush saga lmfao
have any of you read aden, arabie? one of my friends is a big fan. i vaguely remember reading sartre's introduction in some collection.

Edited by ArisVelouchiotis ()

i searched andrew kliman and this is the fourth image:

roseweird posted:

swampman posted:

roseweird posted:

jools' spell didn't work bc he abjured when he shoulda conjured :I

from what i can see, you posted in this thread, and now andrew kliman won't take it seriously.


stegosaurus posted:

I had to hide andrew klimans notifications about candy crush saga lmfao

um http://www.rhizzone.net/forum/topic/11921/


jiroemon1897 posted:

i searched andrew kliman and this is the fourth image:

roseweird posted:

swampman posted:

roseweird posted:

jools' spell didn't work bc he abjured when he shoulda conjured :I

from what i can see, you posted in this thread, and now andrew kliman won't take it seriously.

rhizzone is a powerful cultural force