“us” pic.twitter.com/JUZHJPetJJ
— Julia Carrie Wong (@juliacarriew) March 23, 2020
but then i remembered that karl marx considered moving to texas and i imagined if he did, and then died here, but instead of his big gravestone being in highgate cemetery in london it'd be in johnson city or la grange or something like that next to some store that sells propane and propane accessories or something. funny shit
also thinking about how ensuring all citizens are within respective borders would be ideal risk mitigation prior to engaging in hot interstate war.
edit: i feel like it's going to be a fantastic spring... wild boar have been spotted venturing into central avenues, birds can finally hear eachother and are chatting up a storm. the parks are closed to humans and the city air hasn't been this clean in over 100 years.
Edited by Gssh ()
NY not handling this shit well LMAOOO pic.twitter.com/pB8siermkI
— Dr. Sad Penis (@DamnShawtyOkay) March 23, 2020
marlax78 posted:I don't think you should say these kind of things, the underlying logic here is indistinguishable from anti semitism — rich people
Dear audio memoirs! Today I was racist by word substitution again. This - This is the hardest racism not to be.
I have a friend from college whose whole family now has #COVID19 because they live in a Western resort town & a group of rich Australian tourists were out partying and defying quarantine, spreading the virus all over town & it turns out it was LACHLAN FUCKING MURDOCH.
— Christy Thornton (@llchristyll) March 23, 2020
— Salty (@saltydkdan) March 17, 2020
swampman posted:https://www.firstthings.com/web-exclusives/2020/03/say-no-to-deaths-dominion
checking the comments just to make sure everyone is talking about stalin
Texas Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick:
— JM Rieger (@RiegerReport) March 24, 2020
“What I'm living in fear of is what's happening to this country…‘Are you willing to take a chance on your survival in exchange for keeping the America that all America loves for your children and grandchildren?' And if that's the exchange I'm all in" pic.twitter.com/2vIleMB1jP
Now if it was hinged antisemitism that'd be fine

trump got bored with the quarantine and wants to cancel it. america is a death cult
swampman posted:What's funny about the above conversation is that a large portion of the rich Amerikan crackers who have actively been spreading COVID are likely to blame the Jews once they come down with it
haha that does make me laugh haha
MarxUltor posted:trump got bored with the quarantine and wants to cancel it. america is a death cult
we're through the looking glass here people, smashing through it at high speed, face first

the same pattern appears to have materialized in germany with the former DDR seeing fewer cases (sans berlin).
Public health and the superiority of the socialist system - that was what the GDR was all about when it came to vaccination. A claim that culminated in the slogan: "Socialism is the best prophylaxis". Since the 1950s, the GDR introduced a compulsory vaccination, which was becoming more and more comprehensive: against smallpox, polio, diphtheria, tetanus, whooping cough, tuberculosis and from the 1970s also against measles. As today, flu vaccination was recommended. Up to the age of 18, adolescents received a total of 20 vaccinations - prescribed by the state.
The success of the GDR vaccination programs was enormous. The number of diseases dropped rapidly after their introduction. Particularly spectacular in the fight against polio, especially when compared to the West. While polio epidemics raged in the individualized West in 1960, the centrally administered GDR society had been largely immunized against polio since 1958.
"There was real competition between systems in this field in the early 1960s," explains Malte Thießen. The professor of history in Münster examined vaccination in both German states and compared the politics behind the pieksen - a federal system in the west versus a planned economy, in which health was constitutional and all measures centrally managed by the Ministry of Health in East Berlin were. Opposed to this were individual personality rights versus public health, which the individual had to submit to - also in the interests of socialism. "At the time, prophylaxis and socialism formed an inseparable amalgam. Those who refused vaccinations also did not agree with socialism in the eyes of the government."
However, this claim harbored a risk that should not actually be: vaccination fatigue in the east, spontaneous sickness reports before vaccination appointments, refusal to take the injection, skeptical parents. In some districts, such as Rostock and Cottbus, the vaccination rate was sometimes below 50 percent. Was the right class consciousness missing here? The GDR reacted in its own way - with permanent vaccinations and mass vaccinations in holiday camps, schools and companies. The sometimes rigorous vaccination policy in the east had an effect.
The collective security promise still stands for the good side of socialism. In the retrospective, one can almost speak of the last victory of socialism.
china didn't start vaccinating on a widespread scale until later which might explain why the younger population has fared better than the olds. mexico did a lot of it as well, and saw one tidbit that doctors from the spanish republic who moved there after the war contributed to the practice. there's a trial starting on this:
Researchers in four countries will soon start a clinical trial of an unorthodox approach to the new coronavirus. They will test whether a century-old vaccine against tuberculosis (TB), a bacterial disease, can rev up the human immune system in a broad way, allowing it to better fight the virus that causes coronavirus disease 2019 and, perhaps, prevent infection with it altogether. The studies will be done in physicians and nurses, who are at higher risk of becoming infected with the respiratory disease than the general population, and in the elderly, who are at higher risk of serious illness if they become infected.
A team in the Netherlands will kick off the first of the trials this week. They will recruit 1000 health care workers in eight Dutch hospitals who will either receive the vaccine, called bacillus Calmette-Guérin (BCG), or a placebo.
cars posted:ive got a treatment for it......... Communism!!!!
Party Zero: How a Soirée in Connecticut Became a ‘Super Spreader’
About 50 guests gathered on March 5 at a home in the stately suburb of Westport, Conn., to toast the hostess on her 40th birthday and greet old friends, including one visiting from South Africa. They shared reminiscences, a lavish buffet and, unknown to anyone, the coronavirus.
Then they scattered.
The Westport soirée — Party Zero in southwestern Connecticut and beyond — is a story of how, in the Gilded Age of money, social connectedness and air travel, a pandemic has spread at lightning speed. The partygoers — more than half of whom are now infected — left that evening for Johannesburg, New York City and other parts of Connecticut and the United States, all seeding infections on the way.
Westport, a town of 28,000 on the Long Island Sound, did not have a single known case of the coronavirus on the day of the party. It had 85 on Monday, up more than 40-fold in 11 days.
At a news conference on Monday afternoon, Gov. Ned Lamont of Connecticut said that 415 people in the state were infected, up from 327 on Sunday night. Ten people have died. Westport, with less than 1 percent of the state’s population, now makes up more than one-fifth of its Covid-19 infections, with 85 cases. Fairfield County, where Westport is, has 270 cases, 65 percent of the state’s total.
Governor Lamont pleaded with federal officials for hospital capacity and protective gear. “I urge them: Don’t think in terms of New York, think in terms of the hot spots,” he said. “And that’s New York City, Westchester County — and Fairfield County.”
Science cannot definitively link those escalating numbers to New York, which now accounts for about half of the coronavirus infections in the United States. But the Westport soirée “may be an example of the kind of thing we call a super-spreading event,” said William Hanage, an associate professor of epidemiology at Harvard, especially since some of the partygoers later attended large social events in the New York metropolitan area.
“Some of the early cases in Northern Italy were associated with small towns, and people thought, ‘Oh, it’s just in the small towns.’ But then you suddenly find cases emerging from Milan Fashion Week and spreading internationally,” Dr. Hanage said. “Everywhere you think the virus is, it’s ahead of you."
The visitor from Johannesburg — a 43-year-old businessman, according to a report from South Africa — fell ill on his flight home, spreading the virus not only in the country but possibly to fellow passengers. The party guests attended other gatherings. They went to work at jobs throughout the New York metropolitan area. Their children went to school and day care, soccer games and after-school sports.
On the morning of March 8, three days after the party, Julie Endich, one of the guests, woke up in Westport with a fever that spiked to 104 degrees and “pain, tightness and heaviness like someone was standing on my chest,” she later wrote on Facebook. She knew her symptoms suggested Covid-19, the disease caused by the novel coronavirus, but it would be four days before she could get test results confirming that she had it.
At noon that day, town and county health officials convened a coronavirus forum at the Westport Library. About 60 people attended, and many others watched on Facebook. When asked whether people, especially Westport’s many older residents, should follow federal government guidance and avoid large gatherings, officials were sanguine.
“It is not out in our community that we’re aware of yet,” said Mark A.R. Cooper, the director of the Westport Weston Health District. “Give it some thought, but again, your risk is low.”
A moderator next passed the microphone to an older man.
“How many test kits do we have in Westport now?” he asked.
“Zero,” Mr. Cooper replied. “None. They’re not available.”
Three days later, on March 11, Mr. Cooper got a phone call: A South African businessman who had stopped in Westport for a party had fallen ill on the plane home to Johannesburg.
“I thought it was good old man flu,” the businessman told The Sunday Times in South Africa, speaking anonymously in a March 15 article. Unlike in the United States, where tests remain in short supply and results come slowly, the man was tested and received word in a day. He was positive.
Mr. Cooper and his staff of nine dusted off their pandemic response plan and began calling party guests, identified by the Westport hosts. A number of the guests had children. Several hours later, Westport closed its schools and most public buildings. Jim Marpe, the Westport first selectman — the equivalent of a mayor — convened a hasty news conference on the steps of the Westport Town Hall.
“We’ll assess the health of those individuals and try to give them some helpful advice in terms of protecting themselves and family and helping prevent further spread,” Mr. Cooper told the crowd.
But, he warned, “The reality is, once it starts to spread in a community, it’s beyond trying to stop it.”
The health district worked with a private company to conduct drive-through testing for party guests only on March 12. About 38 guests showed up, and more than half their tests came back positive. Ms. Endich, after days of rejected attempts, was tested at Stamford Hospital and received her positive result on March 12.
“What we were trying to do was put our arms around it quickly and snuff it out,” Mr. Cooper said. “Never did we dream that in a week’s time we were going to be in the middle of an epidemic.”
The number of sick people in Fairfield County then soared. On March 16, Governor Lamont closed restaurants and public buildings statewide. Even in a well-connected, affluent town like Westport, contact tracing quickly overwhelmed health officials. Beyond the 50 attendees, “there were another 120 on our dance list,” some of whom probably were not at the party, Mr. Cooper said. One of the party guests later acknowledged attending an event with 420 other people, he said. The officials gave up.
“They think at least 100 times as many people are infected as what the tests are showing,” Arpad Krizsan, who owns a financial advisory firm in Westport and lives in the community, said on Saturday. “And everybody goes to the same four shops.”
Worry, rumors and recriminations engulfed the town. Political leaders fielded hundreds of emails and phone calls from residents terrified that their children or vulnerable family members had been exposed. Who threw the party, and who attended? They wanted to know. Rumors flew that some residents were telling health officials they had attended the party so they could obtain a scarce test.
Officials refused to disclose the names of the hosts or any guests, citing federal and state privacy rules. Mr. Marpe posted a videotaped statement to the town website on March 20. “The fact of the matter is that this could have been any one of us, and rumor-mongering and vilification of individuals is not who we are as a civil community,” he said.
As the disease spread, many residents kept mum, worried about being ostracized by their neighbors and that their children would be kicked off coveted sports teams or miss school events.
One local woman compared going public with a Covid-19 diagnosis to “having an S.T.D.”
“I don’t think that’s a crazy comparison,” said Will Haskell, the state senator who represents Westport. He has been fielding frantic phone calls from constituents.
Most residents were exercising recommended vigilance, Mr. Haskell said, but one call that stuck out to him was from a woman awaiting test results whose entire family had been exposed to the virus. “She wanted to know whether or not to tell her friends and social network,” he said, because she was worried about “social stigma.”
Mr. Haskell, who has been delivering his grandparents’ medication to their Westport doorstep and leaving it outside, was incredulous. “This is life or death,” he said in an interview. “Westport really is a cautionary tale of what we’re soon to see.”
The party hosts remain unknown to most, though speculation is rife. Two of the guests, Ms. Endich and Cheryl Chutter, an attendee who lives in Stamford, have identified themselves.
Though she said she was “relentless” in demanding a test, Ms. Chutter did not learn of her diagnosis until March 17. She notified her son’s private school, and “they sent him home in an Uber and closed the school three hours later,” she said. His youth soccer league scrapped the rest of the season for 1,500 players after she informed team leaders that she had stood with other parents cheering on the sidelines before she got sick.
Ms. Chutter and Ms. Endich both emphasized the kindness of their neighbors, who spontaneously delivered food, water and encouragement. Ms. Chutter said health officials called daily to check on her. She is also aware of blaming and efforts to out the party attendees.
“It’s no use pointing fingers,” she said in an interview. “It’s not like you’re going to lock that one person up when there are millions of people in the world who have it. We’re so past that.”
The first partygoer to learn that he was ill with the virus passed word from Johannesburg to Westport that he had fully recovered and even planned to go for a jog.
“I don’t believe I’m the problem anymore,” he told The Sunday Times. “It seems that the real problem is now the people who are too scared to say anything. The problem is the ignorance of the public.”
one data point in favor of the toyot hypothesis
It’s increasingly clear that early data out of China was an anomaly: the coronavirus is severely harming people under 50, too. https://t.co/rT3oUKaZ7r
— BuzzFeed News (@BuzzFeedNews) March 25, 2020
Following reports that Prince Albert of Monaco has tested positive for #coronavirus, it’s probably worth pointing out that he was in the same room as Prince Charles at a @wateraid event in London on 10 March (nine days ago).
— Chris Ship (@chrisshipitv) March 19, 2020
h/t @RoyalReporter for spotting it pic.twitter.com/OoLY1fQT4c
From Buckingham Palace after Prince Charles news #coronavirus:
— Chris Ship (@chrisshipitv) March 25, 2020
“The Queen remains in good health. The Queen last saw The Prince of Wales briefly on the morning of 12 March and is following all the appropriate advice with regard to her welfare.” We will not be commenting further.”
A nurse at a Queens hospital described the escalating situation like the “wild, wild west.”
“They’re bullying (people) to sign (do not resuscitate, do not intubate) orders,” she said, of older patients in her ward, “and if you walk into a room and find somebody not breathing, you do not call any response whatsoever, you let them go.”

trakfactri posted:one theory that i found interesting, although it confirms my priors, is that the reason why the former soviet bloc is seeing fewer cases and deaths is due to those states' extensive and regular use of BCG vaccines to ward off tuberculosis.
bcg was given to everyone in the UK in secondary school until 2005 - dont know what this means for your theory
tears posted:dont know what this means for your theory
"The UK introduced universal BCG immunization in 1953, and until July 2005, the UK policy was to immunize all school children between 10 and 14 years of age, and all neonates born into high-risk groups."
so, that means that people up to 81 years old would have had it.. presumably we would expect lower rates in uk also?