str_el_boi posted:
btw the Daily Caller fucked up their new comments system and right now instead of having a thread for every article they're just all dumped into one communal feeding frenzy of confused angry idiots, if anyone wants to go have some fun
babyhueypnewton posted:Also liberals are developing a new stab-in-the-back myth for cops
Various friends and relatives had stopped speaking to her because she was a cop. During a protest in June around Police Headquarters, a demonstrator lobbed an explosive charge that set her pants on fire and scorched her legs.
She said she was spit on. She was belittled. Members of the city’s gay community, an inclusive clan that had welcomed her in when she first settled in Asheville, stood near her at one event and chanted, “All gay cops are traitors,” she said.
With some new homonationalism thrown into an old American fascist mythology.
lmao my dude………… you don’t know shit about Asheville
After a McCarthyite smear campaign & SLAPP suit designed to destroy us & ruin independent media, this elite NGO paints disgraced shammeister @SulomeAnderson as the victim.
— Max Blumenthal (@MaxBlumenthal) July 4, 2021
Turns out her dad’s on the board & the NGO employs her to do nothing.
No end to her shameless behavior.
cars posted:everything in that story is 100% plausible and it owns
That it happened doesn't prevent it from being mythologized. Whether Vietnam vets were spit on or not (or Germany was stabbed in the back by politicians) is missing ideological function of these historical moments. I think we're saying the same thing though.
Screenshots of Bagram after the troops left show low-level Pokemon, normally easily defeated, stuck guarding locations, perhaps indefinitely. A tiny Lotad has defended the former Warrior Chapel at Bagram for 10 days, while a lowly Aron has defended a memorial to a fallen servicemember for about two weeks.
...and against the real and horrible abuses of police that had been undeniably documented and spread through the entire population gaining ready access to digital cameras, which in turn provided the drive for those uprisings...
...and those uprisings were happening in major cities all over the country, cities that were otherwise cleared out because of a plague, and it was impossible to ignore, and people wanted to read about it, and that sells advertisements...
...and that reporting happened because CNN's liberal audience wanted to vicariously live through those uprisings out of frustration with a Republican in the White House (while Fox News's audience wanted to dream about their little fantasy-fash race war)...
...and because that audience loves to gawk at horror stories about KKK police and feel superior in their smug stealth-style racism vs. the garish, open kind, so long as someone out there doesn't it connect it with their actual position in society vs. those who tend to be brutally beaten, raped and murdered by the police, or to witness that firsthand in their own neighborhoods. (and the Fox audience, impotent ham-person weekend-hubcap-polishers that they are, wanted to live vicariously through those beatings, rapes and murders and dream of so very much more.)
even on the side of the "liberal" mainstream media, that was NEVER going to translate into long-lasting support for anti-pig sentiment from the Washington-establishment/Democrat-friendly types once a Democrat got into office, once the propaganda element disappeared for e.g. CNN's little mind-war with Trump...
ESPECIALLY Democrats like the Biden-Harris administration, who were so gratefully ready to fall into convoy-line with the top cops in Washington that they did a 180-degree slide-spin on Red Chinese conspiracy theories about COVID-19 the very moment the CIA said "Oh wait we found some other completely non-analyzed 'intelligence' in a broom closet at Langley." The Trump business made it very clear the agencies are willing to do the nastiest shittiest things still to defend their turf; the pigs say jump now and the White House negotiates how high and for what in return...
...because alllllllllllllllllllllllll that open collaboration against Trump, with the top cops, the security agencies, the "intelligence community", etc., well... the "anonymous source"-dependency machine was always there, keeping reporters in the dark and feeding them shit, and the reporters depending on that for exciting scoops in an age where the newspaper is all but dead...of course, the right-wing Democrat/top cop machine has been there as long as the Democrats and the fed-cop agencies have coexisted... and now that machinery has been tuned up and freshly oiled and well-maintained through constant contact, and it's social technology that goes all by itself so long as that happens. The DemoKKKrat / KKKop / KKKocktail circuit / "proud liberal media" nexus.
...i get the desire to look for patterns and try to counter them, I really really do, but I ask that people please don't fall into this moan and groan shit that has utterly consumed a lot of DSA-style "leftist discourse" over the Iraq war protests, the Occupy encampments, etc., and sometimes even conversations among people who should be able to separate the good from the bad and weigh it rationally. Again, I'm not questioning anyone's motivations, but objectively that ends up helping the pigs, to turn every twist and turn into this massive long game on their part with the teleological ultimate goal being whatever's happening right now.
solidar posted:to do the opposite and assume that there is no long term thinking beyond any given push and the most shortsighted market goals seems to me to be just as much of an error.
i guess i'll have to be worried if i ever do that lol. see you in my next massive post in the KKKonspiracy thread
Local media was called by LAPD themselves to witness the detonation of the explosives they choose not to transport away@CBSLA @ABC7 @FOXLA @NBCLA were all aware LAPD intentionally detonated these explosives in their boom truck
— LANC Watch (@LANCWatch) July 6, 2021
Here are the headlines when they blew up the block

cars posted:was visiting family over the holiday, NPR was parroting all the military propaganda fall-of-Saigon-style stuff about Troops leaving that base in Afghanistan, mom was like "Who cares!! We should have left years ago, we should have left a DECADE ago" and shut the radio off. she remembers Nixon and the Vietnam War and is getting really fed up with the pro-Troop/Spook stuff from Liberal Media lately. i love my parents
it's pretty interesting to me how lockstep the familiar media goblins have been on the sniveling Lost Cause Stabbed In The Back We Chose To Lose white savior bullshit and how thoroughly absolutely everyone who is an actual person, regardless of political orientation, are rejecting that. at this point the "liberal consensus" has constricted down to a little isolated circle of idiots getting paid to talk to themselves in the mirror
😂😂😂The @washingtonpost must have made this "correction" after massive Israel lobby fury. The "correction" amounts to: "Israel does not ban the Palestinian flag, however Israel does ban the Palestinian flag."
— Ali Abunimah (@AliAbunimah) July 12, 2021
Foreign video bloggers denouncing what they say is negative coverage of China on highly controversial subjects such as Xinjiang are attracting large numbers of subscribers on platforms like YouTube.
In recent years, the "vloggers" have been increasingly presenting themselves as China-lovers, spreading Communist Party disinformation.
YouTube labels Chinese state media like broadcaster CGTN as government-funded. But there is little policing when it comes to individuals promoting similar narratives.
Some vloggers are suspected of co-operating with state-owned outlets to spread China's rhetoric to the world. But it's far from clear what really motivates them, or how effective this strategy is.
shriekingviolet posted: video bloggers denouncing what they say is negative coverage of China on highly controversial subjects such as Xinjiang are attracting large numbers of subscribers on platforms like YouTube.
In recent years, the "vloggers" have been increasingly presenting themselves as China-lovers, spreading Communist Party disinformation.
YouTube labels Chinese state media like broadcaster CGTN as government-funded. But there is little policing when it comes to individuals promoting similar narratives.
Some vloggers are suspected of co-operating with state-owned outlets to spread China's rhetoric to the world. But it's far from clear what really motivates them, or how effective this strategy is.
its fucked up that these freaks can express their non state dept. endorsed opinions on line

are understood to have been aware of. lmao
Joan d’Arc: Intelligence agencies are understood to have been aware of the documents for some months and to have carefully examined them.
the only note i have here is that "Haines" is Avril Haines, the current Director of National Intelligence for United $naKKKe$.
but otherwise, i have nothing, i can't come up with funnier punch lines on purpose than CNN did by accident.

cars posted:

cars posted:
Weird campaign from the Taiwan Tourism Board.