Al-Nusra did a makeover (with al-Qaeda's approval, don't forget) and now has a "director of foreign media relations"
— Ben Norton (@BenjaminNorton) August 23, 2016
ben norton is really good with posting this stuff lately which is weird because like 6 months ago he wasnt anti-imperialist at all

#Biden: we don't support #Kurd corridor along Turkey border, told Kurds we won't support them if they don't return to east of Euphrates
— Barbara Plett (@BBCBarbaraPlett) August 24, 2016
xipe posted:referring more to western anarchist types enthralled by them but an ethnic minority attacking its own ethnic minorities on a quest to form a new israel and getting betrayed while betraying is nice
I don't think theres any actual evidence for the Kurds persecuting minorities (on the contrary, they were the only ones stopping the genocide of the yazidi while noone else cared) except for like, an amnesty international article that John Dolan even sent them an email over which made them clarify that they weren't actually accusing the Kurds of displacing people.
Further its pretty stupid to call it "new israel" since the Kurds are actually occupied by several different countries and their ambition is to be free of said occupation, rather than being a settler state that displaces the indigenous people.
Ronnski posted:Lots of laughs to be had by a persecuted ethnic minority getting attacked by one of the countries thats been violently suppressing them for decades for sure.
it must be so hard to pick which foreign power that armed you to pledge allegiance to
Ronnski posted:since the Kurds are actually occupied by several different countries and their ambition
one people one goal, no civil war or dissent as far as i know of (i am a idiot)
edit: i looked up the 1958 constitution or iraq or just constitution of iraq (edit: ON WIKIPEDIA) and the entire thing is just the U.S. drafted version w/ some reference to how they had, like, 7 constitutions before we invaded
Edited by EmanuelaBrolandi ()
the syrian army gave a truce favourable to them but the next day the ypg was surprise attacked by isis in that city, invaded by turkey and 'betrayed' by the usa.
Ronnski posted:Further its pretty stupid to call it "new israel" since the Kurds are actually occupied by several different countries and their ambition is to be free of said occupation, rather than being a settler state that displaces the indigenous people.
israel is also the unsinkable aircraft carrier tasked with disrupting any unity that might start developing in the region.
how would a US designed kurdistan differ re: disrupting the plans of iran iraq turkey syria?
look at us protectionate iraqi kurdistan for answers -- blackmailing the iraqi government into giving oil away for free, colluding with the turkish military to crush the pkk etc
xipe posted:the ypg decided to attack syrian soldiers (using the alqaeda/nato language of 'assadist regime forces' when they were local assyrians who have been in the area longer than kurds) and to take over a city while the syrian army is busy fighting alqaeda zerg rushes of thousands of fighter, threatening to cut off the supply route to aleppo where 1.5 million people are being protected by the syrian army from this multinational death squad army.
the syrian army gave a truce favourable to them but the next day the ypg was surprise attacked by isis in that city, invaded by turkey and 'betrayed' by the usa.
Ronnski posted:Further its pretty stupid to call it "new israel" since the Kurds are actually occupied by several different countries and their ambition is to be free of said occupation, rather than being a settler state that displaces the indigenous people.
israel is also the unsinkable aircraft carrier tasked with disrupting any unity that might start developing in the region.
how would a US designed kurdistan differ re: disrupting the plans of iran iraq turkey syria?
look at us protectionate iraqi kurdistan for answers -- blackmailing the iraqi government into giving oil away for free, colluding with the turkish military to crush the pkk etc
Why does it have to be "US designed"? How come people can't have an agency of their own instead of being emtpy vessels filled with CIA money and ideas? Lord knows the US isn't putting all its chips on the YPG to begin with.
Do Kurds lose the right to self determination the moment they get support from the USA? Do they have to ally with Russia and nations whose answer to the "kurdish question" is to hang them in order to be gold star anti-imperialist?
Ronnski posted:Lord knows the US isn't putting all its chips on the YPG to begin with.
WAIT WHAT???? *head explodes*
Edited by EmanuelaBrolandi ()
I suggest you come back when you can do a real Thug Lessons / conec level troll wherein you accuse us of insanity and also stalk someone on twitter if you really wanna get that 'WoW av wacky troll' vibe to work.
EmanuelaBrolandi posted:the kurds were allied w russia
But hell if they weren't also getting support by the USA, thus becoming a CIA front against the people's champ Assad.
im sorry ronnski you just bring a level of realness and common sense I can't handle right now
EmanuelaBrolandi posted:yeah I guess you're right the USSR and the US never funded the same people. how ludicrous of me to even suggest that might be the case
im sorry ronnski you just bring a level of realness and common sense I can't handle right now
To be honest I have absolutely no idea what point you're even trying to make. Heres mine though: that I absolutely support the YPG against tinpot dictators and jihadists regardless of whom they are getting temporary support from. Gloating about them getting attacked by Turkey, which has a long history of ethnic cleansing, is a bad look.
Thanks for your brave unconditional support of Western intervention against tinpot arab dictators
Ronnski posted:To be honest I have absolutely no idea what point you're even trying to make. Heres mine though: that I absolutely support the YPG against tinpot dictators and jihadists regardless of whom they are getting temporary support from. Gloating about them getting attacked by Turkey, which has a long history of ethnic cleansing, is a bad look.
can you give a summary history of the YPG?
Assad is continually referred to as a butcher, with nothing to back it up except barrel bombs.
Even their wiki page only has having a secret police as the main crime before the revolution of 2011.
This article came out a couple of days ago looking at a previous butcher, new hitler genocidal maniac
Assad had five siblings, three of whom are deceased. A sister named Bushra died in infancy. Assad's youngest brother, Majd al-Assad, was not a public figure and virtually nothing is known about him other than he was mentally or emotionally disabled, and according to SANA he died in 2009 after a "long illness". Unlike his brothers Bassel and Maher, and second sister, also named Bushra, Bashar was quiet and reserved and says that he lacked interest in politics or the military, and the Assad regime's personality cult focused on Bassel prior to his death. Bashar was said to have been bullied by his older brother Bassel. The Assad children reportedly rarely saw their father, and Bashar later stated that he only entered his father's office once while he was in power and he never spoke about politics with him.
i can hear the guy who wrote this re-reading it silently and just whispering "f*ggot"... to himself
Ronnski posted:Why does it have to be "US designed"? How come people can't have an agency of their own instead of being emtpy vessels filled with CIA money and ideas? Lord knows the US isn't putting all its chips on the YPG to begin with.
if you want to talk about the agency of people thats fine and real but ignoring huge influential factors like "what is the US, the most influential power in the world, with a great deal of direct influence and numerous proxy forces (that is, forces which push in directions explicitly or implicitly sanctioned by the US) in the region, planning" you're really not representing the choices available to people realistically.
Ronnski posted:Gloating about them getting attacked by Turkey, which has a long history of ethnic cleansing, is a bad look.
Interesting because the comment that set this off was about YPG fans ie., well,
swampman posted:Ronnski posted:
Gloating about them getting attacked by Turkey, which has a long history of ethnic cleansing, is a bad look.
Interesting because the comment that set this off was about YPG fans ie., well,
yeah and xipe followed that up by saying turkey attacking the kurds is nice, so ron's reading between the lines of the original statement turned out to be true
wasn't much of the support for the ypg given very hesitantly, and mostly small arms and air strikes? seems similar to british support of the arabs during ww1, being stuff that keeps you weak and able to be destroyed once the other enemy is done.
"THE SYRIAN Revolution has tested the left internationally by posing a blunt question: Which side are you on? Do you support the popular struggle against dictatorship and for democracy? Or are you with Bashar al-Assad's brutal regime, his imperial backer Russia, his regional ally Iran and Iran's proxies like Hezbollah from Lebanon?"
in 2016 they are describing the death squad rebels as a 'cultural revolution'.
even anarchists and liberals arent as thick as this.... they also lump the kurds in with daesh and 'the regime' since they are ~against the revolution~