thats my new tinder bio

Edited by MarxUltor ()


MarxUltor posted:

I interviewed for a job with a public housing department.

get the job and be sneaky-clean paperwork guy who secretly is revolutionizing housing.

i have an old copy of world war 3 illustrated (great punk magazine btw)

about HUD and reagan and how fucked everything was


u could probably secretly redline the proletariat


also i am friends with an exploited subcontractor
and writing poems for the homeless (i gave 1 to darwin, a Honduran)


if u quit u quit

if not then maybe some fucking homeless people

get houses

btw i am housed
but may need to apply for welfare/public housing assisstance at some point

if i don't make this poetry/gamedesign/philosophy/phdinmontreal
thing work

written sober btw

PS I am giving away my books via PM/my thread,

so if you want like 1-3 copies of WWIII illustrated

or just the one with the housing stuff

PM me

its great 2 drink and mosh 2

my philly crust friend sent me this one

this one is one i moshed 2 in OC (fuck the venue)
totally sober but high/drunk via social contact
with so many fucking drunk/high motherfuckers
i will drink till i die by hanging out sober in bars at punk shows

i am not in this video because i already drank myself to death
but i was moshing offscreen to the right

here's one i enjoyed that FUCKED ME UP:
my favorite bar and music venue closes for good tomorrow. im in mourning.

conclusion: amerikan society is sick, its houses and institutions must be razed to the ground, preferably with the inhabitants still inside.

Currently Drinking: Old Granddad
municipal waste owns
[account deactivated]
the passing of the torch
why not? my legacy as the coolest communist in east la is already secured and anyways b-sides 2 my smoothie recipes

i got a fever for the knife-heartbeats
and dancing is my middle and last names

i finally did get kicked out of a bar for telling a guy in a suit i had 6$ in my debit account (true) and then the owner/staff accused me of stealing his cocktail when he gave it to me as a gift


hell yeah

i will get in some barfights and shit at some point, but my mma training is going well so far ie i am not ready for a street fight so nothing happens
blue screen of death during a massive secure data transfer, i seem to have permanently lost a bunch of records

tpaine posted:

the vast majority of human biomass on this planet isn't worthy and should be stamped out. we can't blame something like capitalism for this, it's something ingrained in our character and we aren't worthy to live past a few more generations

mfw I realize the fucking theologians were right

i wanted to check some threads with new posts, but the new posts were all by methlab and goatstein. now i don't want to check any threads.

oh well...

I usually drink when I'm feeling good, or at least that's what I tell myself
I usually drink.
It seems to us at the very least somehow unfair that Christ should have died on the cross, that Mozart should have been been buried unidentifiably in a pauper's grave, or that Tolstoy should have breathed his last at a tiny provincial railroad station amid the chaotic and bitter emotional turmoil of his family relations. Not that we have to look to such exalted regions to find evidence that life is not as we should like it to be. It is virtually only the mythified diet of "fact" and fiction fed to us by entertainment media, the reassurance of the pomp and circumstance of the occasional death, which prop up the "credibility" of our cherished ideals. The truth is to be found near at hand in hospital wards, old people's homes, and indeed within our own families. The happiness and fulfillment upon which we suppose the meaning of our lives depend in fact constitute an illusion to which our collective cowardice in the face of truth leads us to hang on desperately even though for each of us in our individual experience it is an illusion which is shattered over and over again. Of course there is a tiny minority which does appear to achieve the goals so asssiduously pursued by the rest of us, but their success depends on our failure. All of this is only a cause for despair if we are incapable of conceiving the meaning of our existence in anything other than individual and objective terms. Though it may be frightening to penetrate the myth, to do so may be preferable than spending a lifetime in fruitless persuit of mythical goals.
You come back after a monthlong absence only to discover you are now a moderator at known hate site tHE rHizzonE

google-san nooo

(p.s. if anyone can link me to the tweet or post I was looking for there, the one with Kennedy saying "assemble my nazis" then please do)

cars posted:

here's a brief history of the 1960s

Jack Kennady: dialectical materialism is nothing but a cult religion
USSR: *turns science fiction into earth shaking reality*
Kenedy: ...assemble my Nazis

aww i love all of you.
john steppling
You don't fight fire with fire. The Martian bit was when I left the room. Are you really going to help the situation by making all white people look bad? It made me sick to my stomach. Is this any way to act? (no pun intended) I absolutely agree that there were some absolutely incredible black actors this time around. But you know, some things just happen the way they happen. People shouldn't assume it's a racist move. People will say "why isn't it innocent until proven guilty?" then turn around and call the Oscars racist without any factual evidence that the nominations were picked out of discrimination. So what do the Oscars do? Infuse the presentation with awkward, uncomfortable race jokes that stereotype white people as being racist. Is that really any way to handle things? Maybe the ones looking at the films for nominations honestly did have a hard, intense time picking people, and they did their best. Nobody should ASSUME they're being racist. It might've just worked out in such a way that makes them look bad. If you look at it intelligently, that IS a possibility. If it was with racist intention, I agree, it should be squashed immediately. That should not fly in this business. But to assume it's racist is ignorant.
On top of this, they're running the risk of making the people who worked so hard to get those Oscars feel BAD for winning because they're white. That's not cool, it's supposed to be a celebration of cinema, something you can be passionate about no matter what color of skin, size or shape you are. We're in this together. We have things to work out, absolutely, but white-shaming and stereotyping isn't the way to move in a better direction.
EDIT- I shouldn't have to say this, but people have decided to be immature about the matter and point fingers towards other issues, argue semantics, bring up the past, or other various ways of deviating from my original post. I'll just lay it out on the table. I believe gay people deserve the right to marry like everyone else. I believe women should be treated equally with men. Finally, I believe blacks, whites, asians, latinos, wherever you're from and whatever you identify as, should be all treated equally. That is why I don't think it's okay to be hurtful towards white people, just as it's not okay to be hurtful towards ANY people, no matter what race, sex, or identity. That's the point of my original post.
You come to after a weeklong bender only to discover you are now the OP of the Stalin thread at known hate site tHE rHizzonE
You are not the kind of guy who would be at a place like this at this time of the morning. But here you are, and you cannot say that the terrain is entirely unfamiliar, although the details are fuzzy. You are at a nightclub talking to a girl with a shaved head. The club is either Heartbreak or the Lizard Lounge. All might come clear if you could just slip into the bathroom and do a little more Bolivian Marching Powder. Then again, it might not. A small voice inside you insists that this epidemic lack of clarity is the result of too much of that already. The night has already turned on that imperceptible pivot where two A.M. changes to six A.M. You know this moment has come and gone, but you are not yet willing to concede that you have crossed the line beyond which all is gratuitous damage and the palsy of unraveled nerve endings. Somewhere back there you could have cut your losses, but you rode past that moment on a comet trail of white powder and now you are trying to hang on to the rush. Your brain at this moment is composed of brigades of tiny Bolivian soldiers. They are tired and muddy from their long march through the night. There are holes in their boots and they are hungry. They need to be fed. Just give me some amphetamines lady.
theres an episode in the new x files season that involves muslim extremists bombing a location in texas (no city, just TEXAS), and then mulder takes magic mushrooms to communicate with one who is in a coma/nearly dead in order to thwart more imminent attacks and it ends with mulder and scully philosophizing about what is there to be done about such rampant and inexplicable Hate???
someone asked me to watch that episode. the "philosophizing" at the end was so lifeless and stilted that it seems david duchovny and gillian anderson were genuinely confused by their hamfisted lines.

the hallucination scene spends most of its time on an exploitative dance sequence of titillatingly dressed cowgirls, with a brief digression in which mulder has a bondage fantasy about the young coworker he just met. mulder is revealed to have not actually taken drugs and tripped on the placebo effect in a bizarre plot point that i can only imagine exists to pander to the shows' FBI consultants/handlers.

the episode presents itself as an enlightened "the truth is in the middle, both sides have bad extremes" mediator with inconsequential moments of superficial sympathy like a soon-to-be bomber being jeered at by cowboys. the message of the episode is clumsily spelled out as "some muslims are good people, too bad their religion is an evil mind virus that brainwashes people into indiscriminate violence for no discernible reason."

the episode concludes with a sentimental zoom out that progresses from a flyover view to a shot of the earth from space. it is the kind of shit that you would expect from a fourth graders microsoft movie maker project about Tolerance.

the plot is borderline incoherent

television is... Bad???
[account deactivated]
i think the placebo thing was an effort to officially cover einstein's (yes, the young fbi agent thats and analogue for scully is named einstein) ass, when she actually did administer psilocybin, but i may have put more thought into it than the actual show's writers. it was an abomination on every level and makes me wonder if the original 9 series was actually garbage that i only like because of Nostalgia

gyrofry posted:

You are not the kind of guy who would be at a place like this at this time of the morning. But here you are, and you cannot say that the terrain is entirely unfamiliar, although the details are fuzzy. You are at a nightclub talking to a girl with a shaved head. The club is either Heartbreak or the Lizard Lounge. All might come clear if you could just slip into the bathroom and do a little more Bolivian Marching Powder. Then again, it might not. A small voice inside you insists that this epidemic lack of clarity is the result of too much of that already. The night has already turned on that imperceptible pivot where two A.M. changes to six A.M. You know this moment has come and gone, but you are not yet willing to concede that you have crossed the line beyond which all is gratuitous damage and the palsy of unraveled nerve endings. Somewhere back there you could have cut your losses, but you rode past that moment on a comet trail of white powder and now you are trying to hang on to the rush. Your brain at this moment is composed of brigades of tiny Bolivian soldiers. They are tired and muddy from their long march through the night. There are holes in their boots and they are hungry. They need to be fed. Just give me some amphetamines lady.

please tell me you wrote that, it's really good.

it's from bright lights, big city by kurdt cobain
there was only one good episode from this run of the x-files and im sure u know which one im talking about
The lizard one
[account deactivated]
did swampman just downvote me for saying i love people in the drinking thread

cars posted:

did swampman just downvote me for saying i love people in the drinking thread

swampman is out of control, his power knows no bounds

- you've somehow become the acting admin of a splinter of a copy of a comedy subforum of a political discussion forum